Monday, May 25, 2020
The World War I And The Persian Question And A History
Late 19th century political narratives, like Persia and the Persian Question and A History of Persia, greatly influenced the social-political discourses behind creation of Britain’s perception of Iran as a major world power. The British saw Persia as a great empire that could rise from the ashes of its glorious past, but in reality this imaginary perception never existed because policy argued against this notion. The current scholarship regarding Persia in Great War still requires more in-depth research to erase this current narrative of the middleman/victim perspective because everything is based on a British source base. This source base dominates the current political narrative that allows for things to be presented in Eurocentric fashion, which makes it difficult to change the current narrative to find Persia’s place within the General context of World War I. Most general monographs on World War I offer a tale of humanity admits a conflict that will change the know n world after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Yet, this story is far more complicated because it involves the crumbling of empires and the development of nation states in the Middle East. Hew Strachan’s The First World War demonstrates the complicated nature of the Great War in the Middle East and the involvement of Persia. Most generalized texts on World War follow the traditional political rhetoric set by 19th century text and treat Persia as a forethought. In chapter four, â€Å"Jihad,†StrachanShow MoreRelatedEssay on History Quiz - Western Civilization to Middle Ages1580 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction HIS100 History of Western Civilization to Middle Ages Lesson 5 Quiz This assignment is worth a total of 60 points. Please make sure you have answered all questions prior to submitting. Once you click the submit button, you will not be able to return to this section. Question 1 of 60 What type of columns does the Parthenon have? | Alsacian | | Ionic | | Corinthian | | Doric | Question 2 of 60 In 490 B.C.E. the Athenians defeated the Persians at the Battle of Read MoreThe Persian Royal Road Improve Governing And Communism Essay1737 Words  | 7 PagesEssential Questions Chapter 4 - Christopher Hallinan Why would the Persian Royal Road improve governing and communism in the Persian Empire? The Persian Royal Road was very beneficial for governing and communication because it allowed people to go throughout the empire efficiently. According to the Behistun inscription, how does Darius the first justify his assumption to power and why is his relationship to Ahuramazda significant? He says that he has power because Ahuramazda gave him controlRead MoreHerodotuss Reliability Of Ancient Greece1534 Words  | 7 Pagesinformation from people who lived in that time period. An example of this would be Herodotus and his insight on events such as the Battle of Thermopylae which occurred in the Persian Wars. There have been numerous authors and researchers who have based their research on the Battle of Thermopylae solely on Herodotus. The question now is what makes Herodotus a reliable source and are the researchers that are citing him limited to his findings or, are they expanding on them. By understanding the secondaryRead MoreThe 7 Wonders Of Greece1484 Words  | 6 PagesI would like to write about the 7 Wonders of Greece and I suspect that you like to know what they are. Here is just a glimpse of what these 7 wonders would be â€Å"The Palace of Knossos†on the Isle of Crete, home of King Minos and legendary Minatare. â€Å"The Oracle of Delphi†was the center of the Greek world built by Cleisthenes. The â€Å"Theatre of Epidaurus†is the world’s largest drama theatre and built to honor The Spirit of Dionysus, the queen of drama. A 110-foot tall bronze statue â€Å"The Colossus ofRead MorePower and Politics: Athens’ Fall from Grace Essay examples1439 Words  | 6 Pagesunprecedented and innovative, being the first notable implementation of democracy in an ancient world inundated in monarchy. This form of government, founded by Cleisthenes, has been instrumental in Western Civilization, especially since the modern age. Democracy gave Athens life, providing not only a well functioning governing system, but also enabling the city-state to grow and survive multiple Persian invasions. However, at the dawn of the Athenian empire and the rise of Pericles, democracyRead MoreQ - Does Alexander the Great deserve to be called the Great?1510 Words  | 7 PagesThe greatness of Alexander III, as he w as originally, has been disputed in the past. His legend has survived for thousands of years, and his name is well-known, but just how great was he? In answering this question it is necessary to define the terms deserve and great. 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What is inspirational about Alexander the Great is that he inspired his troops to the point thatRead More Greek History Essay1558 Words  | 7 PagesGreek History The Ancient Greek civilization was located on the same land Greece is now, Ionian Islands, Asia Minor, South Italy, and Sicily. It is surrounded mountains and in the north by water. The Ionian and the Aegean seas, together with natural islands and bays, gave the Greeks the opportunity to develop their high level of commerce and their rich culture. The mountains, which surrounded Greece, gave them the advantage of being well protected. From earlier times, the Geeks lived in independentRead MoreA Brief Look at the Persian Gulf War1479 Words  | 6 PagesPersian Gulf War, also called Gulf War, (1990–91), international conflict that was triggered by Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990. Iraq’s leader, Saddam Hussein, ordered the invasion and occupation of Kuwait with the apparent aim of acquiring that nation’s large oil reserves, canceling a large debt Iraq owed Kuwait, and expanding Iraqi power in the region1. The Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein claimed as a reason for the invasion a territorial dispute over the Shatt al-Arab, the waterway which
