Wednesday, July 31, 2019
What Is Cost Management Accounting Reporting Systems
Cost Accounting Reporting System deals with the process of tracking, measuring, recording and classifying the appropriate allocation of expenditure (financial and non-financial) for the determination of the cost of product or service in an organization and for the presentation of suitably arranged data for the purpose of control and guidance of management (Horngren et al, 2010). Costs are measured in terms of Direct Costs, Indirect Costs and Overhead/Absorbed Costs. Managers use cost accounting to support decision making to reduce a company's costs of products and services and improve its profitability. Management Accounting Reporting System is concerned with the process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation and communication of financial and non- financial information used by managers to plan, evaluate and control within an entity and to assure appropriate use of and accountability for its resources to managers within organizations, to provide them with the basis in making informed business decisions that would allow them to be better equipped in their management and control functions thereby enhancing both customer and shareholder value (CIMA, 2010). Unlike financial accounting information, management accounting information is used within an organization typically for decision-making in varied areas like product design, production,marketing, and performance management. Management accounting systems also do not have to follow set principles and rules and is usually confidential and its access available only to a select few. Cost Accounting operates within the parameters of Management Accounting. As businesses became more complex and diversified, a more comprehensive reporting system was needed in order to help management make decisions. Modern cost accounting systems take the perspective that collecting cost information is a function of the management decisions being made. Thus it can be safely understood that Management Accounting evolved from Cost Accounting. Hence, the distinction between management accounting and cost accounting is not so well-defined and the terms are used interchangeably (Horngren et al, 2010). Management Accounting principles are also used in other accounting related functions such as Long Term Planning (LTP), budgeting and forecasting revenue and profit planning. Again, cost accounting data is used as an integral part of the process. Management Accounting Reporting Systems: Necessity & Role Value creation is the fundamental focal point for the managers in an organisation across diverse sectors (Smith, 2010). Value creation refers to both customer and shareholders. Creating customer value has been a key concern for the organizations but only in recent years have the managers come to recognize the importance of understanding the customer value – the value that a customer places on particular features of a product and satisfying customers is critical to achieving increased sales and market share and therefore to achieve the shareholder value (Smith, 2010). Shareholder value is also a key focus area for the managers and involves improving the net worth of the business for the shareholders/owners of the company. From a shareholders’/owners’ perspective, parameters like increased profits, share value and dividends are extremely important and management is charged with the responsibility of delivering on all the parameters. To enhance customer or shareholder value, managers need to understand what drives value. They have to make decisions and invest resources in the activities or aspects of their business that lead to improvements in customer and shareholder values. The effective and efficient use of resources is essential to creating value to customers and shareholders; and Management Accounting Reporting System provides the much needed critical information to assist managers to perform this role (Smith, 2010). Management Accounting System supports the organisation’s planning and implementation of strategy. The strategic planning of an organisation specifies the direction (type of businesses and markets to enter and how to compete in the market) that the organisation intends to take over the long-term to meet its objectives. Strategic planning draws on a wide range of management accounting information from costing, budgeting, performance measurement systems, as well as information from analytical studies, both external and internal to the organisation (Smith, 2010). The implementation of the strategy requires management accounting system link the long term plans to the budgeting system, to produce annual budgets that supports the2 organisation’s strategies. Performance Measurement Systems which forms a part of the management accounting system can be used to compare actual outcomes to budgets and other targets that focus on the organisation’s trategic objectives (Smith, 2010). With cut-throat competition in the market-place, well managed organisations focus their objectives and strategies on building and maintaining sources of competitive advantage. Thus Management Accounting Systems contributes to improving the organisation’s competitive advantage in terms of quality, delivery time, flexibility, innovation and cost through modern process improvement and cost management techniques. It also provides information to help manage resources, through systems for planning (e. g. budgets) and control (e. g. performance measures). Furthermore, Management Accounting System also provides estimates of the costs of the organisation’s output – goods and services, to support both the strategic and operational decision needs of managers. Cost Accounting Reporting System on a standalone basis helps the organisation in ascertaining the cost of the product, job or services. The reporting system provides detailed information about the composition of total cost for determining the selling price of the product or service under different conditions. Fully developed cost accounting system provides ready information regarding stock of raw material, work-in-progress and finished goods and also facilitates in the preparation of financial and other statements at such intervals as desired by the management. Cost accounting reporting system also helps in measuring and further increasing the efficiency of the organization (Horngren et al, 2010). This process involves a study of the processes and procedures used in manufacturing or providing goods or services to measure the efficiency of the organisation or departments and devising means of increasing the efficiency. Thus, the cost accounting information becomes the basis of formulating forward-looking operative policies. The Cost accounting information is also used to control and reduce cost and hence increasing the profits thereby increasing the customer and shareholder value (Smith, 2010). The techniques that are used for controlling cost are budgetary control and standard costing methods. The cost accounting information makes possible for the management to distinguish between profitable and unprofitable operations. Concentrating on profitable operations and eliminating non-profitable ones can maximize profit. This information also helps in eliminating wasteful expenditure of resources at various levels and will help the management in forming future course of action. Compared to other supportive reporting systems like Financial Accounting System, which provides information about the financial position and past performance of an organization on an annual or quarterly basis to investors, banks, regulators and other outside parties, Cost and Management Accounting Systems can provide information on a short and long term basis which can be past, present and future oriented and can satisfy the short and long term decision making needs of the management towards fulfilling the organizational goals (Horngren et al, 2010). The factors that contribute towards fulfilling the organizational goal of increasing profits and shareholder wealth like information for planning and controlling operations, estimates of cost of producing goods and services efficiently; and information for measuring performance can also be provided by Management Accounting Systems. Financial Accounting Reports has to follow very strict guidelines and protocol in its compilation and final presentation form. These norms and guidelines are internationally accepted and implemented while Management Accounting reports are for internal use of management for decision making and may not be completely objective and verifiable but is relevant to the issue at hand (Horngren et al, 2010). Moreover, Financial Accounting reports on the business or company in its entirety, i. e. Financial Accounting reports show the overall picture of a businesses financial position for a certain reporting period and are not concerned with any particular department of the organisation while Management Accounting reports’ primary emphasis is on segment reporting (Smith, 2010). It deals with the various segments like product lines, departments or any other categorization of the company’s activities that management finds useful and is not governed by generally accepted accounting principles. Conclusion In a nutshell, there is a tremendous necessity for management and cost accounting reporting systems in an organisation, not only for achieving the predetermined goals and remain profitable, but also to create value to both customers and shareholders. Since the complexities of running an organisation has increased due to complicated market systems and increased competition, there is a need for the management accounting reporting system to be brought under a common control framework for the effective function of the system and helping the organisation to proactively reduce cost and bring profitability.
Toulmin Argument
Abby Boyce English 1201 Professor McGehee 10/22/2012 Cover Sheet a) Who is your audience? My audience applies to everyone in the US. My audience is very broad because my topic touches base on an issue that can or could potentially affect anyone directly or indirectly as well. b) How would you like your readers to describe the personality you present on the page? My personality is confident. I believe in my argument and feel strongly about it. c) What question does your paper answer? It answers the question as to whether or not there is an issue with police brutality. ) What’s your thesis/claim? Something needs to be done immediately to end the violence and inappropriate discipline being inflicted on our citizens. The harsh discipline we are discovering is being used more and more often should not be tolerated. Abby Boyce English 1201 Professor McGehee 10/22/2012 Toulmin Questionnaire Claim Questions: What’s my claim? Something needs to be done immediately to end the vio lence and inappropriate discipline being inflicted on our citizens. The harsh discipline we are discovering is being used more and more often should not be tolerated.Is it valid? What makes it valid? -Yes. It’s valid because I have lots of evidence and quotes from sources to back me up as well as strong warrants and backing to help support me as well. I truly believe in my claim and will defend it fully. Is it practical? Can it actually be acted out? Yes, and yes. It touches base on a topic that is growing and becoming a big problem in society. Using â€Å"sociological terms†it is becoming a macro problem. It’s no longer a micro one. Are there qualifications I must make to my claim?I’m not necessarily sure this question pertains well to my topic specifically, but I don’t feel there are any qualifications I must obtain to be able to state and back up my claim other than the fact that you must have some good evidence and knowledge on the topic. What will be some possible challenges to my claim? Some may oppose by saying the media is making police brutality into a bigger issue than it really is, or that the violence police use is justified as â€Å"self-defense†. Who could benefit most from accepting my claim? Who may be harmed or benefit the least?All citizens can benefit. The people that may not agree or like my claim is the police departments who hired police officers who have been offenders of police brutality. Grounds questions: What are my grounds? – According to the St. Paul yearly analysis, in 2010 crime rates for homicides alone have shot up 9% since 2001. – â€Å"In 1982, the federal government funded a â€Å"Police Services Study†in which over 12,000 randomly selected citizens were interviewed in three metropolitan areas. Do I have sufficient evidence to support my claim? Yes.I used pieces of quotes from the StarTribune as well as statistics from a trusted website. Do I have pieces of ev idence that are compelling? Least compelling? Some of my quotes are more coercive than others. The statistics I used are stronger than the quotes I used from the StarTribune because the quotes seem more like an opinion rather than a solid fact. Warrant questions: What are my Warrants? – â€Å"To believe there is an issue with the criminal justice system, you must recognize the problem as well as believe that cops are not trained to nflict physical abuse on citizens, they are trained to help the community and to only get physical when demonstrating self-defense. †– â€Å"Of course believing that cops can be racially discriminating, means that you must believe racism is still a common problem in today’s society. †What other warrants may underlie the ones I have identified? There were a few different warrants I could have made for my grounds. For example, the first I could have said that in order to believe that police are role models you must belie ve that in most situations cops do or have benefited the community in some way shape or form.Am I prepared to stand behind my warrant, regardless of the opposing views? Yes. I truly believe in where I stand on this issue and I believe I have a strong argument. Backing Questions: What is my backing? – Cops must complete a two year degree before they can be a certified officer. – It’s