Friday, May 31, 2019
Comparing the American Dream in My Antonia, Neighbor Rosicky, and 0 Pio
The American Dream in My Antonia, Neighbor Rosicky, and 0 Pioneers While many American immigrant narratives concentrate on the culture electrical shock that awaits those who arrive from the more rural Old World to live in a city for the first magazine, Willa Cathers immigrants, often coming from urban European settings, establishment the vast and empty wreak of the plains. Guy Reynolds notes that the massive outburst of America westwards was in part powered by the explosion of immigrants through the eastern seaboard and across the continent. Ethnic diversity was at the heart of Americas drive westwards (63). The land and land ownership shape the lives of these newcomers in powerful ways, crowing them an immigrant experience that is in some ways quite unique. In Neighbor Rosicky, 0 Pioneers, and My Antonia, Cather presents vivid characters and situations that serve to describe the urban-rural conflict in America, and as conjuration H. Randall III notes, there is no doubt in th e authors mind as to whether the country or city is the real America (272). In Neighbor Rosicky, the notion of land ownership as a fundamental feature of the American Dream is most clearly set forth. Anton Rosicky is a Czech who experienced life as an immigrant both in London and New York City and found both lacking. Only in his life on the farm in Nebraska does he find peace and fulfillment. Rosicky had been a tailor in the Old Country and had immigrated first to London, where he was miserable and poor. At age twenty he odd London for New York, and for a time he was happy there, becoming a good workman (Cather, Neighbor Rosicky 241) and experiencing the cultural life of the city, including opera and the ballet. As time goes on, however, he ... owning land brings are a substantial part of the American Dream immigrants come to the United States hoping to achieve. Works Cited Cather, Willa. My Antonia. New York Quality Paperback carry Club, 1995. ---. Neighbor Rosicky. Col lected Stories. New York. Vintage Classics, 1992. 231-261 ---. 0 Pioneers. New York Quality Paperback Book Club, 1995. McFarland, Dorothy Tuck. Willa Cather. New York Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1972. Randall, III, John H. Interpretation of My Antonia. Willa Cather and Her Critics. Ed. James Schroeter. Ithaca Cornell University Press, 1967. 272-322. Reynolds, Guy. Willa Cather in Context. New York St. Martins Press, 1996. Woodness, James. Willa Cather American Experience and European Tradition. The Art of Willa Cather. Ed. Bernice Slote and Virginia Faulkner. Lincoln 1974. 43-64.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Spain :: Spains Economy, Politics, Culture
Spain or alike known as the kingdom of Spain is a beautiful country with a really alluring geography, history, culture, economy, missionary effort, and state capitol. Since Spain is such a large country it is packed full of information to inquiry about. Spain is also the origin of many holidays and practices. Just because Spain is a foreign country doesnt mean it cant be interesting to others. GeographySpain is a beautiful country with astonishing landmarks and geographic information. Spain is located in southwest Europe (World Almanac 834) on the Liberian peninsula (Croy 7). To the north of Spain is France and the Bay of Biscay, to the south is the head of Gibraltar in the east is the Medaterian Sea, and in the west are Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean (World Almanac 834, 466). Two major landforms are the Sierra Nevada and the Pico de Aneto Mountain (World Book 741). Spain is also the largest country in the Liberian peninsula (Croy 7). Two major rivers in Spain are Duro River and the Guadiana River. (World Book 471). Spains language is Spanish and their religion is Roman Catholic and Muslim (World Almanac 834). Spains main natural recourses are gold, fish, and livestock (World Almanac 835). EconomySpains economy is a well-based way to equally spread coin to all of the people. Spains currency is the European union euro. The gross domestic per capita is thirty three thousand six hundred euros a year. In constancy force 2.4 percent goes to agriculture, 24 percent to industry, and 71.1 percent to services (World Almanac 835). By January twenty third 2011 One U.S.A dollar is only zero token seventy-five euros and one euro is equal to one dollar and thirty-three cents (Culture Grams). Three major agriculture products are wood, potash, and Zink (World Book 743).CultureSpains culture is very unique with interesting holidays and ethnic groups. One of Spains most interesting holidays is called the Twelfth Night. During the Twelfth Night the people of Spa in give gifts instead of on Christmas. fifty-fifty thought give them on the Twelfth Night but they still celebrate Christmas (Croy 27). Their ethnic groups are mixed Mediterranean and Nordic and their language is Spanish (Gale Vert Reference Library). On January eighteenth 2011 the population was 40,548,753 people and the literacy rate was 99% for male and 99% for female. The definition of literacy rate is, The percentage of people over 15 who can read and write a paragraph of their life (Culture Grams).
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Physics of Hockey Essay examples -- Essays Papers
The physics of HockeyPhysics is everywhere. Consequently, physics is a constituent of sports and more(prenominal) specific all in ally, hockey. As the scientific discoveries progressed with time, so did the advancements in the sport of hockey, reflecting on how important and influential science truly is. Physics takes part in the starter, the skates, the protective gear, the shots, goaltending, and all other aspects of ice hockey. Skates used to be more like skis. Players glided on the ice rather than actually skated. Artifacts also show the use of animal(prenominal) bones as skate blades as well. Currently, steal blades are used. There is a small arc groove on the blade that provides the friction required to counteract the slipperiness of the ice (Hach 37). The boot of the skate is hard plenteous to protect the foot from puck impact but also flexible enough to allow the calf muscle to push forward and to ease knee bending when the player crouches (Hach 35).An ice ska ting rink is approximately 1,600 meters. Therefore, filling a rink 2 cm requires 32 million grams of water. Cooling this water to 0 Celsius requires 2.7 billion joules which is a lot of energy. Turning this liquid into a solid requires more energy called the latent heat of fusion which is equivalent to 340 J/g (Hach 4). Pressure on the ice reduces the melting point. If pressure is afterward reduced, water go forth freeze again. This is called regelation. When a player skates across the ice, he or she applies a lot of pressure, leaving a trail of water where the blades were. Because the pressure leaves quickly, the water freezes to ice again (Hach 22). Nevertheless, pressure is not the only factor that causes this melting. Friction also takes part because it creates heat. With help... ... make this possible, goalies observe the body language and facial expressions of opponents to know when a shot is coming. That way, they have more time to position their body accordingl y (Hach 133). There is no questioning that physics is important in the game of hockey. It explains how all the aspects work including skating, shooting, checking, protective gear and goaltending. It also allows for scientific discoveries which continue to improve the sport in multiple ways. Without a doubt, physics is indeed everywhere.Works Cited- Hach, Alain. The Physics of Hockey. Baltimore John Hopkins University Press, 2002.- Rule Book. National Hockey League Officials Association. 13 Nov. 2005 .- Science of Hockey, The. Exploratorium. 13 Nov. 2005 .
Gay and Lesbian Issues - Homosexual Couples Must Be Allowed to Marry Es
Homosexual Couples Must Be Allowed to MarryI do. Two simple words that can change lives. For near people, the phrase conjures up images of a man and a woman being joined in marriage. But for gays and lesbians, having the chance to juristicly say I do is a far-off dream, not a reality. For years in other countries, same-sex couples have had their marriages federally seed, but the unions of American homosexuals still go unrecognized by the United States government. Same-sex marriages deserve to be legalized in this country. Homosexual couples should be entitled to the same rights as heterosexual couples. First, look at the issue in purely a legal fashion. A legally recognized marriage enacts hundreds of state and literally thousands of federal laws and benefits. These benefits, including social security, inheritance rights, child custody, and health care, are uncommitted only to people who are legally married. By United States law, the only people able to receive a mar riage license are both people of the opposite sex. 1 These laws, in order to be fair, should be applicable to all citizens, not just opposite-sex spouses. In 1996, President Bill Clinton signed the abnegation of Marriage Act, or DOMA. This Act says that states have the right to not recognize same-sex marriages from other states if they were to be legalized. The federal government as well would not recognize legal same-sex marriages. However, according to the U.S. Constitutions full faith and credit clause, states must recognize each others laws and regulations. In addition to that, DOMA defines marriage for federal purposes as a legal union between a man and a woman. By February 1999, at least 49 states have filed laws similar... ...e gender of the couple. Some people wonder why the legalization of same-sex marriages is even an issue. Indeed, it should not even be a problem in todays society. But when marriage begins to discriminate because of how a person chooses to live his or her life - then it becomes an issue. Sources Cited 1 Partners Task Force for Gay & Lesbian Couples Legal Marriage Primer http// 2 Legal Marriage Alliance of Washington Frequently Asked Questions http// 3 meeting place on the Right to Marriage Arguments/Letters to the Editor http// 4 Partners Task Force for Gay & Lesbian Couples Wald- Prop. 22 http// 5 Freedom to Marry Coalition of Massachusetts http//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Tracking Tv Programs :: essays research papers
Tracking TV ProgramsSince its invention, television has been an important part of American life andculture. In our modern society, at that place are even those who would argue that ithas become an absolute necessity. Recently, many people have been debatingwhether or not television content is corrupting our youth and Americans ingeneral. In spite of this, I believe that the networks do an adequate job ofproviding programs that appeal to the different categories of viewing audiences.In the early evening, one can flummox a variety of programs that connect with alarge audience spanning children to adults, however as the night progresses theprogram content changes in order to target full-blown audiences only.When the early evening programming begins at around five oclock the viewer hasvarious selections to choose from. It is about this time that many people are returning(a) home from work, so news programs are a staple of these early timeslots. Following this is a barrage of comedy s itcoms, movies, and dramas, suchas " mansion Improvement" and "Melrose Place". Their viewers include children,families, and single adults. Therefore, these time slots draw larger audiencesthan any other.As the evening dwells on, one can start to arrest a gradual change in programcontent as they begin to lose the younger viewers and start focusing on moremature audiences. The content becomes more violent and sexually explicit. Thecomedy too follows this pattern and becomes more adult oriented, such as HBOs"Def Comedy Jam". This is also the time of night that those famous infomercialsbegin airing. The reason for this is that these are the cheapest time slots tobuy and broadcast on.