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Descriptive Essay Example - 1008 Words
Descriptive Essay Example We all know college is hard; if it were easy, everyone would have a degree and no one would ever ask for help. But here at Crafton Hills College, tutors are available to help out students in any way, so that those who struggle can do well and be successful. These mentors don’t just lecture, they take the time to make sure students understand and comprehend what is being taught. Tutors are at hand for a variety of subjects, some have appointments for one on one time and others are for use at one’s convenience. The best part is, students don’t have to search for a tutor, or post flyers saying â€Å"HELP NEEDED.†CHC has a Tutoring Center, completely free, which is easy to find and a†¦show more content†¦Besides the Tutoring Center, the library is also very resourceful and entirely useful. It’s filled with computers, private rooms, a small auditorium, a copy room and thousands of books (which are found on the top floor of the LRC). Writing tut ors will encourage students to visit the library, especially when it comes to research papers. Now, continuing on to the Tutoring Center, a few more steps and you have reached a set of stairs that lead downward. Down these twenty or so steps is the Tutoring Center. After reaching the bottom, there is a small doorway to the left and a sign that says â€Å"Welcome to the Tutoring Center!†, as a confirmation that one is indeed in the right place. The Tutoring Center is a large rectangle shaped room, with small separate glass enclosed rooms around the edges. The rooms on the left and right are offices of some professors an instructors, while the back wall has some small rooms for study groups and private tutoring lessons, with one very large room painted bright yellow. A front desk is located to the immediate right once entered. Here is where anyone can receive information about the Tutoring Center and view waiting lists for certain subject tutors; flyers and booklets are also fr ee to take. The center of the room has two long tables with twenty computers on both sides for student use, and on each side of those tables are four small square tables with four chairs each for groups or alone work. TheseShow MoreRelatedAn Example of Descriptive Essay1001 Words  | 5 PagesDescriptive Essay 1) Definition: Descriptive essay is one of the many types of writing styles that provides a detailed description for a particular person, place, memory, experience or object. Descriptive essay is purposely created so readers can readily imagine its particular subject matter. It focuses on the five senses which are sight, smell, touch, sound and taste. 2) Example: Spring Everyone has a comfortable place to escape to for relaxation. They go there when they need to beRead MoreDescriptive Essay Example639 Words  | 3 PagesDescriptive Essay Final The downtown metropolis can be a complex place, and some may need to become accustomed to it. It is Five O Clock in the afternoon. The sun is starting to drag itself lower, dimming the landscape, leaving a majestic orange on the horizon. The towering structures above leave enormous shadows on the people below. Car horns ring and sirens pulse, as the people make haste towards there destinations, rushing aggressively as if though it is a race. The end of the work day hasRead MoreLangston Hughes Salvation, a Response1137 Words  | 5 PagesSCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ENGLISH VII â€Å"Descriptive Essay†TEACHER: Angà ©lica Marà a Là ³pez Portillo GROUP MEMBERS: GROUP B2 CYCLE: 01/2011 University City, Tuesday, April 5th 2011. Descriptive Essay Concept. A descriptive essay is a type of essay strives to create a deeply involved and vivid experience for the reader of the item being described. It is often creative, personal. The purpose of a descriptive essay is to describe a person, place, or thing in suchRead MoreCage Bird and How to Say Nothing in 500 Words768 Words  | 4 PagesI start to review narrative and descriptive essays, I have to try to understand what separates the two. I chose to compare â€Å"Caged Bird†, by Maya Angelou as my Descriptive essay and â€Å"How to say nothing in 500 words†, by Paul McHenry Roberts as my narrative essay. To me these two essays set themselves apart from each other, not just because of the different styles of writers, but the meaningful message that was delivered in both essays. While both of these essays have a strong message that it deliversRead MoreNarrative vs. Descriptive Writing977 Words  | 4 Pages A narrative essay uses a point of view to tell a story. I t is an engaging way for an author to tell his reader about an experience they have had or a personal story. Descriptive writing is a description of something. It could be a person, place, thing, emotion or experience. The author is allowed more artistic freedom when writing in descriptive form. While both descriptive and narrative essays are similar in many ways, the descriptive essays use of language fully immerses the reader intoRead MoreEssay Writing Forms and Styles1402 Words  | 6 Pages------------------------------------------------- Forms and styles This section describes the different forms and styles of essay writing. These forms and styles are used by a range of authors, including university students and professional essayists. [edit]Cause and effect The defining features of a cause and effect essay are causal chains