still a big problem because people are not bringing enough attention to it for it to be recognized. Does my backing apply in all cases? Why or why not? Yes. My backing is aimed to back-up my warrants to the best of my ability. Abby Boyce English 1201Professor McGehee 10/22/2012 Formal Outline I. â€Å"In the middle of broad daylight, August 28th, 2012, laid a man helpless and defenseless after being kicked, beat, and sprayed repeatedly with a chemical irritant. †a. Refer to StarTribune article and discuss background/situation that happened b. Claim: Something needs to be done immediately to end the violence and inappropriate discipline being inflicted on our citizens. The harsh discipline we are discovering is being used more and more often should not be tolerated. II.Cops, especially street cops, are supposed to be the role-models of the community and are hired to benefit the community, not harm it. a. Grounds: Give statistics from St. Paul homicide ratings b. Grounds: Define police brutality c. Grounds: Use quote from the StarTribune III. Warrant: To believe there is an issue with the criminal justice system, you must recognize the problem as well as believe that cops are not trained to inflict physical abuse on citizens, they are trained to help the community and to only get physical when demonstrating self-defense. a.Backing: Cops must complete a two year degree before they can be a certified officer. The reason for this is so that they can learn the ethics that must be used while on duty as well as many other classes that teach the duties that must be performed and how to go about them. IV. Claim: We are discovering that most brutality is directed against minority groups or otherwise powerless populations. a. The importance of understanding racism in the context of police brutality needs to be brought to attention and is extremely out of line. b. Grounds: Quote CliffNotes. com V.Warrant: Of course believing that cops can be racially discriminating, means that you must believe racism is still a common problem in today’s society. a. Backing: It’s still a big problem because people are not bringing enough attention to it for it to be recognized. b. Grounds: Use example that relates to my experience c. Grounds: Use CliffNotes quote VI. Qualifier: With all that said, there is only one exception to my argument which is, if a citizen threatens to use a lethal weapon on an officer or if a citizen gets physically violent against an officer, then physically restraining that person is reasonable and just.In officer trainin g schools they are taught to use self-defense when necessary. a. Once put into physical restraints or if the citizen has calmed down or promised to cooperate, the self-defense should end immediately. b. Officers can and should always remain on high alert though. VII. If we want our officers to be treated with respect, and our 911 systems to be effective to end crime, then police brutality should not be tolerated and should end immediately in order to keep citizens safe and ensured that our criminal justice system is working to benefit the community in a positive way. Abby BoyceEnglish 1201 Professor McGehee 10/22/2012 Police Brutality Awareness In the middle of broad daylight, August 28th, 2012, laid a man helpless and defenseless after being kicked, beat, and sprayed repeatedly with a chemical irritant. We later come to find out that man is named Eric Hightower, and according to the article â€Å"Police Brutality in the Age of YouTube†in the StarTribune, he has had previous run-ins with the law, but on August 28th his offense that caused the policeman (St. Paul officer Jesse Zilge) to violently kick and beat this man, while he lie on a St. Paul sidewalk, is unknown.Shortly after the incident a video was posted on YouTube, which provided solid evidence that this cop was completely out of line. But it’s not the first time there have been issues with the morality and brutality of our local and nationwide officers. Something needs to be done immediately to end the violence and inappropriate discipline being inflicted on our citizens. The harsh discipline we are discovering is being used more and more often should not be tolerated. Cops, especially street cops, are supposed to be the role-models of the community and are hired to benefit the community, not harm it.According to the St. Paul yearly analysis, in 2010 crime rates for homicides alone have shot up 9% since 2001. Many of those crimes may have been easily prevented if cops had been doing the ir job correctly and using appropriate punishment only when needed. Many citizens have become scared to call 911 and involve the police because they don’t trust the actions they will take. In reality, the police should be making you feel at ease and knowing you can call them for help should be something people should feel comfortable doing.Police brutality is defined as the intentional use of excessive force by a police officer. It takes many forms, including physical abuse, verbal attacks, and psychological intimidation. In the most recent years, we are seeing more and more cops being put on trial for their violent conduct. The story of Eric Hightower is just one of the many recently reported and investigated stories of victimized citizens being put in physical harm by cops. It’s beginning to make many of us wonder how many times there have been incidents like this in the past that have never been reported.It was brought to my attention more closely than ever when it was as stated in the StartTribune, â€Å"If an officer can kick someone in front of witnesses and a camera, how often do those types of attacks happen at night when cameras aren’t rolling? †Of course, to believe there is an issue with the criminal justice system, you must recognize the problem as well as believe that cops are not trained to inflict physical abuse on citizens, they are trained to help the community and to only get physical when demonstrating self-defense.Even when using self-defense should it ever be okay to kick someone, along with â€Å"slam someone's head onto the car hood†(according to the StarTribune in the Hightower story)? The answer is no. If cops are supposed to be preventing physical abuse and fighting why on earth would it ever be okay for them to use it. Cops must complete a two year degree before they can be a certified officer. The reason for this is so that they can learn the ethics that must be used while on duty as well as many other classes that teach the duties that must be performed and how to go about them.Knowing that, I have a very hard time believing there is any circumstance an officer could say that they were unaware their behavior was out of line. We are discovering that most brutality is directed against minority groups or otherwise powerless populations. Officers who engage in brutality rationalize their use of inappropriate force by claiming they are punishing those groups that threaten to disrupt the social order. The importance of understanding racism in the context of police brutality needs to be brought to attention and is extremely out of line.Many police automatically regard racial minority group members as potentially dangerous regardless of their particular activities, gestures, or attire. This perception of racial minority citizens as â€Å"trouble†sometimes translates into racially discriminatory police behavior. According to CliffNotes. com, â€Å"In 1982, the federal gove rnment funded a â€Å"Police Services Study†in which over 12,000 randomly selected citizens were interviewed in three metropolitan areas. The study found that 13 percent of those surveyed had been victims of police brutality the previous year.Yet only 30 percent of those who acknowledged such brutality filed formal complaints. †I would be willing to bet that over 50% of those citizens, who endured the police brutality, are minorities or racially different from the cop that inflicted the abuse upon them. Of course believing that cops can be racially discriminating, means that you must believe racism is still a common problem in today’s society. Which in fact, it most definitely is. It’s still a big problem because people are not bringing enough attention to it for it to be recognized.For example, before reading the article in the StarTribune and prior to taking a Criminal Justice class that focused on the racially discriminating cops, I had no idea this w as even an issue. It needs to be brought in the public eye so that people can start voluntarily coming forward and so the problem can be solved nationwide. I believe we this is a realistic request and hope for our future, because recently Departments in some cities, for example, have adopted special training programs to reduce incidents of police brutality.Other departments have formulated rules that limit the use of force by the police. Preventive control also requires supervising officers (for example, conducting surveillance of officers' work) and disciplining those who violate departmental standards. A few amount of cities aroung the US are developing early warning systems to identify officers with high rates of citizen complaints. These incidents should be investigated, and if verified, the officers involved should be charged, disciplined, restrained, and/or counseled.According to CliffNotes. com, â€Å"Pittsburgh, for example, launched a $1. 5 million computer system. It moni tors every aspect of an officer's professional lifeâ€â€from the number of citizen complaints filed against the officer to the race of every person the officer arrests. †With all that said, there is only one exception to my argument which is, if a citizen threatens to use a lethal weapon on an officer or if a citizen gets physically violent against an officer, then physically restraining that person is reasonable and just.In officer training schools they are taught to use self-defense when necessary. Many officers though, are abusing that privilege. Once put into physical restraints or if the citizen has calmed down or promised to cooperate, the self-defense should end immediately. This does not mean that the officer should not be on high alert, but physically, he or she should not be getting physical with the citizen. If we want our officers to be treated with respect, and our 911 systems to be effective to end crime, then police brutality should not be tolerated and shou ld end mmediately in order to keep citizens safe and ensured that our criminal justice system is working to benefit the community in a positive way. Abby Boyce English 1201 Professor McGehee 10/22/2012Citations CliffsNotes. com. Police Brutality. 21 Oct 2012 ;lt;http://www. cliffsnotes. com/study_guide/topicArticleId-10065,articleId-9975. html;gt;. Editorial Board, . â€Å"Police brutality in the age of YouTube. †StartTribune. 09 2012: 1. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. ;lt;http://www. startribune. com/opinion/editorials/168689626. html? refer=y;gt;.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Mistakes are Steps to Success
Many people think that mistakes just make their life miserable. But, ironically, that is not true. I always thought that making a mistake will make me regret that mistake for the rest of my life. But luckily I fell into the learning side of mistakes. Mistakes are like missions in a game, you may not die or you may die. If you die, you may learn from the mistakes that made you die in the first place. So the next time the same mission comes again you may not die because you have already learned from it. I believe that if you make a mistake, be optimistic and learn from the mistake.It makes you learn something about a situation and actually move on positively with it. When you make a mistake, it opens an automatic door to get to know yourself better. People can often learn more from a mistake than success. Some people may do the same mistake 2 or 3 times and then learn, that totally depends upon how seriously the mistake is. For example if you play with a needle, you might not get hurt the first time, but if you do it wrong the needle might poke a hole in your skin. Next time you do it you might think, NEEDLE=BAD.Sometimes we don’t realize we’re doing something bad until we get hurt and that’s usually how we learn. Everyone has made a mistake in their lives. At least just one, I mean if someone has never made a mistake, well that obviously means he/she doesn’t know anything. Why? Because mistakes are mostly the things that teach us in life. If we were perfect, nothing would make us happy, curious or even sad. I guess that’s a good thing, but that’s not true. I feel that mistakes give us more strength and make us stronger to deal with life.From my previous mistakes, I learned to never let anyone hurt me and crush my feelings, I learned to not show my emotions so much in future relationships, I learned about the kind of person I want in the future and the kind of person I don't want, I learned not to be so needy and to depen d on myself and my family for my happiness. Another false step that really taught me something was to lie to my parents. When we turn teenagers we change our path and do far worse mistakes than we do as kids.Something like that happened to me, I started to lie more and more until my parents would find out everything I lied about; I got phone and my PS3 taken away for a long time and that taught me to be truthful and honest to both of my parents so I won’t be able to suffer and have nothing in my life to entertain myself with. Some mistakes can be learned from, but few cannot. For example, if you’re teacher wants you to study on the computer and you start playing games, you might not get the second chance.Instead you probably will get a detention. I know that it is pretty hard to accept mistakes made by us but it’s easy if we can see our mistakes from a different angle. We usually think the negative thoughts about our mistakes, but we need to understand and accep t that the mistakes we do will bring big changes and make our lives distinct in some sort of way, depending on the mistake. I now realize why mistakes are also helpful and not only hurtful.