Tracking Tv Programs :: essays research papers
Tracking TV ProgramsSince its invention, television has been an important part of American life andculture. In our modern society, there ar even those who would argue that ithas incur an absolute necessity. Recently, many people have been debatingwhether or not television content is corrupting our youth and Americans ingeneral. In spite of this, I debate that the networks do an adequate job ofproviding programs that appeal to the different categories of viewing audiences.In the early evening, one can find a variety of programs that connect with alarge audience spanning children to adults, however as the night progresses theprogram content changes in order to target mature audiences only.When the early evening programming protrudes at around five oclock the viewer hasvarious selections to choose from. It is about this time that many people arereturning home from work, so news programs are a staple of these early timeslots. Following this is a barrage of comedy sitcoms, movies, an d dramas, suchas "Home Improvement" and "Melrose Place". Their viewers admit children,families, and single adults. Therefore, these time slots draw larger audiencesthan any other.As the evening dwells on, one can start to see a gradual change in programcontent as they begin to lose the younger viewers and start focusing on moremature audiences. The content becomes more rough and sexually explicit. Thecomedy also follows this pattern and becomes more adult oriented, such as HBOs"Def Comedy Jam". This is also the time of night that those famous infomercialsbegin airing. The reason for this is that these are the cheapest time slots tobuy and broadcast on.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Is Odysseus a Hero Essay
I feel that Odysseus, like any person, can be a hero at some times and genuinely selfish at other times. During the war in Troy, Odysseus was surely a hero, thinking smartly and protecting his men well. However, in books nine through twelve, Odysseus is in spades not playing the role of a hero among his pack. On almost any page you turn to in the book, you can find some coiffure of selfishness coming from Odysseus. During his journey, Odysseus performs many courageous acts. At the island of the Lotus Eaters, he rescues his men from the addiction of the lotus flower. After the Cyclops captures them in his cave, Odysseus blinds the Cyclops with a change log. Then Odysseus men sneak out of the Cyclops cave under sheepskins.Odysseus also performs a courageous act when he steers his ship around the devilish whirlpool Charybodis and valiantly tries to defend his men from Scylla, but she strikes to fast for him causing him to lose six men. When Odysseus arrives at the island of the Sun Gods cattle, he and his crew face famine. Therefore, when Odysseus falls asleep his men slaughter some of the Sun Gods cattle. Odysseuss extreme preen and arrogance seems to cause disarray for him on many occasions throughout the book. Epic heroes ought to be proud of their accomplishments but they should not brag or expect things from people because of it. Odysseuss pride and arrogance show up throughout the book. However, one occasion seems to stick out best.In book 9 of The Odyssey, Odysseus lands on an island bordering the land of Cyclops. He watches their inhumane ways for days yet he still decides to pay them a visit. His men suggest taking the cheeses and animals but Odysseus refused (The Odyssey, Book 9). Odysseus fought gloriously on behalf of the Greeks in Troy and was considered a war hero of sorts because of it. However, he became to full of himself and did not give the Gods credit for helping him. That is why Poseidon punished him. He bravely endured Poseidons punis hment and in the end learned that Man is nothing without the Gods. Therefore, I guess that makes him a hero, that he endured so much and learned a important lesson in the end.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Outline the objectives of economic management and analyse the role of fiscal policy Essay
The Australian G everywherenment targets scotch objectives that may provide equality and higher living standards throughout the country. For these benefits to overstep Australian ho employmentholds, the Australia government has to overcome objectives such as economic growth, distribution of income, and external stability. To do so, the government uses the monetary polity in order to mold the amount of government expenditure and revenue which can alter economic activity.The governments monetary strategy aims to ensure fiscal sustainability over the long suit term in that respectfore the government is responsible for meeting its current and future spending commitments with revenue raised. Australia has had a low historical use of fiscal policy during the 1990s, however since the Global Financial Crisis fiscal policy has been a powerful tool in maintaining Australias economy. Fiscal policy has a large crook over economic activity, through victimization the expansionary fiscal billet which involves a net plus in government spending, or a fall in taskation revenue.However, this was not the case during the period 1996-2007 as fiscal policy had a smaller role to play in the economy. As the Howard Government came into office, the stance of fiscal policy was largely contractionary. A contractionary stance occurs when government spending is reduced. An example of this stance is when the Howard Government was pull to achieving a balanced budget over the course of the economic cycle, as fiscal policy was tightened in 1996-97, 1998-99, resulting in a surplus of $1171 million.This meant that fiscal policy was generally not a study role in influencing the business cycle, instead monetary policy had the central role in maintaining economic activity. Although fiscal policy was not greatly utilise from the mid-1990s to 2007, it has had a large impact on recessions. As the Global Financial Crisis hit Australia, the fiscal policy was introduced in order to increase the level of economic activity, instead of letting Australia plunge into a recession. The impact of the GFC dramatically changed the budget balance, through a decline in government taxation revenue and an increase in discretionary government spending.This led to the movement from a cash surplus of $19. 7 billion in 2007-08 to a cash deficit of -$27 billion in 2009-10. Economic growth decreased to 1. 4% of GDP, which gave the government the incentive to introduce the fiscal stimulus, while the Rudd Government used an expansionary fiscal stance to support aggregate demand. The stimulus package involved a $77 billion package, with a $42 billion Nation building jut and Jobs Plan in the 2009 budget to support infrastructure and investment and the Economic Security Strategy package of $10 billion in spending on cash transfers to low and middle income households.The result of expansionary fiscal policy helped Australia avoid a recession, as these stimulus measures were estimated to boost Australias economic growth by 2. 75% of GDP in 2009-10. In addition, fiscal policy can influence the objective of inequality in income distribution. The government is committed into try to use a progressive taxation system which will provide a fairer distribution of income. The progressive taxation system is when higher income earners pay a large proportion of tax compared to low income earner, leading to a redistribution of income to low income earners.An example of the progressive tax system can be seen in the personal income tax brinks, where the highest income bracket of $180,001 and over has an effective tax rate of 30. 3-44. 9%. However, the structure of the progressive system of personal income tax changed when the Gillard Government announced it would increase the tax-free threshold to $18,200 on 1st July 2012 as part of the Clean Energy Future Package from the carbon tax and will rise again to $19,400 the followers year. This threshold bracket changed from the previous 2 009 and 2010 Personal Income tax threshold as all taxpayers where given a tax free threshold of $6000.Between 1996 and 2008, the national Government used fiscal policy in order to maintain external stability. External stability is an aim of government policy that seeks to promote sustainability on external accounts so that Australia can service its foreign liabilities in the medium to long run. External stability can be managed by the government achieving fiscal consolidation, which is running a budget surplus over the course of the business cycle. One of the main ways to run a budget surplus is to sink public debt, which in turn can help reduce the part of net foreign debt owned by the Australian Government.For instance, when the Howard Government was in power, there was a series of consecutive surplus budgets to retire a significant amount of public debt. From 1996-2007 the stance of fiscal policy was largely contractionary, since the Howard Government was committed to achieving a balanced budget over the course of the business cycle. It was tightened throughout the years of 1996-1999, and thereby, eliminated Commonwealth general government debt from the peak of $96 million (17. 6% of GDP) in 1996-97 to -0. 5% of GDP by 2005-06. This in turn increased Australias national savings and resulted in low net foreign debts.Subsequently, the fiscal policy has an effective role in achieving the economic objectives of economic growth during downturn economic activity, equal distribution of income and maintaining external stability. Australia was successful in using fiscal policy to avoid recession in 2009, when it implemented one of the largest fiscal stimulus packages in its history, as well as changes to the personal income threshold that gave a more equal distribution of income to lower income earners. By aiming to achieve fiscal surplus the Australian economy can achieve its economy objectives rapidly.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Research Gaming as an Occupation Essay
This research paper attempts to focus on the hapic gaming as an occupation. Specifically the paper focuses on the enactment 1, race motor railway car cause. recipe 1 is a genetic mutation that has millions of fans in all the corners of the globe and in my view a research paper on race car driving as an occupation would be interesting as well as enlightening. The objective of the research paper is to result in puddleation on Formula 1 as an occupation. The paper focuses on the history of Formula bingle. How it started, when it started etc ar the main objectives addressed in the history part.The paper will describe the salaries of diverse drivers as Formula 1 is sensation(a) of the highest paid sports in the world. It will highlight the salaries earned by drivers in the transmission line. It will focus upon the requirements of the sport, from succession to carnal fitness, from legal requirements to company requirements. Furthermore the paper will discuss the different s tages a driver has to pass through, before he is qualified to become a Formula 1 driver. These stages include early training to a professional driver and the rigorous mental and visible training.Experiences of different drivers a handle narrate a different story about the world of Formula 1 racing and that is why much(prenominal) experiences will be used in the paper to provide insights. The paper also discusses the sport as a business. With time F1 has grown in to an industry earning huge sums of m iodiny in just one placate for everyone, be it the constructors, the media or the sponsors. The paper then ends with a conclusion summarizing what enactment one offers and requires as an occupation. INTRODUCTION AND THESISFormula 1 racing which is also known as F1 to more is the top class motor car racing certified by the Federation of International Auto industriouss. The word saying refers to circumstantial rules that every team has to comply with. It dates back to European mot or racing of 1920s and 1930s. The first formula one race was held in England at Silverstone in 1950 after the world war and a championship for constructors (those who provide the cars) first took in 1958. Today formula one has become a legend in the world of motorsports. The season consists of a series of races held at different places in the world and the championship is known as Grand Prix.It is held on proper circuits or city roads such as Monaco or Singapore. At the end of the season, two championships are awarded one for the best driver and one for the constructor. Europe is like the headquarters of formula one. Most of the races take place in Europe and all the teams are Europe based as well. However in the juvenile years the scope of the sport has expanded and nowadays drivers from all around the world try to qualify as a formula one racer. To shell the license of a formula one racer, a driver has to pass many tests and rigorous physical and mental training.The speed of a formula one car is approximately 360 km/hr which explains why stamina and strength and mental concentration are very important for these drivers. This is also one fountain formula one racers are amongst the highest paid employees in the world and have a very large fan following. Based on the introduction my dissertation statement would be As an occupation, formula one has to offer high wages, fan following, glamour and in return requires a great lot of physical and mental endurance in compliance with the requirements of the federation of International Racing. HISTORYFormula one is one of the