that connect from a cause to an effect, careful language, and chronological or emphatic order. A writer using this rhetorical method must consider the subjectRead MoreThe Miss Dennis School Of Writing, By Alice Steinbach, And No Wonder They Call Me A Bitch858 Words  | 4 PagesIn the essays The Miss Dennis School of Writing, by Alice Steinbach, and No Wonder They Call me a Bitch, by Ann Hodgman, both authors use description to get across the points they wish to make. The authors’ purpose for both of these essays are to catch the reader’s attention as well as to provide the readers with life lessons through descriptive writing. In â€Å"The Miss Dennis School of Writing,†Steinbach is trying to teach people about descriptive writing from her own experiences through her teacherRead MoreNarrative Essay1497 Words  | 6 PagesThe Narrative Essay *What is a Narrative Essay? †¢ Narrative writing tells a story. In essays, the narrative writing could also be considered reflection or an exploration of the authors values told as a story. The author may remember his or her past, or a memorable person or event from that past, or even observe the present. †¢ The author may write about: -An experience or event from his or her past. -A recent or ongoing experience or event. Read MoreMy First Year Experience Program1134 Words  | 5 Pagesstronger writer and well prepared for the rest of my college career here at Pacific Lutheran University by improving my vocabulary, being more descriptive and altering my writing process to be more successful. The Writing 101 assignment that I have chosen best demonstrates my progress as a writer is our Personal Narrative Essay. Though this was our first essay of the semester, I did receive my highest grade on this assignment and believes that it reflects my abilities as a writer. Because it was aRead MoreHow Personal Responsibility Will Lead to My Success Essay1089 Words  | 5 Pagesresponsibility will lead to my success in and beyond school because it gives me the confidence to succeed, and will lead to a better life for my family and me. Now as to my approach for this paper I am writing this essay according to The Descriptive Essay (2011), The descriptive essay is a genre of essay that asks the student to describe an object, person, place, experience, emotion, situation, etc. This genre encourages the student’s ability to create a written account of a particular experience. What is
Thursday, May 14, 2020
American Economic History The Great Depression - 3024 Words
Two of the most dramatic episodes in American economic history were the 1929 Great Depression and the 2008 Great Recession. While in each period the sources of economic excess differed, manufacturing in 1929 and housing in 2008, there are many similarities in their causes and effects. Initially there were also similarities in the way government and monetary authorities responded. However, it is the differences in response that are the most important and will have the greatest impact on the length, and depth of the two economic declines. Both crises began with poor quality lending by banks and unaffordable borrowing by consumers and industry. This led to overvalued prices for asset. While both crises were global, this paper will focus on national policy decisions and how they impacted U.S. outcomes. This paper connects these economic crisis to Cynthia Gornys â€Å"Urge to Merge†in that they both display how human greed and lack of human thought an lead to disastrous effect. In both periods the use of leverage created self-reinforcing cycles: on the way up as the economy grew and on the way down as the economy crashed. For about the first year of both downturns, the pattern of decline was similar. However, in the 2008 Great Recession, global economies started to recover much more quickly. This can be seen in Graphs 1-3 below, which chart world industrial production, global stock market returns, and world trade for both periods (Eichengreen, O’Rourke, TheShow MoreRelatedThe Great Depression Of The 1930s Essay1689 Words  | 7 PagesGlobal Crisis of 2008 in Comparison to the Great Depression of the 1930s Introduction The economic crisis’ of the 1930s and 2000s greatly impacted the United Sates (U.S) and the world. The Great Depression and Global Crisis were both major economic crisis’s the originated in the United States and spread to foreign markets around the world. The Great Depression is regarded as the biggest economic downturn, due to many factors like the stock market crash. The Global Crisis on the other hand, was aRead MoreThe Great Depression of the 20th century and the Great Recession of the 21st century were both600 Words  | 3 Pages The Great Depression of the 20th century and the Great Recession of the 21st century were both important economic crises in U.S. history. The Great Depression began in 1929, during the presidencies of Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt. The Great Recession of 2008 took place at the end of President George W. Bush’s presidency and at the beginning of President Obama’s presidency. The Great Depression was a long-term d ecline in economic activity, and the Great Recession was a business contractionRead MoreThe Cause and Effects of the Great Depression Essay1443 Words  | 6 Pagesspeculate that the stock market crash of 1929 was the main cause of The Great Depression. In fact, The Great Depression was caused by a series of factors, and the effects of the depression were felt for many years after the stock market crash of 1929. By looking at the stock market crash of 1929, bank failures, reduction of purchasing, American economic policy with Europe, and drought conditions, it becomes apparent that The Great Depression was caused by more than just the stock market crash. The effectsRead MoreAmerican Foreign