Monday, July 29, 2019
A report on a chipset Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
A report on a chipset - Essay Example Chipsets perform the task of ensuring that the system’s performance is as per the required standards of working mechanical products. The functioning of systems with the use of chipsets becomes easier and is often simplified as compared to when they might not have any. Further improvement in technology has made it increasingly easy to make the chipsets more efficient, while at the same time, they are being made smaller with each passing period, and technological advancement. This feature has made the systems they are incorporated in to perform better, and are less heavy. Chipsets are a main feature in many systems. There are some errors that are associated with such technology. However, there are new ways that have come up to ensure that these chipsets function properly. This paper will review the use of the chipset in a computer system. Also, how they affect the performance, and functions of computers. Ever since the invention of computers, working has become easier over the past. The growth of international corporations has been attributed to computers. They have been considered the most valuable assets that any company could have. Almost every office in the world today is equipped with at least one computer (Lyla 56-58). The importance of knowing how to use this technology has led to the worldwide acceptance of people into these organizations. They are often used to perform many different functions. Under special guidance, they are able to complete tasks as required in many organizations. The most recent development in the computer era is the use of microchips. The use of these microchips or chipsets has helped the computer system to perform its functions better. An example that can arise in the computer system of a chipset is the graphic and audio microchips. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, the term microchip was used to refer to chips present in the motherboard. These microchips were often used to customise the functioning of audio and
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Sociology unit 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sociology unit 5 - Essay Example Jà µrry nà µÃ µds to là µarn from thà µ mistakà µs of othà µr companià µs that havà µ à µxpandà µd in Asia in gà µnà µral, and in thà µ hugà µ markà µt of China spà µcifically, and failà µd. Thà µ projà µct managà µmà µnt packagà µ shows how Jà µrry nà µÃ µds to là µarn from companià µs likà µ Lincoln and Chà µvrolà µt, which had problà µms à µxpanding duà µ to a lack of attà µntion to intà µgral host culturà µs. â€Å"For many, thà µ concà µpt that thà µ way businà µss is donà µ hà µrà µ is not nà µcà µssarily thà µ way it's donà µ à µvà µrywhà µrà µ may comà µ as a rà µvà µlation. But thà µ consà µquà µncà µ of losing a dà µal or alià µnating an ovà µrsà µas businà µss contact is rà µal, whà µthà µr it rà µsults from impropà µr tablà µ mannà µrs or a propà µnsity toward thà µ abrupt hardball tactics that tà µnd to kill a dà µal†(Sharif, 2002). Thà µ kà µy to succà µss is to là µarn about thà µ h ost culturà µ, and do a lot of markà µt rà µsà µarch into how it diffà µrs from thà µ homà µ culturà µ. â€Å"Whilà µ any introductory à µxposition of a culturà µ is nà µcà µssarily basà µd on a particular pà µrspà µctivà µ to somà µ dà µgrà µÃ µ, it is important to find a starting placà µ for undà µrstanding how Chinà µsà µ-Wà µstà µrn communications may bà µ facilitatà µd. ... And in à µxpanding into Gà µrmany, thà µ organization of Lincoln nà µglà µctà µd to considà µr diffà µrà µncà µs in languagà µ and culturà µ in its global rà µsà µarch. As thà µ sociologist Durkhà µim suggà µsts, not all culturà µs havà µ thà µ samà µ valuà µs. Thà µ à µxamplà µ of thà µ Chà µvy Nova mà µntionà µd abovà µ, is a good illustration of how U.S. businà µssà µs havà µ traditionally run into problà µms by rà µlying too much on a cà µntralizà µd domà µstic command structurà µ that doà µs not givà µ sufficià µnt local autonomy for markà µting and othà µr opà µrations. This is thà µ samà µ problà µm that Lincoln was running into in its Gà µrman opà µrations. That is, ovà µrall, a dynamic global à µnvironmà µnt invità µs dynamic rà µsponsivà µnà µss that is not thà µ samà µ thing as cà µntralizà µd dà µcision-making. â€Å"In gà µnà µral, it appà µars that countrià µs that takà µ advantagà µ of frà µÃ µ movà µmà µnt of goods and sà µrvicà µs, labor and capital can thrivà µ in thà µ aggrà µgatà µ. Howà µvà µr, sound macroà µconomic policià µs arà µ nà µcà µssary Although thà µ numbà µr of individual gainà µrs appà µars to outnumbà µr losà µrs in incrà µasà µd globalization, it is possiblà µ that thà µ losà µrs can crà µatà µ a backlash that will oncà µ again causà µ a rà µtrà µat†(Bordo, 2002). Jà µrry nà µÃ µds to avoid mistakà µs likà µ thosà µ of Lincoln and Chà µvrolà µt, but this can bà µ rà µlativà µly à µasily donà µ by mixing third-party rà µsà µarch, markà µt profilà µs, and outsourcà µd hiring, to movà µ branch opà µrations into là µaguà µ and connà µction with thà µ host culturà µ. In this mannà µr, thà µ nà µw projà µct can succà µÃ µd whà µrà µ othà µrs havà µ failà µd. Part 2 What arà µ somà µ potà µntial mà µthods of rà µsà µarching violà µncà µ
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Introduction to Networking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Introduction to Networking - Essay Example This method is reliable since it guarantees transfer of data from the sender to recipient in the same order that data is sent (Kim, 2011). Connection-oriented services usually set up virtual links in between the ending systems through a network. I also learnt that routable protocols contain both network and device address while non-routable protocols regulate the transfer of data; they always utilize interior routing systems as a means of transferring data. I will use this knowledge in the future in educating others. What I struggled with this week was grouping various protocols into routable or non-routable and connectionless and connection-oriented. Trying to identify and group the protocols was a chief problem. I discovered that internet protocols utilize routing to relay data to and from computers. The internet routing devices are referred as gateways (Kim, 2011). Both interior and exterior gateways can be used in relaying information from the sender to the receiver. Regarding this week’s lessons, I have any helpful tips, which I can share with my fellow
Friday, July 26, 2019
Three imediments to small businesses in America Research Paper
Three imediments to small businesses in America - Research Paper Example Small businesses in America face many difficulties, but three that are documented in current literature are financing, race, and having a solid business strategy. The literature researched shows three reasons small businesses in America can have difficulty. Part of the discussion around small business difficulty is the definition of what it means to have a small business success. There are several factors affecting survival of small businesses in the United States, but the most dominant are racism, ineffective strategic planning and poor management. In the United States the race factor plays an important role in most of the operations and functioning in the country. Small businesses require loans to boost their performance and increase income. This is because most if the small businesses have limited financial supply. However, racism has greatly affected availability of loans to most of entrepreneurs with small businesses. Most small business owners are African American and the race factor has hindered them access to loans and hence affected development of small businesses. On the other hand, whites are accessing loans. However, not most of the whites are engaged in small businesses. This has affected growth if the small business industry to the expense of large scales businesses (Weinzimmer and Manmadhan, 2009, p 171). For the survival of an organization, it has to posses an effective marketing department. The marketing department is charged with ensuring public awareness of the services and the products of the organization. The department works in conjunction with the public relation department hence inform the public while maintaining a good relation and image with the public. For proper and effective marketing, an organization has to strategically plan the marketing process. For instance, before a company commences it has to determine the kinds of services or products to offer to the public. For established companies, they use marketing as a tool of determi ning the changes they ought to make to their products or services so as to enhance sales. Generally, companies use marketing to determining appropriate strategies to use in sales, development and communication with an aim of increased sales and containing competition (Cavalluzzo, & Wolken, 2005, p 2158). Due to the limitation of resources, small businesses ought to strategically plan. Therefore, small businesses strategically plans the marketing process hence concentrate their limited resources to the greater opportunities available. When the process is effective, the company may realize sales increase and hence achieve competitive advantage in the market. The strategy may enable a company to fill the needs of the market and hence reach the objectives of the market. A good strategy has to effectively scan both the external and internal environments. This can be achieved via appropriate Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats (SWOT) analysis. After the analysis then a company may set a strategic plan for market, establish goals, identify alternatives in the market, determine market mix and implement them (Bergen, 2001, p 460). Strategic marketing plan An effective, efficient and adaptable marketing plan has several components. These components help in the implementation and achieving
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The role of gaze (however topic if optional) Research Paper
The role of gaze (however topic if optional) - Research Paper Example In his work, Berger analyses the importance of seeing and how the act impacts the day to day life. He defines the act of seeing as the most important sense compared to other four senses. On the other hand, Hooks describes the societal understanding of the gazing. She uses the gazing act to define the historical racism that the colored women faced. The role of gaze is to open the other senses to appreciate and interpret the image at the sight. â€Å"The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled†(Berger 7).Through theoretical and practical learning, I have come to notice that the eye can be the window to the brain too. There are so many links between what we see and what we think; you will see a color and then interpret it the same way you will see a danger and then react to it (Berger 7). This has allowed the looks to be judged differently by many people. The interpretation of looks, therefore, can be used to define someone’s characteristics as to whether one is disciplined or not; or an act is good or bad. The role of gaze is to enable us connect the concepts and understand the beauty that surrounds us (Berger 7). One can relate to seeing what we know or what we believe such that whatever we have in mind can make us view things differently. One who believes in The Bible as a religious teaching will, therefore, see the act of stealing as a bad thing that should be practiced (Berger 8). The act of seeing one that you love makes one be in a different kind of mood that can only be expressed not by word but through actions. The same way an act of seeing can be used to communicate disapproval, anger, and other emotional disgust. This is an explanation of how sight links with personal emotions and reactions. It is true that the feeling can be experienced through touching, and this is witnessed by the blind individuals, but it is using touch has been
ELP Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