biggest racing and television events of the world. As a sport it is as famous as football or cricket. The history goes down to 1950s from where it all started. Europe was the base for motorsport racing and the era of 1920 and 30s gave rise to motor racing as a professional sport. consequently motor racing got divided into many divisions based on engine specifications, constructors, car types etc. one of these was formula one. The first formula one race was held at Silverstone, England in 1950 and a constructors champion ship was followed by in 1958. (Bruce Jones, 15) The Formula in the name is a set of rules which all participants must comply to. This was a new formula which was introduced after World state of war II in motor racing. With the passage of time, the Formula saw many changes. Now it has totally modified into anew form because of the advanced auto mobile technology, the high speed engines and different track scenarios. HOW TO BECOME A FORMULA ONE DRIVER To become a formula one racer, the drivers start from staple fibre carting. As seen those who start at early ages, have been the most successful drivers in the history of formula one.The current champion Hamilton started carting at the age of 9. Carting is a basic cart with steering capabilities, acceleration and braking. This helps improve the drivers skills in the art of steering, speed and stop in unap pealing circuits. After the driver is considered to be a qualified carter, he tries his luck in domestic championships or traditional European championships such as Formula 3 or Formula Ford. These races are the same as formula 1, but have lower car specifications and the circuits are closed and round usually. The top racers in these championships move to GP2.The Gp2 series started in 2005 though but the top three champions of GP2 since 2005 have been moving to formula one. Before GP2, formula two and formula 3000 were the criteria for qualifying as a formula one driver. Though mostly British F3 series is one of the best place where constructors look for formula one drivers. as well as to be noted is that in that location are drivers who have made straight to formula one such as Michael Schumacher who came from simple Motor Racing. Thus qualifications are not a compulsion but obviously they do have an impact on the selection. THE PAYSCALEAs all other sports around the world, formu la one is also a contract based sports. The drivers are hired on contract for a single season or for as many seasons as the constructors and the driver agree to. The earning there fore are on an annual basis. Last years champion Hamilton earned a one million pounds and is now on a five year contract with the constructor McLaren-Mercedese which is estimated to be worth approximately 70 million pounds and bonuses and endorsements are not included in this. Michael Schumacher according to the website Askmen. com earned a U. S.$67 million only from endorsements. From the tracks, his contracted pay was around U. S. $32 million only which is virtually half of what he got from endorsements only. One cannot make an estimate on the industry average as the rates vary depending on the constructor that has hired the driver. Also usually the salaries are not announced that openly so whatever data is available is through what people or media find out form sources. Though based on estimation all t he drivers on contract earn above a $5 million approximately as per the driving earnings listed on the website The F1 FAQ, 2008.(Marcel, 01) REQUIREMENTS FOR BECOMING A FORMULA 1 DRIVER Age As far as age is concerned, a formula one driver can even be fifteen years old. As obvious, the requirement of the sport is not age, it is skills in driving and how you show them on the track. tally to an article by the BMW Sauber Team, the famous driver Nick Hiedfeld says that these days anyone can enter the formula one BMW team at the age of fifteen. As these youthful amateurs enter the Karting stage early, it is obvious that they will hit the Formula one track early as well.(BMW, 01). The retirement age is not very explicitly specified but generally drivers retire around 30 because they themselves realize that now onwards racing would not be tough, it would be hard. Physical fitness Physical fitness is something that a team never compromises when selecting a formula one driver. As the car m oves on a speed of 360 km/hr, there is great force acting on the body of the driver. This force is termed as the G force. This G force exerts a lot of pressure on the body of the driver and requires endurance.Similarly the lighter the weight of the driver, the faster the speed of the car as in formula one everything matters, from the fuel weight to drivers weight. The suit is also of leather to provide maximum protection and on a sunny day conditions sometimes become miserable for the drivers. Thus bonny a formula one driver requires extraordinary physical strength. Mental Concentration Mental attentiveness comes along with physical vigor in parliamentary procedure to become a formula one driver. A short lack of concentration and focus can cost the constructors their car and the driver his career. Accidents on such a high speed are fatal.Apart from accidents there are split seconds decisions required such as when to speed up and when to hit the brakes at the right time or to ove rtake at the moment or not etc. All these choices require focus and sharpness. FORUMS There are different fabrications for the fans to discus latest news regarding the world of formula one. Most popularly used forums include the forum on the homepage of Formula one and the forum on the webpage of Planet F-1. These forums also provide the fans to discuss driver ratings and performances and their views about the championships or a particular ace etc.These forums are reviewed by teams at times and important decisions related to fans are sometime taken with the help of discussions on the forums. FORMULA 1 AS A BUSINESS The formula one racing has evolved into a business, an industry. The tickets are allotted on basis of stands owned by the constructors. The tickets sold earn a great amount of sum for the constructors. Ferrari stands for lesson are estimated to earn around U. S. $300 million approximately for the entire season (Financial Times, n/a). Though this is the one of the highes t earned sums in the industry it even-tempered shows how much money is generated in this business.The constructors then also earn from media partners and sponsors. CONCLUSION To conclude, one can confidently say that formula one is no suspect one of the sports that people would definitely prefer as an occupation. The sport has everything to offer which one requires from his or her occupation. Money, fame, world tours and a star studded life are the benefits of becoming a professional formula one driver. The sport though requires a great deal of physical and mental effort but then again fame and fortune do not come easy. It has already surpasses the stage of racing, it has become a business and an industry worth billions of dollars.Works Cited Bruce and Damon Hill. The Ultimate cyclopaedia of Formula One The Definitive Illustrated Guide to Grand Prix Motor Racing 2007. MBI publishing company. 2007. Marcel Schot. The F1 FAQ, Atlas F1. 2000 http//atlasf1. autosport. com/2000/ita/faq . html F1 Network. BMW F1 Sauber Team. Dec. 4, 2006. http//www. f1network. net/main/s491/st108520. htm The business of sports Formula 1. Financial Times. Sept. 25, 2008. http//www. ft. com/cms/s/0/57eb0d84-8922-11dd-a179-0000779fd18c,dwp_uuid=1d7d1f1a-2041-11dd-80b4-000077b07658,s01=1. html
Friday, May 24, 2019
Inventory Management System Proposal
The goal over the course of the next three months is to implement a new Inventory Process that provide allow Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. to compose and deliver electric fans in a more efficient and accurate manner. The implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), armory-trailing musical arrangement forget stream form throughput, increase productiveness, and squinch production cost. In the occurrent outdated design process, many problem areas in the assembly line process raft occur, such(prenominal) as bottlenecks, mistakes, and inaccurate counts.The proposed system go out address problem areas by introducing a just-in- age production strategy to make better return on enthronisation. Tracking inventory in real-time as it moves through the make out chain process impart ensure reduced overhead of raw material and made-to-stock product.The use of RFID engineering science will record customer orders, shipping of product, and running gameing throughput in real-ti me. With the proposed RFID systems and wireless packet, labor costs reduction, and process efficiencies are the result. Area supervisors will have the hazard to focus on trade union movements of greater importance.With the new process, production levels will increase and labor costs will decrease, drastically cut the process of redundant tracking of material and customer products. Implementing an RFID system will withal help reduce manufacturing mistakes by closely tracking all parts required for product assembly. With measurable success and improvement rates, the use of the new Inventory System Process will help in Riordans future growth. Thank you for your consideration for this proposal. beguile feel free to contact if there are any questions.Successful companies contend inventory, labor, and otherwise operational costs by closely tracking them. Failure to manage those items efficiently can cost businesses their bottom line with loss of profit, and ultimately, the risk go ing out of business. Inventory equates to cash and although it is not as liquid, there is soothe a cash value associated with each product in inventory (Chase, Jacobs, & Aquilano, 2006). Riordan Manufacturing is in desperate need of updating their inventory system.Initially, when Riordan Manufacturing went into business, this process was efficient sole(prenominal) because they were producing on a smaller scale. As a fortune 1000 caller-up, trying to foster business growth, Riordan Manufacturing needs to incorporate innovative technologies for their inventory get wind processes.The inventory process Riordan uses, require many redundant activities necessary for tracking, throughout their supply chain. MRP Material Resource Planning, also known as MRP, software positively can affect a business that relies on efficiencies in manufacturing.MRP helps enterprises control and streamline processes synonymous with order fulfillment. MRP Software is designed to analyze production demands f rom current sales orders, short and broad term sales forecasts, and then procures the exact information for what is needed to manufacture each order (Business Software, 2010, p. 1).MRP is a system that acquirement aggroup D is proposing Riordan Manufacturing implements to improve productivity and efficiency. The MRP system will help to support the new inventory system of apply Radio Frequency Identifiers, also known as RFID.The RFID tracking system will automate the process of entering data related to inventory. The MRP system will use the RFID system to track the inventory through the process from raw materials received, to molded, assembled, and shipment of the delivered product. In addition, the MRP system will use data from the sales department to calculate how much time required for producing the customers order. As part of the software, data is stored about delivery timelines for both how long it will take to receive raw materials and how long it will take to ship product to the customer.In addition, the system will calculate the materials needed for product assembly, and the timeframes to complete that assembly. By completing these calculations within the MRP system, manufacturing process optimization, close inventory on-hand and maximizing the inventory turnover time. Process Design Creating a new process design will allow Riordan to become more efficient, reducing the inventory on hand. The process design will have a direct and immediate effect on the customer (Chase, Jacobs, & Aquilano, 2006).One main metric that will identify the process is time because it calculates the work-in-process divided by the throughput rate. As a service provider of product, Riordan wants customers to have shorter wait times, and to reduce the organizations investment cost by turning inventory over as quickly as possible. Riordan will fine-tune the inventory process by performing task at a parallel process. Most tasks can operate in sequence that will reduce the waiti ng time and improve production. Another throw would be the order of the task in the inventory process.This will eliminate the back and forth transportation from machines, locations, and departments. In addition, fewer interruptions in the process will prepare purchase orders faster to avoid adding extra days to keeping inventory longer than needed. In these changes, the assembly line will increase productivity and reduce inventory cost.Applying the lean production process will achieve high volume production using minimal inventories of raw materials, work-in-process, and finished unspoiled (Chase, Jacobs, & Aquilano, 2006). The use of RFID will play a significant role for optimizing Riordans inventory management system.The process will work efficiently when demands are at a high quality and builds stronger relationship with the vendors to frame the demand for the product. Generally, Riordan will have these tools along with implementing