Policy After The Great Depression1390 Words  | 6 Pages Between 1920 and 1941 the paradigm of American foreign policy completely shifted from the Isolationism to Interventionism for valid reasons. First the economic and socially challenging home front crisis of the Great Depression kept Am erican citizens and politicians busy with domestic policy. Additionally the disillusionment of people with WWI caused America to avoid war at all costs. However, the rising threat of fascism in Europe forced America to defend democracy and help its allies. The firstRead MoreEssay on The Great Depression905 Words  | 4 PagesThe Great Depression Many times throughout history, the United States has undergone economic depression. The most recognized period of economic depression is called the Great Depression. The Great Depression is well known because of the seriousness of the stock market crash. The results of the crash were more serious than any other crash throughout American History. The Great Depression caused a change in the nature of the American family, an increase in poverty, and PresidentRead MoreCauses Of The Great Depression1319 Words  | 6 Pagesmajority of Americans to move from farms to cities, and cooperate to the economy of the nation to increase radically. Additionally, this age is also when the society started consuming more than previous years, and it also led them to spend time and money in bars, cars, and goods. In the roaring twenties, most people usually had similar music tastes and even danced a lot celebrating the wealth (para. 1, 2010). However, the feeling of having classic satisfying life concluded when the Great Depression usheredRead MoreThe Great Depression By Milton Freidman And Paul Samuelson1267 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: Background Information The Great Depression is defined as an era of hardship and was the â€Å"economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world†. The United States was predominantly affected by the Great Depression, soon after stock market crash of October 1929. This fiscal crisis sent Wall Street, the center of economics in New York into a state of prolonged recession that affected foreign economies. In the next few years in America, unemployment increased immenselyRead MorePresident Fdr : A Nation s Economic Status Is A Great Responsibility That Its Government Has1259 Words  | 6 Pagesa country’s economic status is a great responsibility that its government has. In America during the 1930’s, the Great Depression spreads its economic disease to Americans, and as a result, many citizens become jobless and homeless. While Americans are under economic depression, little has been done by the government to ameliorate the situation. However, President FDR is the MVP during the Great Depression as he brings economic prosperity and well-being to America by reforming economic relations,Read MoreThe Great Depression : History1409 Words  | 6 Pages The Great Depression Suzette Toliver HIS205 Contemporary World History Belhaven University - Houston Cause The Great Depression has been labeled as the worst economic depression in the United States History. â€Å"On September 3, 1929, the Dow Jones was at a high of 381 points, and on October 29, 1929, it had fallen to 41 points after a week of panic selling.† Things started to become unstable as many people were getting rid of their stock. BanksRead MoreWorld War One s Impact On American Economics1589 Words  | 7 PagesImpact on American Economics By Chris Danielson History 104, Fall 2015 University of North Dakota As a student studying business, I like to look at significant events in US history and the impact they had on business in America. In addition to business, I have always been interested in wars and America’s involvement in those wars. When we started discussing World War 1 in class, it peaked my interest. Not only did we discuss the war, but we also looked at the impact it had on American business.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Process Design Matrix and Summary - 941 Words
Process Design Matrix and Summary Thomas Beadin OPS/571 December 19, 2013 Mary O’Donnel Process Design Matrix and Summary This process design matrix and executive summary will focus on Chapman Tool and Manufacturing and there performance measurement process. This executive summary is needed for Chapman Manufacturing due to their lack of process performance management that will include service approaches, that consist of production line, self-service, and personal attention approaches. This summary will also cover product approaches for their process performance measurements that consist of, batch assembly line and continuous flow approaches. This executive summary of process performance measurement will quantitatively tell Chapman†¦show more content†¦By Chapman implementing the assembly line approach, will keep all operators on the same page and get product sent to the next department for the assembly of the product being put together. Then finally are sent to the final department to be inspected and shipped. Having different departments for the processes of the product, and having an assembly line approach for each step will keep the company’s organization on line for their performance management. The third product approach for Chapman’s process performance management plans consist of, a continuous flow approach. The continuous flow approach are implemented through the â€Å"lean building blocks†, like, â€Å"Five S: Aims to bring orderliness, tidiness , and cleanliness to operations , Visual controls: All tooling parts and other production activities are kept clearly in view to help everyone understand the status of the process at a glance. Poka-Yoke: Mistake Proofing. Process designs can be modified to make it nearly