Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Effects of Exercise Essay Example for Free
Effects of Exercise Essay In this assignment I will be reviewing the different effects of exercise on the body system including the acute and long term using the pre-exercise, exercise and post-exercise physiological data which I collected based on interval and continuous training method. I will also be including the advantages and disadvantages of these, also the participants’ strengths and areas where they can improve on. -Effect of exercise on the musculoskeletal system As Andre began to exercise, this had an effect on he’s bones; this is because he was putting more stress on them than usual which resulted in them getting thicker. Also exercise had an effect on he’s joints because the joints now became more flexible and he wasn’t getting anymore pains during or after exercising which was an improvement for him. A short term effect that Andre was capable of noticing is that his muscles was getting more flexible as he continued to exercise, this prevented him from getting any injuries, also it helped he’s performance. Another effect is the range of movement; this is because as he continued to exercise his body got used to the stress it was being put under which led to the synovial fluid becoming less viscous. Additionally for the long term effects, Andre’s muscles was capable of tolerating lactic acid; this effect was noticed when Andre stopped complaining about the stitches he got in his legs while exercising. He stopped complaining because his muscles were using fat as a source of fuel when there wasn’t any oxygen available for the muscles. Also Andre’s muscles weren’t getting bigger but it was increasing in its strength; this is because of the training methods used for his six week training programme. -Effect of exercise on the cardiovascular system When Andre was exercising, a lot of he’s energy was getting used up quickly. This energy is gained from the oxidising glucose; this means that not only oxygen must be delivered by the blood but it has to deliver glucose too. This resulted in Andre’s heart having to work twice as hard in order to pump more blood around the body. As Andre continued to exercise his heart muscle and cardiovascular system became more efficient which resulted in him improving he’s endurance because he was capable of running longer as more blood was circulating the body quicker than before. Additionally a short term effect which affected Andre while he was exercising is that he was gasping for more oxygen which led to him inhaling more oxygen than usually which caused carbon dioxide to be exhaled rapidly. Plus another short term effect that was noticeable was his heart rate which increased rapidly; this is because he was exercising harder than he normally does, also he was doing these exercises for a long period of time. Whereas the long term effect which was noticeable was the way Andre’s heart rate was decreasing quickly; this was because his heart was getting used to the regular exercise, also his heart was getting healthier and fitter. Another effect is that Andre was capable of increasing his aerobic capacity as his body adapted to the regular exercise which resulted in his heart and lungs becoming more efficient. -Effect of exercise on the respiratory system Andre’s respiratory system is affected by exercise because when he was actually doing the different exercises, his muscles needed more oxygen and for carbon dioxide to be produced so that he’s heart can work quicker and he would be capable of breathing faster and deeper to let the carbon dioxide exit quicker and the oxygen enter and be pumped around quicker. A short term effect that was noticeable is when Andre’s breathing rate increased; this is because of the chemoreceptors which are found the blood vessels and sensed a sudden rise of the level of carbon dioxide in the blood. This also caused the depth of Andre’s breath increased. Another short effect is the increase in tidal volume; this is because Andre is breathing more as more air passes through the lungs. In addition to that, the long term effect has also had an effect on Andre for example he has increased the vital capacity which means that the lungs are capable of supplying more oxygen to the muscles with vital nutrients and this results in the lungs to expand. Also he’s oxygen diffusion rate has increased due to the more oxygen which is absorbed by the alveoli and then circulated around the body. Before the training programme Andre’s fitness level was not poorly but it wasn’t at he’s best though and in order for him to improve on he’s cardiovascular endurance, I created a six week training programme in which involved different exercises and training methods that he should use to improve on this skill. Also before he started this training programme, I tested Andre on some tests which are: Multistage fitness test Stage 5.9This result shows that Andre is not at he’s best fitness level because after this test was conducted he was struggling to breathe and he kept commenting that he’s legs was in pain. 35 metre sprint 5.25 SecondsThis result shows that Andre’s is just below average, and therefore he is unfit as he did not even