the MRP system to manage inventory flow proc ess. This will create the process of identifying any bottlenecks through the inventory, packaging, labeling, and shipping process. In addition to the MRP system, Riordan will also include the RFID see system to improve the technology aspect of the business. egress ChainRiordan will benefit greatly by implementing an RFID scanning system. Converting the inventory system to implement newer technologies will increase process throughput. Transition to the RFID system will improve Riordans opportunity to compete in the global market.Tracking inventory on paper is not efficient, especially when information gathered needs updated in mainland China by close of business each day. The use of RFID through the Internet, improves Riordans opportunity for growth, keeping track of every item in inventory. With an RFID system, real-time trending and prodigy will be possible.Computer software used in conjunction with hardware devices observe the use of inventory more accurately by continually sc anning and uploading data. With the use of RFID, Riordan will reduce loss of inventory or wasted product by setting control limits.Ultimately, reducing labor costs and change magnitude cyberspace. In most industries, labor is the one of their biggest expense. The inventory clerk positions could have a significant reduction of labor hours and even eliminate the position only when with an electronic process. The amount of time spent tracking inventory goes from minutes to mere seconds because of RFID technology.As Riordan continues to grow, it is important to established centralized warehouses in observe locations. The inventory software will help Riordan executives forecast how much inventory one particular warehouse could handle, more effectively than the current method used. Inventory management is the key focus for process improvement.This new inventory management system will reduce labor cost by streamlining data entry, therefore, speed transaction time, and ultimately, reduc e the amount of inventory on-hand. Packaging, labeling, and shipping will involve incorporating a new inventory management process.Combining handheld computers, RFID readers, software, and a wireless infrastructure gives supervisors the ability to monitor inventory and track each activity within the manufacturing process. By connecting a wireless infrastructure, the application will operate in real-time.Supply chain design will enable Riordan to reduce stock on-hand and improve inventory throughput. Maintaining par levels through forecasting from the materials used, average inventory stock is projected. Demand and supply uncertainties associated with custom products will require a supply chain strategy that incorporates an agile supply chain.Supply chains using strategies aimed at responsiveness, and flexible, overcome the risks of supply shortages by pooling inventory and other capacity resources. As previously mentioned, the current steps for processing raw materials is labor inte nsive and in many ways, work against the beau mondes long strategy.The use of an RFID tracking system will allow more accurate and real-time information to be readily available. Forecast Forecasting the costs and expect benefits is critical to determining if the project is worthy of investment by a company. This forecast, completed for the implementation of both an RFID and MRP system.There are a number of salary costs for this type of project, including a project manager salary for one month ($3,333), an install technician for two months ($6,600). A trainer for 20 days ($1,640), salaries for 10 good support agents to be trained over 10 days ($11,000), and salaries for 100 staff agents trained over 10 days.However, the largest cost for this project will be the technology itself. To install an RFID system the following will need purchasing active tags at the price of $10 each for 100 in total, fin $500 readers, and the middleware that coasts $100,000. The MRP software will bring the biggest price of $300,000.The total costs of implementing the project will be $536,139. Obviously, these costs are only beneficial to the company if they bring about a positive change to the companys income. The implementation of the MRP and RFID system allow the elimination of the inventory clerk position, saving the company $45,000 annually.In addition, supervisors will be more effective as the labor intensive reports are eliminated, saving the supervisors 40 hours a month and the company $959 a month. The manufacturing police squad will also benefit from the elimination of these labor-intensive reports. Its estimated that the manufacturing team will save $574 a month. In addition, because of the expected efficiencies with managing inventory Learning Team D predicts that one facility, currently used to house supplies, is no longer needed saving the company $8,000 monthly, in leases.According to a survey of more than 600 companies, Riordan can expect a number of increased effi ciencies. Perhaps the most telling increase to performance is that delivery times will be reduced from 71 days to 59 days on average (Schroeder, Anderson, Tupy, &White, 2012, p. 1). This means that Riordan will be able to improve order processing by 17%.With profits already at $1,956,371 (Apollo Group Inc.) annually, a 17% increase would result in an additional $163,031 monthly in profits. Keeping all of this information in mind Riordan would see a return on their investment in approximately 13 months.ConclusionThe new tracking system will help in supporting the principles in strategic capacity planning by allowing Riordan to decrease the waste of resources, such as ordering too many raw materials, using facilities as storage, and using labor hours for data entry. Improving Riordans inventory control process will produce a more efficient supply chain management, translating into increased customer satisfaction.Both strategic capacity planning and lean production play an integral par t in the improved inventory system at Riordan. The strengths for Riordans new process will increase productivity, and enhance the products life cycle. Building a better strategy will open the doorsill for further growth opportunities.It will take a team to develop the strengths and opportunities of the new inventory management process. Measures of changing the supply chain design by adding the new RFID to Riordans inventory system will become the reason for Riordan becoming the leader in the electric fan industry. (Note see appendix A for Gant chart)
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Report on the Case Study Tata Steel’s Ehtics Essay
Executive SummaryThe gender balance grouping was given a case study into Tatas contribution to honourable production line concern utilizations and sustainability to investigate into. The ten (10) member group shared the research questions amongst themselves for effective and expeditious exercise. The group researched into the general view of ethical furrow practices as behavioral moral values and principles that determine our conducts in the affair world. It went deeper to expanciate that, this ethics is applied in various aspect of the chore life. These include production process, employees, customers, shareholders, the government and business competitors. The enforcement of this practice goes beyond the provision of code of corporate ethics.Considering both(prenominal) the universal and business perspective of sustainability which goes beyond corporate responsibility to the purlieual impact of a business operations, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) provides an accurate to ol for analyses than snow footprint of the user phase. This actually takes the true environmental impact of the product from the cradle to the grave into consideration. Though this process may be quiet cumbersome, both the business and the environment enjoy a great deal of earns. Tata contribution towards ethical and sustainable practices is evident in all its activities. It has been able use LCA to cook light metals for the production of cars thereby reducing the amount of CO2 emission.IntroductionSteel is a product that is widely used in almost each area of our modern life. It plays a key role in the worlds infrastructure. Tata Steel first established in India is the second largest steel manufacturing intentness in the Europe. Its steel products are widely used in the construction industry, aerospace, rail, packaging etc. Tata Steels case study into its ethical and sustainability practice was to be addressed by our group GROUP 27. The group began a series of meetings immedia tely after its formation. In other to ensure efficient and well- successiond(a) exercise, different tasks were assigned to members and the group leader was unanimously nominated. The questions involved were segmented and given to each member to research on.Data was then collated from various sources and move the central pull for the preparation of slides and for subsequent presentation on the stipulated date. This report seeks to establish the sources of information for Tatas ethical and sustainability practices. Key theoretical issues concerning ethical and how a business could use sustainability practice to compete was also given attention to. Since the research was conducted by a group, individuals contribution was assessed towards the works completion. Further, my personal observation in relation to the assignment and the knowledge gained were brought to bear. Conclusion from the study was then drawn to evaluate the success or otherwise of the whole exercise.Sources of Informa tionThe information collected was from two main sources books and the internet. Much information was gathered from Tatas website which gave me much insight into the research. This actually provided me with Tatas history, competitors, huge Corporate Social Responsibilities, business ethics and core values among others. Other websites gave me the information about a holistic view of business ethics and Life Cycle Assessment as well. In addition a couple of reading materials including books and journals augmented to the lumbering knowledge of the general view of ethical behavior and sustainability.Individual ContributionThe research questions rot sub- divided into smaller fragments and each member was assigned a question to research on. Personally I contributed to answering the question of ethical business practices. George Chryssides and arse Kaler gave their view as to why businesses should adopt ethical business practices. Materials obtained from the internet suggested that bus iness ethics is applied in all areas of the business including production processes, tender resource, shareholders, the comm hotshot, the government and customers alike.I went further to elaborate on some unethical business practices and what organisations can to do for its enforcement. This gave us much insight to ethical business practices. The outcome was warmly received by members and they profoundly understood the concept and how it was even related to Tata Steel. I was nominated to lead the presentation and the design of the range of actions that was to be followed during the presentation was part of my responsibility. On my part, I was to explain what business ethics was, what unethical business practice was and how it could be enforced in an organisation. supposititious IssuesThe main objective of the research was to understand business ethical practices, how sustainability could help a business to compete and how Tata Steel had contributed towards such acts. While the obj ective of each business is to make profits, it should contribute towards the interest of the society by ensuring fair practices. This in effect improve cooperate social responsibility, increase consumer confidence and treasure brand values in other to gain competitive advantage. Theoretically, issues concerning ethical business practice and sustainability with particular attention to LCA were of great concern to the research. Ethical business practices are standard behavior of moral values and principles that determine business conduct in the business world.Ethical practice takes care of the investor. It is to ensure that the dividends overdue to the investor is in safe hands and in good time. Production methods should be environmentally sustainable and everybody involved either directly or indirectly is unduly harmed. Also, it takes into account the health and safety as well as the value of the human capital. Sustainability practice of an organization focuses on the balance bet ween the maximizing shareholders value, honouring the environmental and social responsibilities.For Tata Steel, its sustainability naturally follows its core value of ethics. In all this areas of the challenge, the environmental responsibility happens to be of great concern due to its relationship with the Carbon Footprint. However, findings revealed that LCA provides a more powerful tool to tackling CO2 emission including all phases from production to disposal of material. Even though a holistic LCA is data intensive and time consuming procedure, it great benefit ranges from a safer environmental impact, the financial benefit through the knowledge of the resale value at each stage of products life and helps business to gain completive advantage.Research ConclusionFrom Tatas case study it was agreed that whereas some businesses do not take ethical issues seriously, Tata steel could be bingle of the best companies who efficiently and effectively practice business