impossible for mistakes, spills, leaks, and other process upsets to occur. By implementing these techniques and others will uphold the continuous flow approach for the process performance management plan for Chapman Manufacturing. In conclusion, the process design matrix and executive summary was focused on Chapman Tool and Manufacturing and whatShow MoreRelatedThe Pharmaceutical Industrys Connected Line Flow Approach: Drug Production for a Mass Audience912 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Executive summary In the pharmaceutical industry, most drugs are manufactured in a highly standardized fashion. Researching, testing, and developing a new drug is admittedly a complex, individualized process. However, the actual production of a drug for a mass audience requires a generic approach known as the connected line flow approach. When volume continues to increase, an assembly line is set up. 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The Land Of Opportunity By James W. Deming - 763 Words
Well-known essayist and writer, James W. Loewen, in his essay, The Land of Opportunity, argues that the common American people aren’t given equal opportunity in this day and age. Loewen effectively convinces his readers, high school teachers and history buffs that, social class and inequality is an important thing for students to learn and understand. Through convincing logical arguments he proves that American history books are giving students across the nation false information. According to Loewen, â€Å"social class is probably the single most important variable in society.†(Loewen para. 5) He goes on saying, â€Å"From womb to tomb, it correlates with almost all social characteristics of people that we can measure.†(Loewen para. 6) In addition, he establishes credibility with his audience by not accusing students or even instructors for this lack of knowledge, but clearly blames the textbooks used in high schools today. Lowen’s logical approach in exposing the lies that we are taught and taught to think leave the reader with the abitlity to empathize with him, ultimately getting the message across far more effectively. Loewen begins â€Å"The Land of Opportunity†by saying that â€Å"High school students hae teenagers eyes and ears, and television sets, so they know a lot about relative privilege in America.†(Loewen para. 1) He believes that, because of this teenager and adults are comparing their own social status against that of their peers and then the community against otherShow MoreRelatedFactors affecting women entrepreneurs success1224 Words  | 5 PagesManagement? †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ design, operation, and improvement of productive systems 1-4 Introduction to Operations Management Value-Added Figure 1.2 The difference between the cost of inputs and the value or price of outputs. 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At the core of TPS is elimination of waste and absolute concentrationRead MoreTheories of Organizational Behavi or10512 Words  | 43 Pages Adam Smith advocated a new form of organizational structure based on the division of labour. One hundred years later, German sociologist Max Weber wrote about rational organizations and initiated discussion of charismatic leadership. Soon after, F W Taylor introduced the systematic use of goal setting and rewards to motivate employees. In the 1920s, Australian-born Harvard professor Elton Mayo and his colleagues conducted productivity studies at Western Electric s Hawthorne plant in the UnitedRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words  | 534 Pagessuperior production facilities or a superior product are usually not enough to sustain an advantage over competitors. Physical facilities can be duplicated, cloned, or reverse-engineered and no longer provide a sustainable advantage.2 Strategists James Quinn, Thomas Doorley, and Penny Paquette have argued that â€Å"maintainable advantage usually derives fro m outstanding depth in selected human skills, logistics capabilities, knowledge bases, or other service strengths that competitors cannot reproduceRead MoreHistory of Management Thought Revision17812 Words  | 72 PagesPart Two The Scientific Management Era The purpose of Part Two is to begin with the work of Frederick W. Taylor and trace developments in management thought in Great Britain, Europe, Japan, and the U.S.A. up to about 1929. Taylor is the focal point, but we will see his followers as well as developments in personnel management and the behavioral sciences. Henri Fayol and Max Weber will be discussed, although their main influence came later, and we will conclude with an overview of the influenceRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesis pretty straightforward if you are currently working in an organization, regardless of whether you are an experienced manager or a new, part-time employee. Whether or not you are currently employed, we encourage you to seek out skill practice opportunities in all aspects of your life, including working in assigned teams in this and other courses, planning social events for a campus or community organization, counseling a troubled sibling or friend, managing end -of-semester deadlines, or handlingRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 Pagesenvironmental change, traditional approaches to marketing planning and management are of little value. Instead, they suggest, there is the need to develop highly sensitive environmental monitoring systems that are capable of identifying trends, opportunities and threats at a very early stage, and then an organizational structure and managerial mindset that leads to the organization responding quickly and cleverly. Within this book we question these sorts of assumptions and focus instead upon the waysRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pages9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Brief Contents PA RT 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 UNDERSTANDING HRM The Dynamic Environment of HRM 2 Fundamentals of Strategic HRM 28 PART 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 THE LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONTEXT OF HRM Equal Employment Opportunity 56 Employee Rights and Discipline 84 PART 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 STAFFING THE ORGANIZATION Human Resource Planning and Job Analysis 110 Recruiting 132 Foundations of Selection 154 PART 4 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT
Cloud Computer Security Techniques and Tactics †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Cloud Computer Security Techniques and Tactics. Answer: Introduction Cloud computing refers to the process through which individuals or organizations utilize network provided or remote servers that are hosted on the internet to manage, process and store data, instead of utilizing a local computer for the same. The activity cloud computing has recently been embraced by a large number of business organizations and individuals, who seem to have some important activities that they feel the importance of carrying out using different servers from the local ones or the personal computers. A good example is a business organization needing to store its trade secret information and other important business documents in a safe location that is extremely difficult for any individual to obtain easily. In such an occasion, the individual can simply consider the utilization of a cloud server where this information will be stored, since, unlike the local servers, cloud servers are more secure and extremely difficult for people to hack or obtain access easily. This st udy provides a clear explanation of the means through which business organizations should embrace and utilize cloud computing technologies to obtain significant improvements of how they operate (Vaquero, Caceres, Hierro, 2012). Research Aims and Objectives The research under study has some important aims and objectives which it is required to meet throughout its development. The first aim of the research is to attain an understanding of the perspective that business organizations have regarding the aspect of cloud computing. Perspective is a significantly important aspect that has the power and capability of determining the means through which an individual or organization reacts towards something. When a business has a positive perspective towards a certain project, for example, that business is likely to have a lot of interest in establishing that project. Time and resources are likely to be invested in pursuit of the deliverables for that project. For cloud computing in the world of business, the perspective that business organizations have on this technological advancement is likely to determine whether they are willing to try its implementation in their operations or not. The research study, therefore, aims to determine the perspe ctive that majority of the business organizations have on cloud computing (Safonov, 2017). The other main aim that this research has is the assessment of the means through which cloud computing can be beneficial to business organizations. The research study has a purpose of providing important information to business organizations regarding the topic of cloud computing. Among the many aspects that businesses would be interested in are the aspects of how they can manage to utilize the cloud computing service to their operations and manage to benefit. The study has the aim of ensuring that business organizations attain the means through which they can manage to implement effectiveness of operation through cloud computing. The research study will therefore assess and provide information on these methods and their importance. The third main aim of this research study is assessing any possible negative impacts that businesses might obtain through their use of cloud computing. Like all other technologies that are currently embraced and used, cloud computing also has some disadvantages for all the individuals and organizations that utilize it. It is extremely important for the organizations that will learn its benefits and the means to which it can help them improve also attain an understanding of the means to which it exposes them to risk simply by using it. The research study is thus aimed at providing sufficient research results regarding the ways through which organizations can be affected negatively by using cloud computing (Toraldo, 2012). An objective of the study is to help business organizations attain the most appropriate ways of operation which will help them manage to increase their operations and improve significantly, to avoid aspects of being less effective in their operations. Technological advancements have been one of the main ways through which business organizations have been improving their operations significantly. The study aims to help the business obtain a clear understanding of the benefits that they are likely to obtain simply by using cloud computing in their operations. Cloud computing is one of the most recent technological advancements that has been of significant importance to a large number of individuals and organizations. Currently, it is utilized by the large organizations which need large storage and computing power that may be considered unwise for the organization to purchase for external use within the organizations. Individuals, therefore, consider the utilization of cloud computing services to utilize the high computing power offered by computing organizations and only pay for it when they need it. Cloud computing