reach the average stage of this test for someone at he’s age. Illinois agility test 17.3 SecondsThis result shows that he bad with he’s coordination as he only reached the average result because this was he’s best result after trying this test 3 times. After the training programme Andre could clearly see that he’s fitness level has improved because he could now run for a longer time as he worked hard to improve he’s cardiovascular endurance. After Andres training programme, I conducted the same tests before he started the training programme and this are the results for them: Multistage fitness test 35 metre sprint Illinois agility test Stage 6.5 4.82 Seconds 15.2 SecondsComparing both pre and post tests, I can clearly see that there is a change between the level of fitness Andre is working at; this shows me that hes good with training programmes as he was capable of following the 6 week training program which led to him not only improving hes on hes multistage fitness test but also hes 35 metre sprint and agility test. Advantages and disadvantages of the tests: -Multistage fitness test The Validity of the test is that there are published VO2 max score equivalents for each level reached the correlation to actual VO2 max scores is high. The Reliability of the test would depend on how strict the test is directed for example the coach can be very strict by not allowing the athletes to make any mistakes, also it depend on how the athlete is motivated to do the test. Furthermore, the advantage of this test is that it can be performed in large groups of athlete. Also the test really tests the athletes compared to other tests of endurance capacity. These are advantages because it ensures that the athlete knows exactly how healthy and fit they are and they can use that to their advantage. However, the disadvantage of this test is that the athlete would be less motivated and won’t practice for the test; this therefore can have an influence on the athletes overall score. Also the test should be done indoors to avoid environmental conditions which could possibly have an effect on the score of the athletes. -35 metre sprint Reliability is greatly improved if timing gates are used. Also weather conditions and running surface can affect the results, and these conditions should be recorded with the results. If possible, set up the track with a crosswind to minimise the effect of wind. Also the validity of the test refers to how the test is actually measured; this test provides means to monitor the effect of training on the athletes physical development. Furthermore, the main advantage for this test is that it measures the speed and acceleration of an athlete in any particular sport. This is an advantage because if every athlete done this test then they would know their own speed and for an athlete this would help them on how to improve more on their speed level. Additionally, there are several disadvantages for this tests for example the poor reaction time and starting techniques, also the timing errors. These are disadvantages because they all have a large impact on the result of the test., so therefore this test can be done as many times as possible but there wouldn’t be a correct result as the athlete would be extremely exhausted. -Illinois agility test The validity of the test refers to how the test is actually measured; this test provides a means to monitor the effect of training on the athletes physical development. Also the reliability of the test would depend on how strict the test is conducted and the individuals level of motivation to perform the test. Furthermore, the advantages of this test is that it’s very easy to set up and conduct as not a lot of equipment’ are required, also it can be conducted anywhere e.g. sports hall, playground. Whereas, the disadvantage is that an assistant is required to administer the test. The strength of the tests is that we done them in pairs; this allowed us to measure one another which was good as we got to see how our partners were performing and if they were excelling or not. Also these tests allowed us to know our actual fitness level and what we would need to do in order to increase our fitness level and the way we perform. Whereas, when conducting the tests, I think that areas for improvement is to have better heart rate monitors; this is because the ones that we were using something didn’t work which caused the work to be inaccurate as we have to guess the heart rate of the participants. Also the facilities could have been better; this is because we had to use the cage, astroturf, and sports hall but 2 of these areas weren’t always free whenever we wanted to use them. Additionally, the weather was really cold; this had an effect on the overall performance of the athlete as they could not concentrate due to the bad weather condition as we had to do all of the exercises outdoors including the tests. Plus the tests results would have been better if he had done them at Brunel University because they have the correct facilities and monitors that would give accurate results. Bibliography Books: -Adams, M., Barker, R., Gledhill, A., Lydon, C., Mulligan, C., Phillippo, P. and Sutton, L. (2010). Sport level 3 Book 1 BTEC National Pearson Educational limited. Websites: -Interval training http://www.intervaltraining.net/[Assessed on 26/03/12] -Brian Mac http://www.brianmac.co.uk/conintrn.htm[Assessed on 26/03/12] -2003 2012 Conjecture Corporation http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-continuous-training.htm[Assessed on 26/03/12] -BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/health_and_fitness/4270714.stm[Assessed on 26/03/12]