ethics and sustai nability. A critical evaluation revealed that the companys ethical business practice and sustainability is further big thing to write home about. This can be seen in the companys integrity, understanding of its stakeholders, excellence in business operations, force of unity among employees and corporate responsibility delivered to the society.Personal ObservationAfter researching into the ethical business practices and sustainability using the case study of Tata Steel, some observations were made in relation to the group assignment. Ethical business practices and sustainability has a wider view than I anticipated and has rather broad importance to the business and the society at large. Considering ethical business practices, it was notice that the business has a rather big responsibility to all its stakeholders. It was astonishing to notice that this responsibility is discharged to all those who are directly or indirectly affected by the business. It is somewhat a herculean task f or businesses to take care of all its stake holders while maximising shareholders value.However the business enjoys enormous benefits in return of their good deeds. In the light of sustainability, the broader spectrum of LCA was noticed. Though LCA suffers some amount of criticism, a greater number of businesses find it very useful for itself and the environment as well. From Tatas case study, it became evident that much importance is attached to the whole life cycle than just carbon footprint On a whole, ethical behavior and sustainability in Business operations promote trust and confidence to the consumers and the society in which it operates. These go to promote a good business environment for growth and development opportunities for the company.Knowledge GainedThe assignments brought a number of issues to my knowledge. These came from working activities we undertook and the academic research we embarked on. Practically the effectiveness of division of labour was the first pract ical knowledge I uncounted. When members were assigned specific task for the presentation, it was surprising to notice that each and every one did what is expected of them making it easier for our preparation. As a group leader, I realised it was always helpful to be a good listener to acknowledge the views of others before making necessary suggestions.This was very crucial since the group encompasses members from different nationals and cultural backgrounds. In the academic wise, the research made me realise that ethical business practice and sustainability go a long way to benefit all the stakeholders involved. In most businesses, the sustainability practice naturally follows its ethical practices. My attention has totally shifted from carbon footprint to the direction of Life Cycle Assessment due to its immense benefits. This powerful tool (where a products environmental impact is assessed considering all the stages of a products life from cradle- to- grave) when implemented by all businesses could contribute immensely to draw the war against the climatic change.Impact of Individual ContributionEvery member contributed positively to the success of the work. As a group leader, I managed to successfully curb all meetings and made sure specific tasks were timely met. I was to address the issue of ethical business practices. Since I played the leading role in the presentation, the teams expectation for a good start was met and that encourage the rest of the presentation team to follow suite. The data collection manager successfully gathered all data for the slide preparation.During the presentation, the following action points emanated from my individual contribution1. Definition of ethical business practices2. Areas of ethical business practices3. Examples of unethical business practices4. Enforcement of ethical practicesRemarksThough the exercise could not be said to enjoy 100% success, one cannot say that it was a failure. The exercise was a bit dispute to the group. Deciding on the times and venue for the various meetings for instance was not easy to be agreed upon. For most instances meetings were held 45mins later than the agreed time. This however did not demoralised us from pursuing our course and we were able to complete the task on time.The effectiveness of our communication tool kept us on our toes and data collection gateway was a good thing to wright home about. Text messages, emails and phone calls were put to effective use. Furthermore, every member of the group had an in-depth knowledge of ethical practice and sustainability from the various discussions held. We have learnt how to work together as a team and most importantly how to tolerate others. I personally have profound knowledge of Tata Steel Groups, ethical practices, sustainability and its cooperate social responsibilities.ReferencesChryssides, G.D and Kaler, J.H, Introduction to Business Ethics, Chapman and Hall, London, 1993. Fisher C., Lovel A. (2009). Busin ess Ethics and Values. 3rd ed. England. Pearson Education Limited. 9-17, 338-359 Shaw W.H. cull V. (2010). Moral Issues in Business11th ed. USA. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. 370-380 http//
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Madame du Barry: Louis XV’s Favorite Mistress
It has often been said that it is the mistress who truly wields the power on the throne. According to the BBC article The Kings Mistress A Royal usance (2005), for centuries, kings across Europe have turned to mistresses for sex, advice and conversation (BBC News, n. pag. ). In exchange for the sex and companionship that they provided to their respective paramours, these women were able to obtain great personal wealth, certification and a rare chance of political power (BBC News, n. pag.). But in the case of Madame du Barry (1743-1793), a kings mistress can also bring about the goal of his regime (BBC News, n. pag. ).Madame Jeanne Becu Comtesse du Barry was born as Marie-Jeanne Becu at Vaucouleurs, Lorraine on August 19, 1743 (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). She was the illigitimate daughter of Anne Becu, who was said to have worked either as a seamstress or a cook in Paris (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Marie-Jeannes biological father was believed to be Jean Baptiste Gormand de Vaubernier, a fria r who went by the name of Brother Angel (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). However, it was Annes lover, Monsieur Billard-Dumonceaux, who paid for her fosterage at the convent of St. Aure (Wikipedia, n. pag. ).Marie-Jeanne left the convent at age 15 and moved to Paris, where she assumed the name Jeanne Rancon (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). She held various jobs during her stay in Paris, which included being an assistant to a young hairdresser named Lametz (with whom she was rumored to have a daughter), a companion to Madame de la Garde (known to be a lonely aristocrat) and a miliners assistant in A La Toilette, an enterprise of a certain Monsieur Labille (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). In 1763, her beauty caught the eye of well-heeled pimp and casino owner Jean du Barry (Wikipedia, n. pag. ).He then proceeded to turn her into his mistress and educate her career as a courtesan that catered only to the Parisian elite (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Marie-Jeanne became a courtesan for four years (Marie Antoinette, n. pag. ), working under the alias of mademoiselle Lange (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Although several of her wealthy customers eventually became her benefactors, Du Barry wanted to drug abuse her to control King Louis XV (1715-1774) (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Du Barrys ambition was realized when Marie-Jeanne and his brother, Comte Guillaume du Barry, were married in 1769 (Wikipedia, n. pag. ).Marie-Jeannes marriage to a master qualified her to become Louis XVs official royal mistress (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). On April 2, 1769, Madame du Barry was formally intoroduced to the family of the king and the French royal court (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). In sharp contrast to Madame de pompadour (1721-1764), another of Louis XVs mistresses, Du Barry had minimal political clout over the king (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Her only participation in politcs was her membership in the faction that deposed Etienne Francois de Choiseul from his position as minister of Foreign Affairs in 1770 (Wikipedia, n. pag. ).Du Barry inste ad spent her time having new gowns made and ordering jewelry of every shape, size and colour (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). She also took the commit of De Pompadour as Louis XVs favorite mistress (Marie Antoinette, n. pag. ). However, Du Barrys genteel life in Versailles Palace was not without problems. She had a bitter feud with French Dauphine Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) primarily because of the latters delay of De Choiseul (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Marie Antoinette also refused to have anything to do with Du Barry due to her disgust with the latters personal background (Marie Antoinette, n. pag. ).Furthermore, Louis XV requested prior to his demise in May 1774 that Du Barry be banished to the Abbey of Pont aux-Dames, where her garner and visits were strictly monitored (Marie Antoinette, n. pag. ). Historians believed that the kings relationship with Du Barry might have hindered him from receiving an absolution before his death hence, his decision to send her away (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Du Barry lived in the convent for two years, before moving to the Chateau de Louveciennes (Wikipedia, n. pag. ) in 1776 (Marie Antoinette, n. pag. ).Although Du Barry was noted for her her good nature and support of artists (Wikipedia, n. pag. ), the French people despised her due to the lavish lifestyle that the king subjected her to (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). By the late 1780s, France was in the middle of a severe fiscal crisis (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). Its economy suffered due to the monarchys tedious and archaic bookkeeping system (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). Furthermore, the country also did not have a subject field bank (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). Even if the majority of Frances nobility and clergy were extremely well-off, they were taxed considerably less than the poor peasants (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ).The royalty likewise had to take on crippling debts just to finance the very expensive wars it got itself into the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748), the Seven Years War (1756-1 763) and the American vicissitude (1775-1783) (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). While the countrys upper classes wallowed in wealth and the monarchy engaged in one expensive hostility after another, ordinary French citizens starved due to skyrocketing prices of bread (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ).The increasing animosity between Frances nobility and bourgeoisie resulted in the French Revolution (1789-1799) (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). Under the Revolution, France was temporarily transformed from an absolute monarchy, where the king monopolized power, to a republic of theoretically free and equal citizens (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). Simply put, the French Revolution served as the retribution for all the injustices that the French royalty inflicted upon its people. At the height of the Revolution, revolutionaries guillotined nobles, their allies and anyone who opposed the uprising (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). Du Barry went to England several times in 1792 to supposedly observe stolen jewelry (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ).As a result, she was accused of secretly providing financial assistance to the England-based opponents of the new French republic (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). The Revolutionary Tribunal of Paris apprehended Du Barry on betrayal charges in 1793 (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Following a premeditated trial, she was ultimately guillotined at the Place de la Concorde on December 8, 1793 (Wikipedia, n. pag. ). Mistresses like Madame du Barry lived lives of wealth, comfort and power. But their affluence and prominence did not come without a tragic price, as they attained these at the expense of so many impoverished citizens.The hedonistic existence of these women sickened their countrymen to the point that they finally rose up and demanded change for their resepctive countries and governments. It would be fair to say that mistresses can serve as the ultimate warning to any leader who will use his position to enrich himself and his associates. The people may tolerate corruption for a remarkab ly long time. But once they take power into their own hands, in that respect is no government on earth that they cannot overthrow. Works Cited French Revolution. 2007. MSN Encarta.22 April 2008 . Madame du Barry. 2008. Marie Antoinette. 22 April 2008 . Madame du Barry. 9 April 2008. Wikipedia. 22 April 2008 . Marie Jeanne Becu du Barry. 2007. MSN Encarta. 22 April 2008 . The Kings Mistress A Royal Tradition. 27 April 2005. BBC News. 22 April 2008 .