ELP - Assignment Example y helps the students to improve their skills, but also provides them with lot of informations about themselves so that in such a way they can identify, rectify and enrich their qualities and overall increase their personality. In this way, ELP becomes a PDP (Personal Development Planning) tool. Once a student is out of the academic field, he becomes a total stranger in the competitive world, and by all means he has to improve every inch of his talents in order to be successful in his life. This is where ELP comes to them as an aid that would help and support them in all their progressions. Many students out there are not at all bothered about their lack of skills. They think that is something which they need not worry about, but the truth is that once they come to realize the need, it would be too late. Such students are left aside from excellent opportunities. It is the sole duty of the students to be careful about their steps, they should use the opportunity properly only then they will have a good future. Employability learning programme educates the students about their role in the future, teaches and trains them about the employability skills they need to have, makes them understand their own talents and last but not the least it gives them strength to face the world skillfully. In all ways, we should understand and use the opportunity of this programme to improve and shine in the society. This programme acts like an identifier bringing out the language, communication problems in the individuals and then creates a good impact on it through motivation and encouragement finally resulting in excellent performance. Through this innovative approach students will be able to master their talents and use them in a fruitful way making them stand out from the crowd. This is how the programme works on every individual considering lot of things from the learner side. As it focuses on what mainly the employers look at, the programme is of great use for the students.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Db1 managing high performance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Db1 managing high performance - Research Paper Example I prefer the free reign type of leadership to the autocratic. Free reign leadership style is motivational to employees, and it gives them room to exchange ideas within themselves and even work towards the same goal. Autocratic does not give the employees room to participate in the decision-making process, exercising of individual leadership styles hence influencing negatively on worker talents and skills (Gino, 2013). While working with Digg Company, I observed the management styles employed by the company director, Mr. Willy to be laissez-Faire. Mr. Willy delegated duties, responsibilities coupled with adequate authority to his junior staff, gave them room to take part in the decision-making process, and without strict supervision. It helped the company meet its set goals within the period; employees felt encouraged and motivated. On the contrary, Mrs. Helena, the sales representative of Frontier Marketers Company, where I started my career, designed an autocratic style that did not achieve success (Benincasa, 2012). She harshly directed her employees, fired and hired without warning. It led to employees feeling inferior, could not contribute much to organization’s development, and soon losses struck the company. Benincasa, R. (2012, JUNE). 6 Leadership Styles, And When You Should Use Them. Retrieved OCT 8, 2014, from FC leadership: Nayab, N. (2011, SEPT 28). Examples of Companies with Autocratic Leadership. Retrieved OCT 8, 2014, from Bride Hub Project Managment:
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
State of Nuclear Energy in Germany Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
State of Nuclear Energy in Germany - Assignment Example If the other actor is rational then such an approach, if practiced correctly can ultimately help to keep a state free from interference of an aggressive manner. The second of these strategies which will herein be discussed is that of dà ©tente diplomacy. Naturally, this ultimately represents a form of soft power in that it works to east tensions between groups by engaging in different mediums of hostility relaxation. As a function of using this particular strategy, the actors are assuming that the other side can ultimately be convinced of their own viewpoint and that a certain amount of give and take or compromise can ultimately be affected (Mueller, 2011). An example of deterrence in global politics can of course be inferred by the very public displays of military might and power that the Islamic Republic of Iran puts on display during the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. Likewise, an example of dà ©tente can be seen in the way that UN diplomats as well as Russian and Western diplomats have been hard at work seeking to work out an end to the bloodshed that is continuing in Syria. The country that this student has chosen to analyze is that of Germany. Although Germany is considered to be one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world, it has announced that it plans to take all nuclear plants operating within the country offline within the next 10 years. This has been a function of the events that have taken place within Japan as a result of the Fukashima Diachi disaster (Funabashi & Katazawa, 2012). As such, Germany provides something of a role model for other advanced states that continue to cling to nuclear energy as a means of producing a high level of cheap energy for their population. Without a doubt, the threat of the use of nuclear weapons during war is the greater threat. Although occasional industrial accidents can and have occurred
Monday, July 22, 2019
Effects of Prostitution Essay Example for Free
Effects of Prostitution Essay Ones adolescent stage is viewed as innocent and pure. However, a multi-million dollar industry within our world strips teens from their youth and leaves them fighting for their lives. Children as young as 10 are working the streets as their life style revolves around prostitution. United States of America implies an image that any individual can live a life filled with money. However, not everyone reaches this â€Å"American Dream†. Those who were not born into money know the hardships of the streets and the feeling of desperation and loneliness. Societies youth fall victim to prostitution as an ttempt to fill a void within their lives. Their bodies become the product of their new found income. Media avoids revealing the truth about teen prostitution and many individuals within society show little interest nor sympathy towards them. Unfortunately, many view teen prostitution as a crime and those who are involved in teen prostitution are referred to as criminals. However, society is incapable of seeing beyond stereotypes. Teen prostitutes fall victim to countless obstacles that have taken place within their personal life in which lead them to be stripped from their innocence and forced to sell their odies in order to survive. In a world that revolves around money, sex, and drugs, these teens become vulnerable to STDs and put themselves in situations in which can be life threatening. Read more: Effects of Prostitution Both sexes undergo intensive psychological damage while prostituting and feel as if it is impossible to escape from the world they have so willingly ran to. In Joan J. Johnsons, Teen Prostitution, Johnson evaluates Americas youth and the connection with the rapid increase in teen prostitutes and the reasons why teens choose this path. Majority of youths enter the life style of a prostitute due to growing up in busive homes, feeling neglected, or have been dealing with money struggle to support their drug habit. Evidently, throughout Johnsons analysis she reveals a solution on how to prevent our youths from resulting to prostitution, her answer involves a prevention plan. Through statistics, articles, and personal stories, Johnson successfully unravels the truth behind why teens end up on the streets and the outcome of this social problem. Joan J. Johnsons, Teen Prostitution is structured into ten chapters. Within her novel Johnson goes into depth and evaluates the cause, process, and outcome of teens who urn to prostitution. Statistics have shown that an estimate of 400,000 teens enter the world of prostitution. According to Johnsons research: All but 5 percent of todays teenage prostitutes have been violently physically abused, many by their own parents. All but 15 percent have been coerced into having incestuous sexual relations with their families members [ ] 5 percent have been sexually abused by other people not in the immediate family. Finally only 2 percent come from families that have remained intact with both natural parents still leaving at home. ( Johnson 12) It is clear that societies youths feel the need to escape as a result to the feeling of betrayal from family members. However, studies have shown that not all teens fall victim to extensive abuse or betrayal. Some choose this life style or have fallen in love with their pimps. These types of situations prevent the teen from leaving this form of activity. Johnson provides a study by Dr. Michael Braizerman from the University of Minnesota to back up her theory. Dr. Braizerman states that pimps use manipulation and persuasion to keep these females and sometimes males hooked on prostituting. Some of these tactics include drug addiction and dependency. Pimps target those who are socially awkward, and unattractive, then these pimps navigate themselves into this individuals life and makes them believe there is something better along side them and there business. Johnson stresses how abused children would rather sell their bodies than stay within a home where they feel abandoned and where they are surrounded by violence. Therefore, teens take drastic measures and find themselves on the streets, barely clothed, and turning tricks for a few dollars. In Elaine Landaus, On the Streets, Landau reveals hat around 85 percent of those who run away from there abused parents are most likely to become involved in prostitution. In a global scale approximately 2 million teens run away each year and 20 percent of these teens become full-time prostitutes. It is clear that with Johnsons collected data she declares that abused teens not only face psychological hardships, but they are most likely to take part in hard-core prostitution. These teens have now formed dependency among there pimps and â€Å"sugar daddies†. Johnson goes into depth when discussing the forms of abuse that can ultimately destroy a hild and force them to grow up into the world of prostitution. Johnson demonstrates four forms of abuse that can take place within ones childhood and adolescent stage. One of Johnsons evidence for why teens result to prostituting is because most of these teenagers have originated from abusive homes. An abusive home can include parents that show little to no interest to their offspring or can be considered as irresponsible towards their family duties. When abuse takes places it leaves the victim vulnerable and unable to defend for themselves. Physical abuse involves a parent using their fists or hysical object. Johnson explains tha t physical abuse has been ignored by society for decades. However, its internal damage is hard to ignore. Evidence collected proved that females were more accountable for physical abuse rather than males. Seventy-five out of a hundred female prostitutes have admitted to being abused by a male father figure in their childhood. Joan J. Johnson says, â€Å"Most often, youths are â€Å"put down†as failures, weaklings, and unwanteds. †(Johnson 51). Successfully Johnson was able to show how emotional abuse can also impact children and force them to make choices that will ffect their lives forever. Through verbal abuse, children begin to lack self-esteem and begin to believe everything that their parents call them, having them helpless and incapable of accomplishment. Children who face sexual abuse use endure this from a very young age. Johnson states that sexual abuse could be the main reason why teens lash out and become prostitutes. Johnson refers to this form of abuse as, â€Å"the fastest growing category of family-violence cases. †(Johnson 52). Johnson proves that sexual abuse can range from an age as early as three and can continue until the child leaves home. Joans final form of abuse is considered as incest. According to Johnson incest involves a child that is being sexually abused by a member within their own family. Evidently Johnsons claim on the affects of abuse within ones childhood proves that no matter the form of abuse, it leaves the victim with psychological damage. These victimized children see no other way and are convinced it is their duty to submit themselves. Johnson states that years of sexual abuse forces the victim to allow others to sexually abuse them as well. Clearly a pattern begins to take its shape and these victimized teens see no other option but to flee to the streets since they were betrayed by those who were meant to care, protect, and nurture them. With any form of abuse comes along the higher percentage that these victims of abuse or rape will soon turn into teen prostitutes. The term neglect is frequently used by Johnson within her novel, as she evaluates the structure within ones home and the neglect that these teenage victims are forced to overcome. Johnson states that, â€Å"Many come from homes charged with tension. †(Johnson 44). Along with tension comes arguments, unhappiness, and abandonment. Neglect usually starts from a troubled home. These troubled homes occasionally include a family member who possesses a drug or alcohol addiction. Johnson provides her readers evidence to support her theory, as a result about 70 percent of teen prostitutes claimed to have watched their families crash and burn through divorce or separation. The author then declares that once a family is shattered, the victims life undergoes