Monday, January 20, 2020
Global Warming is Destroying Our Planet Essay -- Climate Change, Argum
Is global warming happening right now, and it is causing climate shifts on the Earth? Scientists are still proving this theory by researching data throughout the world. Though scientists are working hard to verify the theory, all the blame is on us, the consumers. Climate shifts are becoming a problem, and people need to be aware of what consequences may be ahead. People need to know, what can be done by this? Most individuals would not give this topic a second thought, but with the research being done there may be a solution to help our Earth. Opposing viewpoints and arguments are debatable in this case, because everyone has a different opinion but this is how I want to advise people to take caution for the revolutionary weather season. I will be discussing the controversy of global warming, history patterns, greenhouse gases, and the biggest emitters of green house gases; in which, will bring up a few more sub-topics to inform the people on. I support the research being done on gl obal warming and the deep investigation on the effects it may have. Although there may be opposing issues that feed this topic to grow as a controversy, people in the third world neglect the economy, and still expect to fund their yearly needs with no delay. How do we support ourselves when it comes to our necessities and our people are not willing to pay? Global warming is not going to stop, and even our countries leader is trying to resolve the issue about climate change. According to Patrick Jonsson, staff writer of Christian Science Publishing, four in ten Americans now say they place little, or no trust in what scientists proclaim about the environment. Disregard the fact of being republican or democrat, but even President Obama has made his a... ...1 Jun 2010,National Newspaper Abstracts (3), ProQuest. Web. 7 Jul. 2010. Riebeek, Holli. "Global Warming : Feature Articles." NASA Earth Observatory : Home. 3 June 2010. Web. 08 July 2010. . "Snow and Ice Cover." Environmental Science: In Context. Ed. Brenda Wilmoth Lerner and K. Lee Lerner. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 2009. 741-742. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Gale. Butler County Community College. 7 July 2010 http://butlerlib.butlercc.edu:2390/ps/start.do?p=GVRL&u=klnb_bucc Tomizuka, A.. "Estimation of the power of greenhouse gases on the basis of absorption spectra. " American Journal of Physics 78.4 (2010): 359. Research Library, ProQuest. Web. 7 Jul. 2010. Weaver, R.. "Sensory Overload over Global Warming. " Journal of Forestry 106.7 (2008): 398-399. Research Library, ProQuest. Web. 7 Jul. 2010.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Mother Teresa Essay
Mother Teresa has dedicated her life to helping the poor, the sick, and the dying around the world. She is one of the most well known and respected people of the 20th century. The movie that viewed in class displayed it very well. It showed how much she cared about the ‘un-cared for’ and how she preached to millions of people around the world. In her speeches she spoke of ‘blessing the misfortunate’ and loving them as well. She also spoke of how easy it is to help them. All we have to do is show some love towards them that they would normally never get. Mother Teresa is one of the most kind people on the planet and goes around spreading the love and affection. She was born in Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in 1910 in Skopje, Yugoslavia. Her parents were Albanians who settled in Skopje near the beginning of the century. He father was a owner of a major construction company so Mother Teresa grew up in a very comfortable environment. In 1928 she suddenly decided to become a nun and traveled to Dublin, Ireland, to join the Sisters of Loreto. After studying with the Sisters in the convent, she left to join another convent in northeast India. On May 24, 1931, she took the name of ‘Teresa’ in honor of St. Teresa of Avila. At first, Mother Teresa was assigned to teach a small Geography class at St. Mary’s High School in Calcutta. Mother Teresa noticed all the beggars, lepers, and homeless people on the streets of Calcutta. There lives were horrible, living on other peoples scraps and letting babies that they couldn’t support die in trash bins. She decided to ask the archbishop if she could stop her teaching and dedicate her life to helping the ‘less fortunate.’ When Mother Teresa received a written consent that it was okay, she began her work. In 1948 Pope Pius XII gave Mother Teresa permission to be a totally independant nun, so she became an Indian citizen. After studying about nursing, she founded the ‘Missionaries of Charity.’ This was a group of nuns who go around and help the sick and dying. All the nuns that agreed to work in the ‘Missionaries of Charity’ had to devote their lives to helping the poor and not to receive any money or material things. To the side is a picture of a letter that Mother Teresa sent to a nun that wanted to join the ‘Missionaries of Charity.’ Mother Teresa welcomed her into the group with praise. Now to the movie. The movie did a very good job of showing how much Mother Teresa cared for the sick. The main part of the movie that I remember was the part when Mother Teresa and her nuns were starting a whole new center to the sick and dying. When the person that owned the building was telling the nuns and Mother Teresa about all the nice things they has in the building, the nuns almost simultaneously said, ‘I don’t think we will be needing that.’ The nuns and Mother Teresa live in such low living conditions and don’t seem to mind. Unlike most of us, she doesn’t need material things to get along. All she needs is some running water and the necessary materials to help the sick. Mother Teresa did such great work for the poor that she received a Nobel Peace Prize in 1971. Pope Paul VI honored Mother Teresa by awarding her the first Pope John XXIII Peace Prize. The following year the government of India presented her with the Jawaharial Nehru Award for International Understanding. In 1979 she received her greatest award, the Nobel Peace Prize. Mother Teresa accepted all of these awards on behalf of the poor, suing any money that accompanied them to fund her centers. By 1990 over 3,000 nuns belonged to the running centers in 25 countries. Obviously, Mother Teresa’s missions to help the poor were a tremendous success. There are also some kinds of summer groups like Habitat for Humanity. Unlike Habitat for Humanity these groups of kids go out and help the sick and dying just like Mother Teresa. The leader of these groups is a well known priest by the name of Johann Christoph. These kids love to do what Mother Teresa does best and make many dying people happy in there last days of life. The School that did this was the ‘Wake Forest University.’ Or as they prefer to be called the ‘City of Joy Scholars.’ The kids spent 18 long days in Calcutta as Mother Teresa’s first help center. The kids remember the varied cultures and races that Mother Teresa and the nuns love so very much. No matter how sick they looked. The kids were forever changed mentally and emotionally after seeing and helping the helpless. The Missionaries of Charity and Mother Teresa are probably the most caring people on Earth. Mother Teresa is already called a Saint. She is the one and only living Saint. I enjoyed the movie and learned a lot about Mother Teresa and here mission to help the sick, lepers, and homeless. I trust she will succeed but she will need more nuns to join the famous ‘Missionaries of Charity.’
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Kelsey Kubistal. Mr. West. American Literature. 13 February
Kelsey Kubistal Mr. West American Literature 13 February 2017 Diversity The array of females in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald are unique in their own ways. No two people in the world are the same, but these three women: Jordan Baker, Daisy Buchanan, and Myrtle Wilson are definitely contrasting. Not only are they, in particulars, different from one another, but the way they act and the things they do are also very diverse. Daisy Buchanan is more of a laid back, kind of rich girl who has things handed to her because she has money. Whereas, Myrtle lives with her husband, George Wilson, in a run-down, small house on top of George’s auto-repair shop. Jordan Baker lives with her aunt in an apartment in Manhattan and cheats at golf†¦show more content†¦The setting of her house just proves it. She lives in the ‘valley of the ashes’ right on top of her husband’s auto-repair shop. The way she dresses shows that she wants attention and wants people to notice her. But the only person who really noticed her was Tom Bucha nan, whom she was having an affair with. And even he wasn’t who she thought she deserved, considering he hit her right in front of everyone at a get-together. Daisy! Daisy! Daisy! shouted Mrs. Wilson. I ll say it whenever I want to! Daisy! Dai –– (Fitzgerald 37). Myrtle obviously knew that Tom had a wife, and was expressive with the way she talked about her. That is what caused a fist to her face from Tom. Myrtle is overall very different from Daisy and Jordan. Jordan Baker is a young woman who was involved romantically with Nick Carraway throughout the novel. She is a self-centered woman who was a bit over the top with herself. She was a golfer and occasionally cheated by pushing the golf balls into the hole. She is described as â€Å"boyish†and isn’t really as obsessed with her beauty and talent as Daisy and Myrtle are. And she doesn’t have to work as hard as Myrtle did just to get attention from men. Jordan understands that she is a mat ure woman who should just let things flow to her, rather than forcing it. â€Å"But there was Jordan beside me, who, unlike Daisy, was too wise ever to carry well-forgotten dreams from age to age†(Fitzgerald 135). The narrator is
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