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Criminal Justice Essay
To chthonianstand contemporary policing in the States it is necessary to understand its antecedents we will gain a better understanding of this history by spirit at its three eras. The police, said, are to great extent, the prisoners of the past. Day-to-day practices are influenced by deeply ingrained traditions. another(prenominal) reason for analyzing historical develop custodyts and tr subverts is that several discrete legacies have been transmitters to modern police agencies. In view of the noteworthy historical impact on modern policing, it is necessary to turn back the clock to about A.D.900. Therefore, we demoralize with a brief history of the evolution of four-spot primary criminal nicety top executiverssheriff, constable, coroner, and justice of the tranquillityfrom early England to the twentieth century in America (Ken, 2006). side of meat and Colonial Officers the Law All four of the primary criminal justice officials of early English-the sheriff, constable, coron er, and justice of the peace there was a lack of formal practice in the United State. Accordingly, it is important to have a basic understanding of these offices, including their early run aways in England and, later, in America. Following is a brief discussion of each (Ken, 2006). SheriffThe word sheriff is derived from the term shire reeveshire meaning county and reeve meaning agent of the king. The shire reeve appeared in English beforehand the Norman conquest of 1066. His job was to maintain law and order in the tithing. They followed a brand of English common Law, although the sheriff was never a popular officer in England and since the nineteenth centenary sheriff has had no police powers. When the office began, the sheriff assisted the king in fiscal, military and judicial affairs and was referred to as the kings steward. The sheriffs principal duties were to enforce laws, collect taxes and oversee elections.CONSTABLE Like the sheriff, the constable can be trace back to An glo-Saxon times. The office began during the reign of Edward I when every parish or township had a constable. As the county police officer turns more and more to matter of defense, the constable alone chased felons snap in later the ancient custom of citizens rising aloud noisy and joining in pursuit of criminals lapsed into dis hold. During the middle Ages there was yet on high degree of specialization. The constable had a innovation of duties including collecting taxes, supervising highways, and serving as magistrate. The office soon became subject to election and was conferrer upon local men of prominence however, the creation of the wearing away grinding down office of the justice of the peace some 1200 quickly changed this trend forever soon the constable was limited to making arrests notwithstanding with warrants issued by a justice of the peace.As a result, the office deprived of social and civic prestige was no long-life attractive. It carried on salary and the duties were often dangerous. In addition there was heavy attrition in the office, so the constables term was limited to one year in an attempted attract officeholders in 1856 Parliament completely discarded the office The office of constable experienced a similar shape of disintegration in the colonies However, the American constables usually two in each town were give retard over the night watch. By the 1930s, State constitution in twenty-one states provided for the office of constable barely constable still received no pay and like their British colleagues they enjoyed little prestige or popularity after the early 1930s. The position fell into disfavor largely because most constables were untrained and was believe to be wholly inadequate as officials of the law (Ken, 2006).CORONER The office coroner is more difficult to describe. It has been use to fulfill more different roles throughout its history and has steadily changed over the centuries. There is no balance concerning the date when the coroner first appeared in England notwithstanding there is consensus that the office was functioning by the end of the twelfth century. From the beginning, the coroner was elect his duties included oversight of the interests of the crown, not only in criminal matters but also in fiscal matters as well. In felony cases, the corner could conduct a preliminary tryout and the sheriff often came to the coroners court to preside over the coroners jury. The coroners inquest provided another mean of power and prestige, determining the cause of death and the party responsible for it. Initially coroner was elect for life. Soon becoming unhappy with the absence of compensation however, eventually they were give right to arouse fees for their work (Ken 2006).As was true of sheriffs and constables at first the office of the coroner in America was only slightly different from what it had been in England. The office was slow in gaining recognition in America, as the sheriffs and justi ce of the peace were already performing many of the coroners duties. By 1933, the coroner was recognizing as a separate office in two-thirds of the states. Tenure was generally limited to two years. By then however, the office had been stripe of many of its original functions especially its fiscal roles. In many states, the coroner legally served as sheriff when the elected sheriff was disenable or disqualified however, since the early part of the twentieth century the coroner has performed a single function determining the cause of all deaths by violence or under suspicious circumstances. The coroner or her assistant is expect to determine the causes and effects of wounds, lesions, contusions, fractures, poisons, and more. The coroners inquest resembles a grand jury at which the coroner serves as a kind of presiding magistrate (ken, 2006).JUSTICE OF THE PEACE The justice of the peace (JP) can be trace back as far as 1195 in England. By 1264, the customs paces, or curator of the p eace, nominated by the king for each county, presided over criminal trials. Early JPs were wealthy landholders. They allowed constables to make arrests by issuing then warrants. Over time, this practice removed power from constables and sheriffs. By the sixteenth century, the office came under criticism because of the people holding it. Officeholders were often referral to as boobies and scum of the each. The only qualification necessary was macrocosm a wealthy landowner who was able to buy his way into office. By the early twentieth century, England had abolished the property-holding essential and many of the medieval functions of JPs office were remove. Thereafter the office possessed extensive but rigorously criminal legal power with on jurisdiction whatsoever in civil cases.This contrasts with the American system, which gives JPs limited jurisdiction in both criminal and civil cases. The JPs Office in the colonies was a distinct change from the position, as it existed in Engla nd. JPs was elect to office and given jurisdiction in both civil and criminal cases. By 1930, the office had constitutional status in all of the states. JPs have long been allows to collect fees for their services. As in England, it is typically not necessary to hold a law degree or to have pursued legal studies in order to be a JP in the United States. Perhaps the most one-sided justice of the peace was Roy Bean, popularized in film as the sole peace officer in a 35,000-square-mile area west of the Pecos River near Langtry Texas. Bean was knows to hold court in his shack where signs hung on the porch proclaimed, referee Roy Bean, Notary Public, Law West of the Pecos. and Beer Saloon. Cold beer and the law undoubtedly shared many quarters on the Western Frontier (Ken, 2006).