countless challenges. Neglect is shown towards the child as neither parent feels the need to care for their offspring. This leaves the child to wonder for a father or mother figure. In order to fill the void of attention and care, these teens find hope within their pimps and fellow prostitutes. In their eyes, this type of relationship is the best they can receive and the closest to a family. Ken Magid, chief of psychological services at Golden Medical Clinic in Colorado said that â€Å"few children are ever able to trust others or form intimate, deep relationships. †Due to all the traumatic stress and neglect provided by their families these teens will become un-attached to reality. Many of these teen prostitutes were forced to grow up at a very young age, due to the lack of a parent figure. The outcome of a troubled home results in a child having to facing drug or alcohol abuse, or form a mental illness. Alongside neglect, disappointment, and rejection comes the terms of a â€Å"runaway†, â€Å"throwaway†, and â€Å"foster care runaways†. Each form have demonstrated neglect in one way or another from a family member or parent figure in which forces these teens to run from their problems and seek salvation. Johnson refers to a runaway as a teen who chooses to leave their home, whether it be due to abuse or neglect. Statistics has shown that the longer an individual stays on the streets, the more likely they will turn to prostitution and avoid returning home. According to Joan J. Johnson, family troubles are the main reason why runaways occur within America. Unlike a runaway whom chooses to leave their troubled home, a throwaway is given no choice and thrown out by their guardian. Johnson uses a study collected by a U. S Senate committee that states that families kick their children out before they are capable of fending for themselves. These parents refuse to take their children back into their homes due to a mental illness or he fact that they are unable to cope with them any longer. Johnson successfully demonstrates the change that has occurred within the United States in the last few decades. It is clear that decades before our time, extended family would usually step in if a relative was in needed or neglected by their own intimate family. However, Johnson has acknowledged that as time has passed our so called extended family have begun to isolate themselves and move farther away with little to no communication. Therefore, with no help from relatives, these throwaways are left with no other choice then to sell the nly thing they have to offer, their bodies. Majority of teen prostitutes have originated through the foster care system. Johnson recognized that most of these teens were put into foster care due to being in neglected homes. However, evidently these teens were already damaged mentally and physically that it was too late to save them from prostituting. On the other hand Johnson adds that the foster care system can also share the blame in pursuing a teen to runaway and turn to prostituting. Even with support from social workers and foster parents, some of these children are scarred to the point where they reject any orm of relationship. Johnson lashes out against the media and blames the media for putting a negative light against foster parents and the foster care system in general. Due to the perspective of the media, many teens view the streets as a more safer gateway in comparison to the foster care system. Despite the fact that if these teens are runaways or throwaways, they have been forced down a path in which no soul should be forced to go down. Abusive homes and neglect forces a teen to end up on the streets. However, drugs and money are the reasons why some of our youths stay. The drug world is a multi-million dollar industry and is sed by pimps to secure their prostitutes and ensure they continue their business. Johnson stresses the use of drugs and its important role in the prostitution world. Pimps offer drugs to their prostitutes and manipulate them into thinking that it is a form of an escape. After a drug addiction is formed, Johnson says, â€Å"drugs have long been used to create dependencies that entrap male and female prostitutes, keeping them working, passive, and obligated in order to support their habits. †(Johnson 96). Pimps have developed strategies that ensure their prostitutes loyalty to their business. Once again, Johnson compares the past and present. She identifies the drug abuse that occurred in the past in comparison to recent years. Johnson states that in the past pimps were the ones who introduced teens to drugs and addiction. However, times have changed and now teens have already experimented with drugs long before entering the streets. It is clear that many teens turn tricks just to support their drug addiction. Johnson claims that as a teens drug addiction worsens the harder it is to resist prostituting. Not only do drugs pursue a teen to prostitute, but money does as well. Money is the key attribute for survival and like any other human being, it is viewed as a necessity.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Intercultural Communication Advantages and Disadvantages
Intercultural Communication Advantages and Disadvantages Intercultural Communication Implication Intercultural communication is defined as situated communication between individuals or groups of different linguistic and cultural origins (Millar, n.d.). Communication is the active relationship established between people through language, and intercultural means that this communicative relationship is between people of different cultures, where culture is the structured manifestation of human behavior in social life within specific national and local contexts (Millar, n.d.). Hence, in this happens, if communication does not proceed smoothly or have some misunderstanding, people may tend to make implicit judgment that the other person does not know how to act appropriately or is not a good person (Matsumoto Juang, 2007). However, people from different society, cultures, and countries interact with each other in the exchange process (Yearwood, 2012). So, internationalization became an important for higher education in the new century (Yearwood, 2012). This is because people believe incorporating an intercultural into the teaching and other functions of the institution, then the entire environment of the institution shifts to that of an international one, whereby it is aligned with international protocols, and its national as well as international standards are strengthened (Yearwood, 2012). Besides that, people willing to open to the challenge, it can help to increasing interacting with those who may not share the same cultural and social norms (Mckeiver, 2013). Intercultural interactions provide benefits, but only if we are open to confronting the barriers that may hinder our success (Mckeiver, 2013). About this, some schools are more welcoming internationalization, because of the many benefits it of fers them such as they are able to build their reputation as a world-renowned institution and recruit international students (Yearwood, 2012). Advantages Effective intercultural communication is vital to not only the establishment, but also the maintenance of positive intergroup relations (Yearwood, 2012). Thus, people must see themselves as possibly engaged in communication and capable of giving and receiving feedback (Yearwood, 2012). For example Muslims strong sense of community, spirituality and hospitality are oft cited qualities of virtue (Payne, 2006). Similarly Muslims worldwide regularly praise the Wests technological achievements, respect for equality before the law and queuing (Payne, 2006). Apart from that, both sides also share similar principles, ideas, and other (Payne, 2006). Besides that, people are believed these factors to be critical to intercultural communication competence, it can increased cultural knowledge and awareness, communication skills, and tolerance for ambiguity (Yearwood, 2012). For example students who engage in intercultural interactions tend to experience gains in communication skills, the ability to empathize and openness to new ideas (Mckeiver, 2013). Moreover, intercultural interactions also increased individuals’ likelihood to challenge personal beliefs and embrace new perspectives and allows us opportunities to practice variations of our intercultural advising style in order to see what works is better for students (Mckeiver, 2013). Disadvantages However, intercultural communication may provide cons. Sometimes, international students experience feelings of uncertainty and anxiety about how to integrate into their host society (Yearwood, 2012). International students often question the deeds that prescribe social norms, in their host country and whether or not they are adhering to these norms (Yearwood, 2012). In regards to international students, all of these differences, between the host country and their country of origin, can result in incompatibility among students, intercultural conflicts, and social alienation (Yearwood, 2012). Furthermore, some findings suggest that some schools may express concerns about issues such as a student’s language ability, they tend to lack empathy for the life challenges students are experiencing, including their emotional and psychological well-being, but some schools did not consider their role in contributing to these behaviors, and instead blamed the students for lacking critical thinking skills and other negative things (Mckeiver, 2013). Besides that, if it is the culture of the host country or dominant society to marginalize minority groups, then the minority groups will have less successful relationships and more conflicts in their interactions (Yearwood, 2012). For example, in an experiment, some American students’ reaction to international students is willing befriend with internationals students, while others will not (Yearwood, 2012). Moreover, research also found the domestic staff and students exhibited greater prejudice against international students by thinking of them as â€Å"sad, lonely and other negative words†(Mckeiver, 2013). The level of prejudice varies depending on the student’s home country (Mckeiver, 2013). So, when students lack confidence in their communication skills, or intenational students facing the experience of negative interactions with the host culture, international students may be unwilling to seek guidance when they need it (Mckeiver, 2013). So, it will provide cons of intercultural communication in international students. Recommendation Intercultural Communication refers to communication between people of different cultural background (Matsumoto Juang, 2007). Its means people from another culture bring with own verbal language. Thus, if communication does not proceed smoothly or have some misunderstanding, people may tend to make implicit judgment that the other person does not know how to act appropriately or is not a good person (Matsumoto Juang, 2007). Moreover, Intercultural Communication may provide benefit in society. For example, if people who willing to confronting the barriers of intercultural communicaton, it can help to increasing interacting with those who may not share the same cultural and social norms (Mckeiver, 2013). Besides that, it can also increase cultural knowledge and awareness, communication skills, and tolerance for ambiguity (Yearwood, 2012). On the other hand, for international students, all of these differences, between the host country and their country of origin, can result in intercultural conflicts, and social alienation (Yearwood, 2012). Besides that, international students also more exhibited greater prejudice in the host country (Mckeiver, 2013).Therefore, improving the intercultural communication may be able to deal the cultural shock. Experience different cultures regularly can improve the intercultural communication. About this, traveling is the best way to inspire curiosity about other cultures (Mcmahon, 2011). People visiting different kinds of restaurants can also exposure to different cultures (Mcmahon, 2011). Furthermore, join the social groups for international professionals or even attend plays, or watch movies that are from another culture also will increase the variety of cultures that people encounter in the daily life (Mcmahon, 2011). Lastly, involvement of others also is one of the ways to improve the intercultural communication. People should be always ensuring that members from other cultural backgrounds are involved in daily communication in order to learn and understand each other’s cultures (Brown, 2013). For example, Working together with members of other cultures breeds an ease with them (Brown, 2013). This gives rise to a common ground to understanding each other, the way each person communicates and how they use non-verbal communication (Brown, 2013). Besides that, involvement of others helps the understanding of the context of usage of certain words and symbols and helps one to understand how different messages are interpreted by different communities (Brown, 2013).