is also utilized in helping organizations that have the need or requirement of large storage space for information or data to have storage places where they can store data for a fee. This aspect is sometimes considered better than purchasing organization local storage where the information is stored in (Josyula, Orr, Page, 2012). How cloud computing works Cloud computing is an establishment made by organizations where they decide to establish extremely strong servers with the capability of offering their processing power and storage to clients. These servers are established to be used by a large number of clients and thus for that reason; they are provided with extremely high computing power and very large storage spaces. One major issue that cloud computing service providers face is the need for clients to have their computers for use in their work. If for example, a client is seeking to utilize certain very strong software in his or her operation, a need might arise for that client to have a single computer for her own. This becomes a problem because in case the organization has more than a thousand clients with a similar requirement as that, then about a thousand computers would be required (Ruparelia, 2016). To solve this issue completely, architectures of virtualization are used, thus making sure that clients view themselves as having their computers when they operate using the main organizational server which has a very high computing power and large storage space. With the virtualization architecture in place, the only necessity that cloud computing service providers have is a very strong computing power and significantly large storage space that will be sufficient for their clients. Clients seek cloud computing services for some reasons. An individual or organization may, for example, require a storage space for a certain file or document for certain duration of time, while another client may require a strong computing power to run a software for a while. The service rendering organizations for these services charge a certain amount of money depending on the resource needed and the time that an individual requires to have that resource (Jamsa, 2013). Cloud computing services are offered to clients through the internet. If for example, an individual is running software through these services, he or she requires being fully connected to the internet for that software to run smoothly. Disconnection from the internet automatically disconnects the individual from using the service, and thus cloud computing service offering or utilization completely relies upon the utilization of the internet. The other important aspect of consideration is the issue of security, Security is important to consider because all the information is transmitted from the clients computer to the cloud computing services through a network. All networks are also vulnerable from attacks by individuals like hackers, who have the skills and ability to obtain unauthorized access to services and platforms easily. With this regard, therefore, cloud computing service providers have established a lot of security precautions which are aimed at ensuring that any informatio n provided by individuals through their networks manage to travel safely without being accessed by any third party that is not authorized to access it (Murugesan, Bojanova, 2015). Organizations that currently utilize cloud computing services are those organizations that are conversant with these services and the benefits that they potentially have for them. To begin with, an organization that occasionally requires high computing power for aspects like data analysis can consider not purchasing a very strong computer because when the data analysis is not being used, the computers computing power will be being underutilized. For such an organization, cloud computing services are a significantly better option. Other organizations that utilize cloud computing services are those organizations that need to securely store business operational documents or files when they are aware that their organizational, local network is at high risk of providing unauthorized access to individuals who have high computing skills. For such organizations, storing the information in the cloud would solve the safety problem (Hurwitz, 2009). Research Significance and Innovation This research is of extreme importance. To begin with, individuals have the chance and ability to attain an understanding of the strategies that they can utilize to take advantage of the cloud computing technology and manage to improve their operations significantly. The research study will guide majority of the business organizations on the means through which cloud computing technology can be of benefit to them. It will also inform the business that is already utilizing this technology on the available risks that can cause them problems for using the technology. Understanding the risks involved will help the business organizations manage to establish strategic activities that can be utilized to mitigate the risks in case they occur. It is however extremely difficult for a business organization to establish risk mitigation strategies without understanding the risks. This research is therefore significantly beneficial for all business organizations, whether they are using cloud compu ting services or not (Mahmood, Hill, 2011). The research study is also completely different or innovative compared to other research studies that have been carried out concerning this area. Majority of the studies provide explanations regarding the importance of cloud computing and the means through which it can be utilized to provide value to organizations. Unlike these studies, however, this research has its main focus on the perspectives that business