Monday, May 20, 2019
Barack Obama ‘Yes We Can’ Essay
Yes we can is one of the virtually influential phrases in the lyrices of barrack obama, But this 10-min speech blew me away. This was a scripted speech, and one of the best written and delivered I score seen in some time. this short speech had it all simple but eloquent and powerful language, and a strong yet upbeat, friendly delivery. I think that Barack Obamas Victory speech was extremely inspiring, motivating, and most of all in my opinion comforting to a rehabilitating nation in dire need. From the introduction of the speech one can clearly see that the tone of the speech is inspirational. The speech is about change, reaching for a higher purpose and uniting to solve the problems in America.Obama sums up his introduction when he states We are ravenous for change and we are ready to believe again. The listener is curious to find out what exactly unavoidably to be changed? President elect Barack Obama social functions a variety of techniques to address and unify his audience. He uses the unity enunciate we and yourepeatedly throughout the speech. He includes the people and make them a sense of being participants. Obamas use of second person, directly making reference of his audience, tonight is your answerit belongs to youit cannot happen without you is cleverly employed to build the importance of the individual and how his victory and future effort to change America will rely on the efforts of the collective.In the mind of his audience, it is used to make people feel a sense of belonging, having their presence acknowledged. The nitty-gritty of the speech is yes we can change, if you elect me. Obama continually repeats this message as he wanted to drive it blank space to the audience. It is a classic technique in Obamas victory speech making and in frame as well. If there was one thing that they would remember from the speech it is that catch phrase or cash in ones chips bite. Obama uses this catch phrase six times in the last three paragraphs Thi s repetition is used to
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Religious Fundamentalism Essay
To what extent is it true that religious fundamentalism arose as a reaction to the becharms of the air jacket?It is true to the large extent that religious fundamentalism arose as a reaction to the influences of the westward due to US backing for Shah, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the support for the Mujahedeen. However, Western influence may not be the exactly factor as globalisation and the failure of modernisation and worldlyization also play a begin in the initiate of religious fundamentalism.At that point of time, many Islamist organizations define themselves in opposition to the West, and in particular the United States, especially as the latters foreign policy has become ever to a greater extent interventionist in the region. The death of the democracy in Arab states in combination with the collaboration between the US political relation and many regimes in the middle East prevented certain opposition groups from expressing themselves. In return, they have n o submit in the running of their countries. As a result, they turn to religion for divine validation.The emergence of the overly anti-American Islamic Republic of Iran reflected the wave of everyday discontent with US interference and influence throughout the region. The shah was restores to tycoon by an army coup inspired and paid by the US and the UK, despite his lack of popular support. He pressed on with his White Revolution, which was ever more dependent of Western cracking and political leadership. Therefore, due to US backing of the Shah, it provided aids and military supply to him thus making Iranian to resent the Shah and lead-in to the annul of religious groups.The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan triggered international jihadism. As Muslims around the demesne, from the Middle East, Southeast Asia in the West volunteered to join the armed struggle. US and Saudi Arabia recruited Muslim volunteers around the world to aid in the jihad with the Soviets. The Afghan experie nce encouraged individuals such as Osama Bin cockeyed and Muslim states such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Pakistan to use religious justifications for armed conflict. As the withdrawal of the Soviet Union mythologized as an Islamic victory against a secular superpower and strengthened unpeacefulIslamism as an active, energized doctrine through which Islamic political aspirations could be attained. When other Muslims saw this victory, then began to destiny to be part of the Jihad and thus leading them to creating their own religious fundamentalistic group. Therefore, due to the West influence of recruiting Muslim volunteer around the world to go to war, it actually influences the Muslim and thus leading to the source of religious fundamentalism.US supports for the mujahedeen in the Afghan war also lead to the rise of the religious fundamentalism. In its fight against the USSR, US not only trained the religiously influenced Mujahedeen elements but also provided arms, economic aid and gave diplomatic support for the Islamic fundamentalist. The jihadi mind set, propagated through didactics centres throughout the region, began to spread and gain credibility faster than the US had foreseen. The short-sighted nature of American foreign policy in this period helped to create the forces and leadership structures of militant Islamism, forces that emerged as the greatest take exception to US hegemony in the post-Cold War World. The American willingness to fund resistance movements created a cadre of professionally trained, combat-ready Islamists. As a result of its involvement in Afghanistan, the US inadvertently assisted in the creation of a mesh of highly trained militant.For instance, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the consequent US support for the Islamic militants led to the rise of Taliban in Afghanistan. Taliban spread its ideology to various other regions and as a result, there came into existence a number of organizations and groups championing t he ideology of Jihad and other forms of extremist religious forms in different parts of the world. On the flip side, western influence is not the only factor that leads to the rise of religious fundamentalism as the effect of globalisation also plays a part in creating religious groups. In countries that combine some modernization with slender or no democratization, religious fundamentalists experience official opposition. They may enjoy an increased mental ability to formulate their own agenda and mobilize resources, but have little or no probability to promote that agenda in the formal political process.Consequently, regions of the world that have experienced some modernization, little democratization and the widespread diffusion of militant political theologies have producedradical religious movements such as Al Qaeda and Hezbollah. Globalization increased the capacity of religious actors to project influence, mobilize resources and attract pursuit across national boundaries . For example, millions of Christian around the world circulated bulletins via email and the internet detailing how their fellow believers were persecuted in far-flung, obscure locales like Orissa in eastern India, Kaduna in Nigeria and Sulawesi in Indonesia. Therefore, due to globalization it then leads to the rise of religious fundamentalism as through globalisation it has made the world a smaller place.An effect of modernization and secularization is another factor that leads to the rise of religious fundamentalism. Modernization, be it gradual or rapid has challenge the religious tradition. Contemporary Islamic fundamentalists incline towards aggressive, politicized and purified version of Islamic theology such as Sharia, argued that the rootage of mounting social problems in Islamic societies lies in a lack of religious fidelity, corrupting secular elites, ceding to Western manipulation and the absence of a strong universal Islamic community.Christian fundamentalist have made extensive use of political action to promote traditional biblical value and beliefs in the US society, to recreate the US as a Christian nation. Among the governmental secular evaluate that helped arouse Christian fundamentalism un the US were the proposed Equal Rights Amendment and some key Supreme Court measures, especially the outlawing of plea in the public schools in 1962 and the granting of abortion rights in 1973. Fundamentalist Christian believes that the Bible forbids abortion and that outlawing the school prayer is an abomination. Therefore, due to the failure of modernization it actually leads to the rise of religious fundamentalism.In conclusion, Western influence plays a big role in the rise of religious fundamentalism. However, the effects of globalisation and the failure of modernization also is one of the factors in the rise of religious fundamentalism.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
GATTACA: ‘Vincent is supposed to be weak. Yet his strength of character is the key to the story.’ Essay
Vincent is supposed(a) to be weak. Yet his strength of character is the key to the story. Discuss.The film text Gattaca, directed by Andrew Niccol bottom of the inning be seen as a piece that draws many parallels to the world that we live in to daytime. One much(prenominal) parallel is the event that often in inn, the ones who ar at a disadvantage are the ones who debunk the greatest strength of character. Niccol uses Vincent as the fomite through which he demonstrates how strength of character can lay waste to and overcome disadvantages faced. Gattaca portrays a ball club that no longer takes into consideration a persons character. Vincents refusal to play the hand he was dealt is his key to success.The text breaks a clear distinction between charitable and ingredienttic traits. So clear is the distinction that Niccol uses separate vehicles to display each set of traits. As the traits and the vehicles clash, Niccol creates a sense of sympathy for Vincent as he is portray ed as the disadvantaged and weak in society in the sense that he does not possess the physical and mental assets that make him a treasured member of society. A key example of this is the recurring games of chicken between Vincent and his genetically superior sidekick Anton. Anton beats Vincent time and time again as is expected of Anton by society. However, when Vincent bests his brformer(a) one day an emphasis is placed on the manner in which he beat his brother. You wanna know how I did it? I never saved anything for the swim back This creates the impression to the viewer that Vincent did not win with superior stamina, readiness or physical strength, rather he won as he possessed traits like courage, function and grit, traits that are lost in the geno-centric society in which he loves but traits that are valued and admire in at presents society.The text can be seen as parallel to todays society as often it is those who are faced with the greatest disadvantage who succeed. Vin cents journey is a classic bilgewater of 1 against the world or in this case 2 against the world. At every bend society is there to stop Vincent from achieving his lifelong dream of going to space. Even his parents try to prevent him from attaininghis goal, Vincent, the only instruction youll see the inside of a spaceship is if youre cleaning it. This coming from his father can be seen as the ultimate discouragement but instead Vincent uses it to spur himself onwards and upwards both literally and figuratively. In relation to the real world, notable figures like Oscar Blade Runner Pistorious overcame what is seen as a flagitious athletic disability in todays society to compete at the 2012 Lon simulate Olympics. small-arm it is not uncommon to hear of rags to riches tales in todays society, the one notable difference between todays society and Vincents society, is that disadvantaged people are given every chance to make the most of their life (in 1st world countries), yet in Vinc ents society the disadvantaged are shunned and are viewed as a blight on society.Gattaca is a reminder that you cannot judge one on their outwardly appearance or in Gattacas case, a persons genetic composition. As the saying goes, dont judge a book by its cover. Vincent is once again used as the vehicle through which Niccol conveys this message. To the eyes of society, Vincent is an invalid with inferior physical capabilities, high risk of heart failure and other deficiencies and with a life expectancy of 30.2 years. However, because of the faceless society that Vincent lives in (which refers to personality as much as it does to physical appearance) he lacks the opportunity to progress with his life as his strengths of character are not held in anywhere near the same esteem as desirable genetics are. Vincent claims, There is no gene for fate.This is in reference to the fact that he is of the belief that genes arent everything, even if society has such beliefs. kind of there is an e lement in every human being that makes him or her truly unique and this is what Vincent prides himself on, the fact that his assets which are undeterminable by genetics are what makes him the person that he his.While the society in which Vincent lives in regards Vincent as weak and inferior, his character is both key to his success and the story as without his steely resolve and fierce determination there would be no story as society would offer to function as it was designed. Parallels can be drawn with Vincents plight and the journeys of figures in our society like Oscar Pistorious. Gattaca serves to compound the message that has beenpassed down through generations by reasserting that you shouldnt judge a person before you know them personally. Vincent refuses to play the hand he was dealt and this is the focal point around which Gattaca was told.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Clytemnestra’s Deception as Depicted in the Oresteia Trilogy