The Great Gatsby Review Film Studies Essay
The Great Gatsby Review Film Studies Essay Fitzgerald does not use a straightforward tone in the Great Gatsby, which leaves unanswered questions throughout the book. Especially at the end where Gatsby is killed by George because of the death to his wife in a car accident. It have been said that it was a yellow royal royce which ran over Myrtle. For that reason, George thinks it is Gatsby who caused the accident, although it was Daisy who drove the car. In spite of the fact that it is only Nick, Gatsby, Daisy and apparently Tom, who knows that it was Daisy behind the wheel, Tom takes the advantage and blame the accident on Gatsby to a frustrated and distressed George. In the whole, this leaves us suspicious and curious with the question, who is the most responsible for Gatsbys death? To begin with, George contributes a major role to Gatsbys death and is morally responsible since he ultimately pulled the trigger. It is a pity that George was victimized by the immorality of the rich, however murder is an immoral act and George did not have a right to put a bullet through Gatsbys head, no matter what the circumstances. In my opinion, George should have let justice and take its course by letting the police handle the situation. Nevertheless, he did pull the trigger and for that reason George is in part and morally responsible for Gatsbys death. In spite of Toms affair with Myrtle and his tattling on Gatsby, he can be morally blamed for the murder. Tom was the one who gossiped to George and told it was Gatsbys car that hit Myrtle, however he did not mention that it was Daisy driving. Although it was never directly shown that Tom knew that Daisy was behind the wheel, we get an insight of Toms knowledge because they leave town the day after the accident. However, the car accident was not the only provocation that gave George intention to kill Gatsby, but also his impression of Gatsby being the one having the affair with his wife. Tom seized his opportunity and took the advantage to get off the hook for his sin and directed it to Gatsby. On the whole, this made himself even more morally incorrect and hence, is Tom clearly justifiable taking the blame by contributing to Gatsbys death. There is no denying that Daisy is also an addition to the contribute to Gatsbys death. She on the other hand, plays a relatively major role and can be put morally responsible for it because of her bad behavior. She is playing immaturely with Gatsby and enjoy their secret affair as long as she can. However, when the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy became complicated, Daisy obviously traps back to Tom which was secure, leaving Gatsby heartbroken. After all, it was the car accident which led more directly to the death of Gatsby, when Daisy killed Myrtle behind the wheel and neglected to stop. Due to the deep love that Gatsby has for Daisy and his desire to protect her, he accepted to take the blame for the accident. Furthermore, Daisy accepts these circumstances with no doubts and regrets, and for that reason, she conceals her guilt and allowed Gatsby to be murdered. In spite of Daisy and her carelessly advantage of Gatsbys deep love for her, she is morally responsible because thi s led directly to the death of Gatsby, George, in his grieving haze, makes a connection between Gatsbys car and his wifes infidelity and begins to pursue his suspicions and hears, mistakenly, that Gatsby was driving the car when in fact it was Daisy who was behind the wheel and responsible for the death of Myrtle. Gatsby himself told no one that it was not he who was driving, in order to keep Daisy safe from the repercussions. The lies and half-truths told by most of the characters leading up to this point explode in a terrible and ultimately pointless catastrophe. All of the characters contribute to Gatsbys death, escpecially Daisy because he loved her and she didnt want to leave Tom for him. The fact that Tom is having an affair with Myrtle contributes to Gatsbys death because if it werent for the affair, Gatsby would have never been involved with Myrtles death. Everyones greedy grabs for the American Dream was the cause of Gatsbys death. Many characters were responsible, in part, for the death of Jay Gatsby, the main character of The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, but each to his or her own degree. Tom Buchanan, a wealthy member of a socially solid old family, played a minor and relatively indirect role in the death of Gatsby. Daisy Buchanan, a beautiful socialite married to Tom, very selfishly used Gatsby to better herself at all costs, one of those being Gatsbys death, but, although she was directly responsible, she was not most responsible for the death of Gatsby. Gatsby himself was most responsible for his own death by blindly doing anything he had to win the love of and protect Daisy. Tom Buchanan played a relatively minor role in Gatsbys death. Tom is a man whom Gatsby views as very insignificant, a minor obstacle in his way to Daisy. When Gatsby was off at war, leaving Daisy alone and vulnerable, Tom à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦came down with a hundred people, in four private cars,(82) and he blinded her with money and social status, something that Gatsby didnt have at the time. Daisy married Tom soon after and they had a child together. Gatsby does not see Tom as a threat because he does not believe that Daisy had ever loved Tom. But Daisy did love Tom, and she continues to love the money and social status that goes with the marriage. Tom and the child are what keeps Daisy from permanently being with Gatsby. If Tom were not around, Gatsby would have Daisy, and there would be no conflict leading to Gatsbys death. Tom, just by being married to Daisy, plays a role in the death of Gatsby, but that role is minor and indirect. Daisy plays a more important and direct role in Gatsbys death than Tom. Daisy is very self-centered and needy. She always wants to feel loved and important, and she will do anything to feel that way, even if it hurts others. Daisy was very much in love with Gatsby prior to his departure for the war, and she continued to love him up to her wedding day, where she was found à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦drunk as a monkeyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦with a letter in the other [hand],(81). It was a letter from Gatsby. She did not think she could go through with the marriage because she still loved Gatsby. She did marry Tom, unable to commit to Gatsby, claming that, Rich girls dont marry poor boys, (139). Daisy was always out to better herself at the cost of anyone else. Due to Toms affair with Myrtle, Daisy was feeling very unwanted and unloved, so it was almost natural for her to accept the deep love of Gatsby. She was simply out to have fun with Gatsby, with no real commitment. She did not realize, or failed to ack nowledge, how deep Gatsbys love was for her. She playing around with it very immaturely, enjoying it for as long as she could. But just when it became complicated, she fell back to what was secure, leaving Gatsby and returning to Tom. More directly leading to the death of Gatsby was the car accident. Daisy killed Myrtle Wilson while driving Gatsbys car and neglected to stop. Gatsby, due to his deep love for Daisy and his desire to protect her, accepted to blame for the accident. Daisy, with no regret, accepted these circumstances, and she allowed for Gatsby to be murdered rather than admit her guilt. Daisy, by carelessly taking advantage of Gatsbys deep love for her, directly led to the death of Gatsby. Jay Gatsby himself was the most responsible for his own death. Daisy was the only woman whom Gatsby had ever loved, and he devoted his entire life to getting her back after the war. Gatsby was hopelessly romantic and deeply in love with Daisy. He bought his extremely ostentatious house simply to be across from Daisy. He threw lavish, incredibly expense parties, with the very romantic notion that Daisy would wonder in to find him with all his money and power. He hoped that he would sweep her off her feet, and it would be just like it was before he went off. He based his entire life around his love for this one girl, who, unfortunately, did not return that love. Gatsby gave Daisy all he possibly could, but Daisy used it only to better herself. Gatsby failed to realize that Daisy was a lost cause. He failed to realize that she was not what he had envisioned her to be. Basing his life around something that was so volatile was very romantic, but also very irresponsible. He would do anythi ng for Daisy, putting her before himself at all costs, which was eventually his life. Specifically, Gatsby took the blame for the car accident, hoping to protect Daisy, even though obviously endangering himself. Gatsbys lifestyle was very irresponsible; he committed himself to things that were unpredictable, eventually leading to his death. Gatsby could have easily avoided death by avoiding a married woman, and, if he could not live without Daisy, he could have avoided death by having some control when it came to Daisy. For Gatsby, it was all or nothing, and it was that lifestyle that killed him. Many characters in the novel The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, played roles in the death of Gatsby, but none greater than the role Gatsby played himself. Gatsbys hopelessly romantic lifestyle was most responsible for his death, far more responsible than Daisys self-centered actions or Toms presence.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Rape of the Lock Essay example -- The Rape of the Lock Alexander P
The Rape of the Lock Pope's portrayal of Belinda and her society in 'The Rape of the Lock' This Lock, the Muse shall consecrate to Fame, And mid'st the Stars inscribe Belinda's Name! In 'The Rape of the Lock' Alexander Pope (1688-1744) employs a mock-epic style to satirise the 'beau-monde' (fashionable world, society of the elite) of eighteenth century England. The richness of the poem, however, reveals more than a straightforward satirical attack. Alongside the criticism we can detect Pope's fascination with, and perhaps admiration for, Belinda and the society in which she moves. Pope himself was not part of the 'beau-monde'. He knew the families on which the poem is based but his own parents, though probably comfortably off, were not so rich or of the class one would have to be in to move in Belinda's circle. He associated with learned men and poets, and there can have been little common ground between the company he kept at Will's Coffee House and those who frequented Hampton Court. The incident at the centre of the poem is the Baron's theft of a lock of hair and the ensuing estrangement of two families. The opening lines of the poem introduce the reader to the satirical stance he is taking towards the society portrayed in the poem. What dire Offence from am'rous Causes springs, What mighty Contests rise from trivial Things, [I.1-2] Pope suggests that they are taking a trivial incident too seriously, displaying an exaggerated sense of their own importance. Throughout the poem Pope continues to make this point through his use of the mock-epic style, which itself takes a trivial incident too seriously, and uses disproportionately grand language to describe an unworthy subject. Belinda is belittled earl... ...y men of the age. An affinity between them is revealed by Pope's empathy, fine judgements, and carefully aimed criticisms, and Pope must have been at least a little fascinated by the 'beau-monde' to apply his talents to this poem which, in an ironic way, celebrates Belinda and her world and, as Pope himself suggests in the final couplet of the poem, has preserved them for posterity. This Lock, the Muse shall consecrate to Fame, And mid'st the Stars inscribe Belinda's Name! [V.149-50] References Butt, John (Ed). The Poems of Alexander Pope. A one-volume edition of the Twickenham text with selected annotations. London. Methuen & Co Ltd. 1963. First published in University Paperbacks 1965, Reprinted with corrections 1968. Reprinted 1977 Bibliography Cunningham. The Rape of the Lock. Oxford University Press. 1971 Gordon. A Preface to Pope. Longman. 1976
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Physics of Cooling Techniques :: thermodynamics physics refrigerator
There are many reasons for wanting to cool things, but whatever the reason, the Second Law of Thermodynamics dictates that cooling something will take effort (sorry, no spontaneously cool sodas). Different techniques have been developed to address this issue, each having its own limitations and ideal uses. The most commonly used method of cooling is with vapor-compression cycles, because it is fairly easy to construct a cooling device employing this method and the cost is low. In fact, conventional refrigerators use this method of cooling to keep your leftovers and drinks chilled! Air conditioners also employ a vapor-compression cycle to cool the ambient air temperature in a room. Basically, vapor-compression refrigeration employs a heat engine run backwards, so heat energy is taken from a cold reservoir and deposited into a hot reservoir. By the Second Law of Thermodynamics, heat energy does not spontaneously transfer from a cold to a hot reservoir. In order to have heat transfer in that direction (and not from from hot to cold, as the system is naturally inclined to do), it is necessary to do work on the system. Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle This refrigeration cycle is approximately a Rankine cycle run in reverse. A working fluid (often called the refrigerant) is pushed through the system and undergoes state changes (from liquid to gas and back). The latent heat of vaporization of the refrigerant is used to transfer large amounts of heat energy, and changes in pressure are used to control when the refrigerant expels or absorbs heat energy. However, for a refrigeration cycle that has a hot reservoir at around room temperature (or a bit higher) and a cold reservoir that is desired to be at around 34Â °F, the boiling point of the refrigerant needs to be fairly low. Thus, various fluids have been identified as practical refrigerants. The most common include ammonia, Freon (and other chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants, aka CFCs), and HFC-134a (a non-toxic hydrofluorocarbon). Stages of the Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle The Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle is comprised of four steps. The conceptual figure of the process shows the PV changes during each part. Part 1: Compression In this stage, the refrigerant enters the compressor as a gas under low pressure and having a low temperature.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Rosa Parks Essay -- Biography Biographies Rosa Parks Essays
Rosa Parks Forward Rosa Parks’ courage to stand up for rights as a citizen of the USA inspires me to this day to stand up for the ideals of freedom & justice for all. Rosa Parks influenced many northerners & lawmakers to look squarely at the discrimination victimizing Alabama’s black people, and work to correct injustice. A vital democracy requires citizen participation! The civil rights movement must continue today as immigrants, especially Arabs and Arab look-alikes are victims of prejudice. Washington Territory and Washington State were too long dominated by the Ku Klux Klan. We need active human rights advocates today to ensure dignity for all people. Shawn Landden [& Chris Bowen]’s biography of Rosa Parks is recommended reading for all who aspire to a successful democracy today. Introduction Many people know Rosa Parks. She was an important part of the Civil Rights Movement; she was arrested for not giving up her seat on a public bus to a white man when he wanted it. She was sick of being pushed around and shamelessly showed it by demanding respect. After this incident the black community started a major bus boycott. It started as a laughable situation that was expected to stop in a few days but ended as a serious problem for the Montgomery Bus Company. For over a year, the black community would not ride the buses. This ended when the U.S. Supreme Court declared bus segregation unconstitutional. This victory, without a doubt, made all African Americans confident to continue the Civil Rights Movement. Even before Rosa's arrest, Montgomery's black leaders had been discussing a boycott from the buses. They used her arrest as "a spark to light the fire that is the boycott". That is why the name Rosa Parks will be remembered for years to come. In this biography you will read about Rosa Parks' life before the boycott including her childhood, education, jobs, and ambitions. You will also learn about her life during the boycott, which will include her struggle toward her goals, and her life after the boycott, which will include her continuing work for civil rights. I hope you learn many things about Rosa Parks and her life, in this Biography, and I hope you remember the name Rosa Parks for years to come. Timeline February 4, 1913     Rosa McCauley born in Tuskegee Alabama 1918     Enters school in Pine Level, Alabama 1924... ..., in Washington, D.C., had designed this sculpture. Etched into this sculpture were the names of forty men and women who had been killed in the civil rights movement. On the rock there also lies these words from Dr. King: â€Å"†¦until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.†Rosa was there when this memorial was established. Rosa still lives on today, traveling more and working with her institute, the Rosa and Raymond Parks institute for Self Development, in hopes of sharing her mission with the world. Bibliography Internet â€Å"Rosa Parks: The Woman Who Changed a Nation† [Online] 28 March 2002 â€Å"The Life of Rosa Parks† [Online] 30 March 2002 â€Å"Rosa and Raymond Parks: Our history† 30 March 2002 â€Å"Rosa and Raymond Parks: Programs† 30 March 2002 Books Rosa Lee Parks with Jim Haskins Rosa Parks: My Story Broadway, New York, NY Scholastic Inc.  ©1992 by Rosa Parks Encyclopedia â€Å"Parks, Rosa Lee†World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book: CD-ROM.  ©2000
Contingency Theory of Leadership Essay
At my workplace we have sales goals that we have to meet and part of my job is to ensure that the staff is achieving their goals and if they are falling behind, I help them find ways to better their selling skills and recognize opportunities. In the table below, categorize different leadership approaches that could be used in the work environment you have described. Provide different suggestions for each of the four approaches to leadership. Directive approachSupportive approach The company has weekly product knowledge training so that the employees know about the products that they are selling. The employees are also rewarded incentives that relate directly to their goals and are aware of their job duties (Jones, 2007) and new procedures shared in our weekly meetings. The individual goals also relate to work schedules the full time employees goals are higher than the part-time employees. The supportive approach to leadership of this group the management is open and very approachable (Jones, 2007). The management also has goals to meet and are always willing to offer advice and additional training to employees. They also meet with employees individually and find out what motivates that specific employee because everyone is different. Participative approachAchievement-oriented approach The employees participate in creating individual goals for themselves (Jones, 2007) and for the branch. They create in-branch promotions and try to make sales fun. Employee suggestions for improvement are put into action and employees are commended for their work ethics and participation with branch promotions. The goals that are set for the employees are realistic, not outrageous (Jones, 2007). By observing the amount of branch traffic, and amount of customers that do not currently have a specific product we can set goals that are achievable.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
A Martian
A Martian S kiboshs a mailing-card legal residence Craig Raine, 1979 Caxtons argon mechanised birds with many move and some ar treasured for their markings they stool the eyeball to melt or the be to shriek without twinge. I find never getn unitary fly, plainly sometimes they get d ingest on the hand. Mist is when the fling is drop of flight and rests its soft machine on the ground then the populace is grim and retainish want engravings under create from raw stuff paper. Rain is when the humans is television set. It has the properites of making colours gloomyer. theoretical account T is a dwell with the enlace inside trace is turn to free the world for movement, so vigorous there is a remove to regulate for anything missed. But time is tied to the wrist joint or kept in a box, ticking with impatience. In homes, a follow apparatus sleeps, that snores when you pick it up. If the ghost cries, they give tongue to it to their lips and soothe it to slee p with sounds. And yet, they wake it up deliberately, by tickling with a finger. still the early are allowed to suffer openly. Adults go to a punishment agency with pee only when nothing to eat. They lock the gate appearance and suffer the noises alone. No one is alleviate nd e realones pain has a distinct smell. At night, when all the colours die, they cross in pairs and read some themselves in colour, with their eyelids omit. A Martian Sends a Postcard ingleside abridgment Posted on April 6, 2011 by vincentmli The poetry A Martian Sends a Postcard Home by Craig Raine depicts exactly what the title says aMartiansending a postal card home. However, we must(prenominal)(prenominal) take into consideration that the Martian is actually on Earth, sending a post card back to his own home hence the descriptions of our e genuinelyday objects are depicted so bizarrely.Every detail alludes to items as well as actions seen on Earth. In the metrical composition Raine illus trates several(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) things from the Martians posture a handwriting, fog, car, clock, telephone, bathroom, and dream. The indite applies a very unparalleled technique in describing all these things, he breaks down each object into unrecognizablyparts and compares them to something similar. A hold is illustrated and compared to a robotic bird with many wings. The disturbance wings of a bird imitates the routine pages of a book.Raine in any case says some are treasured for their markings referring to that fact that some books are cherished by individuals be sweat of their markings, the intelligence activitys write in them. One final things the author does to compare a book to a bird is to remove certain qualities of a bird that dont control in the description of a book, much(prenominal) as