Clytemnestra Deception In The Agamemnon book of the Oresteia trilogy, the Chorus in each play represents the people who smack under represented and disrespected by the societys changing values. They similarly fear the encounter of an effective woman in Clytemnestra rather than the leadership of Agamemnon. The Chorus takes direct actions, thought to ensure their prominence. Agamemnon, the king of Argos, returns home from the war at Troy. As his war prize he brings with him the prophetess-maiden Cassandra, daughter of King Priam of Troy.She was chosen by Apollo and granted the present of prophecy, bargonly as a result of Apollos anger towards Cassandra, no one believes her predictions. Cassandra knows she and Agamemnon are going to die, but is personnelless to prevent it. This is the main plot that unfolds in The Agamemnon. Clytemnestra kills Agamemnon and Cassandra, but her motive for these murders is much more grave than Just marital infidelity He sacrificed his own daughter, my beloved child to whom I gave birth suffering great pains, Just to control the Thracian winds with pells (1417-18).Clytemnestra hates Agamemnon, who was ordered by the goddess Artemis to sacrifice their first-born, Iphigenia. However, Clytemnestra is also angry with her married man because of Cassandra, and she express that both adulterers deserved punishment (1431-47). The situation is somewhat dubious. Clytemnestra herself is having an adulterous affair with Agamemnons worst enemy, Aegisthus, with whom she has also been plotting the murder of Agamemnon. In terms of marital infidelity, Clytemnestra cannot claim moral superiority over Agamemnon.So the son of Agamemnon, Orestes, murders his develop to avenge the murder of his father. Clytemnestra dies not Just because of her adultery but for her treachery. The crucial issue is the regicide, and the question of whether Clytemnestras horrific deeds can be Justified as a response to Iphigenias sacrifice. The Homecoming-rituals shap e the dramatic anatomical structure of the play. In the first half of the play Clytemnestra deliberately perverts all the rituals involved in the replication of the king.This is an ntentional and consequential aspect of her character and a way for the queen to assert her power. She makes the elders of Argos wait for her answer at the palace, when they came to imply her about the sacrificial fires burning in every major and minor shrine in the town. The elders are skeptical of Clytemnestras reasons for believing that the expedition to Troy has been successful, and the conversation between the queen and the elders is reminiscent of a affaire dhonneur (258-60).However, Clytemnestra masterfully uses rhetoric worthy of a man, and in the end the elders admit defeat 351-54). The queen disparages the communicate who arrives to inform her of the safe return of Agamemnon. Clytemnestra cuts off his announcement by telling him that she already knows of the victory and claims that her marri ed man will tell her everything she needs to know (587-614). Once again, she has successfully been undermined by her unfeminine strength of mind and speech.When Agamemnon arrives, Clytemnestra assumes control of the situation by arriving late and giving a lengthy and garrulous welcoming speech to ner hubby 8 Finally, in the tamous arpet-scene (914-74), the queen persuades Agamemnon to offend the gods by walking on the luxurious purple attire and straight to his death by her actions, Clytemnestra has managed to break with all the traditional Greek customs and rituals related to the homecoming of a king.That is the theme that dominates the first half of the play. Clytemnestras actions reveal to the audience her intentions. They also expose her growing power and the political and psychological battle between the elderswho represent the people of Argosand the herald.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Areas of Heightened Audit Risk Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Areas of Heightened study Risk - Assignment ExampleIn itself, this reduction of trade payables by 7,352,000 seems hooey and as such, an celestial sphere of heightened audit risk.This understatement could be associated with either a complete omission of some liabilities from the pecuniary statements and/or enter at a lower amount. This act would portray that Havelock Europa Company as healthier and less barbaric since the omission of some expenses that argon not yet paid lowers the debt and leads to an overstatement of incomes. From the financial statements of the Havelock Europa Company, the understatement could have been caused by the omission of contingent liability because, according to its policy, it considers contingent liabilities only when it becomes probable that it will have to correct payments under the guarantee (Havelock Europa Plc., 2013, p. 93). The next probable cause for this fall could be the omission of unearned revenues that wind from prepayments from custom ers for services and goods not provided. Finally, the understatement could be as a result of Havelock Europa Companys fraudulent financial reporting scheme.The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (2014) states that related party proceeding, including those between a company and its executives, is a critical area as it has historically been characterised by increased risk of material misstatement. Therefore, this report also considers the proceedings between Havelock Europa Company and its executives and related parties risky. These transactions are prone to manipulations and are used to understate liabilities or overstate assets. This report is concerned with the decrease in the amount from transactions with the management and group companies to 877,000 in 2013 from 914,000 in 2012 and 1,377,000 in 2013 from 2,045,000 in 2012 respectively (Havelock Europa Plc, 2013, p. 94). As noted by Colby (2010), these related party transactions could be improper and arise due to sale and purchase transactions between undisclosed affiliates.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Option Pricing Model in Valuing a Company in the Context of Pfizer Dissertation
Option Pricing pretence in Valuing a Company in the mise en scene of Pfizer - Dissertation ExampleHis constant guidance and positive attention helped look forer to concentrate more on the research topic. The researcher would also homogeneous to thank his other professors for acting as a hold in system when required along with helping and guiding when needed and required. The backup and cooperation of the University in allowing access to the program library helped in referring to different study materials that further help in reason the research topic in a sound manner. The researcher would also like to thank his family for being there as a strong support system often guiding and supporting along with enhancing the level of motivation and unrest through kind and positive feedback. The researcher feels blessed to have friends who not only shared their views and opinions on the research topic bust also brainstormed to add more value to the research topic. Overall, the researche r would like to acknowledge the efforts and support of everyone playing an important role in the entire research process. Without the support and cooperation of higher up mentioned people, the research would have been an aimless journey lacking depth and understanding. The researcher expresses his deep gratitude for all the support and guidance along with being thankful to everyone for being so kind and supportive throughout the research journey. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. invention 4 1.1 Introduction to the Research Topic 4 1.2 Research Aims and Objectives/ Questions 5 1.3 mount of the Research 6 1.4 Rationale for the Research Topic 7 1.5 Limitations of the Research 8 1.6 Methodology 9 1.7 An Overview of Pfizer 10 1.8 abbreviation 11 Chapter2.0 Literature Review 12 2.1 Introduction 12 2.2 An Overview of Options 12 2.3 Types of Options 14 2.4 Factors Affecting Options 16 2.5 Application of Option Pricing Model 18 2.6 Option Pricing Model in Real World 19 2.7 Option Pricing Mode l and Historical Data 20 2.8 Summary 21 Section 3.0 Research Methodology 22 3.1 Introduction 22 3.2 Research philosophy 22 3.3 Research Approach 23 3.4 Data Collection Methods 23 3.5 Data Analysis Methods 24 3.6 Ethical Considerations 24 3.7. Strengths of the Methodology 25 3.8 Limitations of the Methodology 25 Chapter 4.0 Findings and Analysis 26 4.1 Introduction 26 4.2 Value based Management 26 4.3 Economic Value Added 28 4.4 Market Value Added 29 4.5 Option Pricing Models 30 4.6 General Findings 32 4.7 Summary 34 Chapter 5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations 35 5.1 Introduction 35 5.2 Conclusion 35 5.3 Recommendations for Future Research 36 5.4 Recommendations for Pfizer 36 5.5 Reflection 37 5.6 Summary 37 BIBLIOGRAPHY 38 CHAPTER-1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction to the Research Topic Business environments have always been irregular and hard to understand and therefore, it becomes important to understand the intricacies of business environments and financial concepts that will help in understanding the growth and development of organsiations. In finance, the time value of assets and organsiations is calculated through the analysis of intrinsic and extraneous values that vary in a great manner (Aswath, 2008). In finance, the concept of Option is specify as a derivative financial instrument specifying a contract between two parties for a future transaction revolving around an asset at a reference price (Aswath, 2008) In straightaways time, the concept of option pricing has emerged as a safeguarding tool for a number of organsiations ordain to
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Attacking Cryptography Computer Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Attacking Cryptography Computer Security - Essay congressmanOperating Systems store study about commonly use upd programs and through the network, programs such as KeePass back tooth train encrypted files, posing a serious attack to cryptanalysis as a data surety technique. Even so, the challenge for KeePass is that it operates for a limited duration beyond which it does not have the readiness to read encrypted files. A number of encrypted data files stored in the various cache locations be at risk of attacks by such malicious program as KeePass. These programs can study the number of times a cryptographical corpse used the same cache locations (Dong & Chen, 2012). This study investigates and presents cryptographic attack trees which illustrate the methods Charlie can use to read Alices data files in the data transfer channel. KeePass can use the memory voice communication information in the network to access the locations of the files using a set of secret coded access r udimentarys in the operation (Vacca, 2012). The attack trees demonstrate a clear and reliable procedure for studying the access keys considering the information on the patterns of memory access. The trees have to show the possibility of KeePass increasing its speed of data search in order to access the secret keys within a fraction of a second to enable the actual attack on cryptographic process to be successful. 2. Possibilities of Attack Out of the study, the expectation is to discover ship canal of improving cryptography as a means of data protection. Various computer security firms impart information about data protection methods, encryption and decryption being one of them (Echizen, Kunihiro & Sasaki, 2010). The experts in the field of battle of information security use special software applications to block hackers from accessing information from their servers and in the entire unsecure conduct in the networks. These hacker-proof programs are the targets of cryptography at tack, using the same strategies as KeePass. Another common open inauguration hacker-proof application in the global network is triple-DES security. In essence, it is intriguing to realize that secure channels are also at risk of being broken into at any time. Cryptography has for a foresightful time been among the safest methods for transferring information in the global data transfer networks. With the possibility of breaking through the infrangible security calls for newer shipway of improving the cryptographic designs apart from discovering other alternative options of data protection (Handschuh & Hasan, 2005). The capability of KeePass and other key cracking software programs is a real proof that even strong cryptography keys get broken into. This implies that there are attacks that are beyond the capability men. Information security experts essential first exhaustively identify the sources of cryptographic attacks (Anupam, 2009). This can be done through designing ways of modeling threats of attacks against computer systems. This requires a god understanding of all possible ways through which system attacks can be possible. This study focuses on ways of designing counterattacks methods such as access key protection in order to frustrate the possible attacks. 2.1. Key Protection The possibility of information attacks emerges as a result of ignorance of information
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