flight, but also express a similarity a book sitting compared to a bird perching on someones hand. This kind of raze of objects andanalysingthem in a wis e perspective is done for every object Raine depicts.Another beautiful example of this would be the authors depiction of a car. The author says, form T is a room with a lock inside, from an outside timber, a car is nothing more than an enclose space, exactly what a room is. Raine removes features of a room that dont entertain to a car, a room doesnt lock from the inside but a car does. The ending of the numbers is the to the highest degree intriguing since it doesnt depict anything transparent but rather the concept of pipe dream or the action of quiescence. Raine states that at night when all colours die, they hide in pairs and read about themselves in colour, with their eyelids shut.It is very clear in these dying stanzas Raine is illustrating a scene where both large number are sleeping. The night is dark and no colour sight be seen but in our dreams, where we learn or read about ourselves, we see in colour. This is the only thing that the author doesnt compare to another object but simplyanalyseswhat dreaming truly is, utilize the simplest of descriptions. Craig Raine A song I same because of its way of startling us into new ship canal of looking at things which is something I feel is very basic to poetry. startle similes is Craig Raines specialty, and this poesy in particular displays his learning to such virtuoso effect that it direct to a new school of supposed Martian poetry. But I pretend that Raine is participating in a very ancient poetic ancient tradition. If you look at the poem as a series of clicks to be deciphered by the reader, then that takes us back centuries to the riddle poems in Anglo Saxon literature.Anyway, urinate sportswoman decoding the images. Poem Summary Lines 1-6 base on the number 1 sixer tilts, we profess that the poem bequeath be a description of homo culture seen with the eyes of a Martian. The vocalizer uses the word Caxtons to refer to books. faceman William Caxton, who lived during the fifteenth century, was the first psyche to print books in English. In these lines, the Martian compares books to birds. Like birds, books bedevil wings (pages), and, akin birds, they are marked in ways that give them value.Birds can be tell by their color(s), books by the language they contain. Because the talker does not know the spoken language for call in or laugh, he says that books can cause the eyes to melt / or the dead body to shriek without pain, referring to humans emotional solution when they read books. In lines 5 and 6, the verbalizer returns again to the comparison of books to birds, focvictimization on the way in which humans oft hold books. To the Martian, a book in a persons give looks like a bird perching. Lines 7-10 Again, a comparison is made amid a manufactured item and a native thing.By maxim that Mist is when the sky is commonplace of flight, the speaker is suggesting that the sky is like a vessel of some sort, presumably a flying s aucer or a spaceship. It is often difficult to see the sky when the ground is shrouded in fog, hence the inclination that the sky is resting itself on the ground. In lines 9 and 10, the speaker returns to the image of the book. We can study this comparison if we see the outlines of things in the worlde. g. , buildings, trees, mountains, etc. as looking like words, or engravings under tissue paper. This is a complicated image to visualize, but it deepens our own understanding of how mysterious the earth could be to someone who has never experienced it before. combine with some of the other descriptions of the natural world, this image, in effect, de-naturalizes nature for the reader. Lines 11-12 There are several ways to read these lines. One way is to speak up of rainfall as cosmos like a machine, in this sheath television. Like television, rain makes colours darker by shrouding our view of what is really there. This schooling also raises the interrogatory of what is really there, suggesting that reality itself s colored by the cultural lenses one brings to the act of perception. Another way of reading these lines is to think, literally, of the inactive that frequently appears on television sets. We often refer to such static as rain or snow. Lines 13-16 A Model T is an automobile. Not sharp the words for the parts of a car, the speaker instead refers to it as a room (the seats and the space inside the car) with the lock inside (the ignition into which the key fits). subsequently the car is started, it moves. The Martian compares the experience of sightedness things go by, to freeing the world / for movement The film is the rearview mirror. We can see A Martian Sends a Postcard Home by Craig Raine Upon first read, Craig Raines A Martian Sends A Postcard Home, that was written in 1979, may seem to be a poem about random happenings on Earth. However, man reading the poem in depth and interpreting the poem it can be read as a Martian that was unfa miliar with Earth and its culture. This poem is filled with metaphors. In Craig Raines poem A Martian Sends A Postcard Home the very literal in essence it is a Martian writing to his throng back home.The theme of difference is correspond by the Martians lack of the proper words and terms to describe general things. The Martian in the poem does this because he has a conceptual view floor. The first time we see a metaphor is in the first line, Caxtons are mechanical birds with many wings. (1) I interpreted this as somebody must have pointed at a book and called it a Claxton, or just referred to it as a Claxton, but the Martian readiness have thought it was a mechanical bird, seeing how an open book does resemble a bird with many wings.The Martian also notices that some books or mechanical birds are more important than others because of what is inside. In the attached stanza the Martian says books cause the eyes to melt, (3) probably referring to people when they cry as they are reading. The next line in that stanza shows that at times the people ejaculate or scream because of the books and what they are reading. In stanza three the Martian has never seen a mechanical bird fly but he has seen them perched on hands before. psyche could have construed this stanza as, he never apothegm a book fly, but he does see them existence held by people in their hands.The Throughout Craig Raines seventeen-stanza poem several functional devices become apparent with defamiliarisation being the most prominent. Raine also utilises alienation to modify the audience to observe Earth and human behaviour from a Martians alien point of view. Marxist theories aid in the meter reading of this poem in that Raine suggests that the printing presses territorial dominion the world- or at least its censorship. Freudian literary theories also come in useful when analysing A Martian Sends a Postcard Home especially with the close two stanzas being about the metaphysical world of dreams.Raines unusual world hypothetically assumes a future state, where Martians do exist to the extent that they have landed on Earth and are able to have mail delivered back to their home major planet giving the poem a jolly farcical nature . However this poem makes one of its functions very clear it raises the question of are we alone in the world straight to the forefront of our minds for a blank examination. The structure of A Martian Sends A Postcard Back Home is very much like a postcard in itself, only this is a lost postcard. Postcards rarely require a reception however, this one certainly does in the mold of clarification.The Martian gets confused with the difference between a sister and a telephone, (st10-12), emphasising the cloudiness between technology and the natural instigated in stanza one, with Caxtons being mechanical birds, meaning newspapers and books. The proposition of literature controlling our emotions brought forth in the early stages of the poem introduces Marxist conjecture into the poem ideology in late capitalist societies suggests that whoever owns the publishing houses controls cultural production, and so the strength of capitalism itself .Also reinforcing Marxist theories throughout the poem is the fact that the poem is stereotyped of all human Poem Analysis from Bob . A Martian Sends a Postcard Home is a poem with seventeen stanzas. All of the stanzas have two lines. At first the title of this poem was kind of tricky for me because it made me think that it was about an actual Martian. It took me a while to figure out that he was talking about things that happen in everyday life in earth. Basically something a Martian would send home if he was on a vacation to earth is what the poem focuses on.Analysis Raine uses several riddles in this poem to show what the Martian sees when he comes to earth. He does a very honourable personal line of credit in doing this. For example, the first stanza of the poem is talking a bout a book. Caxton was the first English printer of books. Mechanical birds with wings refers to the pages in a book. By saying they are treasured for their markings meaning that if a person enjoys reading a book they will treasure it. Raine also refers to a book in the next quartette lines.Stanza six comes out straight forward and lets us realize that Raine is talking about fog. It uses words such as clouds. By using context clues we understand the true interpretation. When Raine says rain is when the earth is television he means that the TV is snowy. This is a very good metaphor for rain because it does kind of make the TV look like it is raining. The seventh and eighth stanzas are talking about a car. This is simple as Raine refers to Model T. Raine gives good examples of the car in a Martiani s eyes.For instance, Model T is a room with the locks inside. I like this line a lot because I have never seen a car in this way before. Raine says it is a room because you go inside o f the car and you are apart from the outside world. You need a key to turn the car on and pip and to lock the car. In this next stanza Raine did a great job of describing a fancy or clock. Ticking with impatience is right wing of the button. That is all a watch and clock do is tick for twenty four hours a day. Stanza ten, eleven, and twelve are on the subject of a telephone.All the phone is what Raine writes in this poem. It does not do anything until you pick it up and that is what Raine is saying. The cries of the ghost is when it rings. Then you talk to it, or answer it and when you are finished install it back to sleep or bent grass it up. Yes, we do deliberately wake it and vacillate it with a finger when we answer it or call someone else. A punishment room with just water is a bathroom. I just love these next three stanzas because I love the bathroom. I just doni t think of it as a punishment room. When Raine writes only the young are allowed to suffer openly he is talk ing about a baby getting their diapers changed in the open. Yet adults have to go to the bathroom and suffer our pain alone. Raine had exceptional use of metaphors to describe the bathroom. The bear two stanzas are about sleeping and dreaming. When the colours die is when we go to bed. translation about ourselves with our eyelids shut is basically saying we are dreaming of ourselves. Raine put this at a good spot in the poem because the end of the poem symbolizes the end of the day.
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