organizations have on cloud computing, and it inclusively describes aspects of the negative impact that the technology has on business organizations. The description of the negativities brought about by the technology makes the study unique, since the majority of other research studies are based on the benefits that cloud computing has towards organizations (Furht, Escalante, 2010). The research study will utilize some important research methods to obtain sufficient research data that will provide information regarding the research. The first research method that will be highly beneficial to this research is the analysis of literature authored by other researchers. Since cloud computing is not a recent issue that came into existence the other day, many researchers have conducted research studies on the topic and provided literal sources with their findings. A review of their research and results will provide more information on this topic and provide clarity on many issues that the research aims to study. The review will also help in the identification of research flaws that other researchers have carried out, and thus with the information, those flaws will be avoided in this research (Josyula, Orr, Page, 2012). The other research method that will be utilized in gathering data is a survey method. The survey method helps individuals to provide information regarding a certain topic using some guided questions. Since the research is based on the topic of perspectives for business organizations, the survey will be aimed and specified for nosiness owners or business organization employees. Its questions will require answers regarding the organizational perspectives concerning the business and the means through which those perspectives can be based on aspects regarding the importance of effectiveness in their operations. The establishment of the survey will be highly beneficial since it will help in providing information on the importance of cloud computing from the perspective of organizational practitioners. Survey information will provide a lot of information on the importance of cloud-based services to businesses (Buyya, Broberg, Gos?cin?ski, 2011). Another method that the research study will utilize in gathering information is the questionnaire method. Questionnaires are utilized to gather more information with better explanations from individuals. Unlike surveys, however, questionnaires are not provided to a large number of individuals. They, however, provide explanations to the answers given and thus they are easy to understand during the research data analysis stage. In this research, questionnaires will be administered to two types of business organizations. The first type is a business organization that already utilized cloud computing services, and the next category is a business organization that has not embraced the use of cloud computing services in its operation (Halpert, 2011). Information from the first category of businesses will help to provide a clear explanation of the importance of cloud computing in business organizations. An example of a question that will be included in the questionnaire is whether the individual thinks that cloud computing services are beneficial to the business or not. Questions of this form from all the employees of the organization will help provide a clear and fully informed understanding regarding the impact of utilizing cloud computing services in an organization of that form. Information from the second category will provide information as to why many businesses do not still utilize cloud computing in their operation. An example of a question that should be included in this questionnaire is the need to understand the reason why the organization does not utilize cloud computing services. This method of research will, therefore, contribute significantly in obtaining the required research data of the organization (Antonopoulos , Gillam, 2017). Conclusion A large number of business organizations have the potential of improving their operations significantly through the utilization of cloud computing services. The problem of not understanding how these services could be of benefit to them, however, hinders these organizations from utilizing this potential and increases their effectiveness. With this regard, this research study will be of significant benefit to many business organizations currently operating with a negative perspective regarding cloud computing services. The study will also provide a clear explanation to all the organizations utilizing these services regarding the existing risks that might occur and disrupt their operations and thus explain the importance of ensuring that these organizations manage to establish important strategies for mitigating these risks in case they occur. This study is thus of significant importance to many individuals, and the research question is appropriate for research to be carried out about it effectively. (Wang, 2012). References Antonopoulos, N. Gillam, L. 2017.Cloud computing. Cham: Springer. Buyya, R., Broberg, J. Gos?cin?ski, A. 2011.Cloud computing : principles and paradigms. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. Chao, L. 2012.Cloud computing for teaching and learning : strategies for design and implementation. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. Chee, B. Franklin, C. 2010.Cloud computing : technologies and strategies of the ubiquitous data center. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Debashis. 2016.Mobile cloud computing : architectures, algorithms and applications. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor Francis Group. Fehling, C. 2014.Cloud computing patterns : fundamentals to design, build, and manage cloud applications. Wien: Springer. Furht, B. Escalante, A. 2010.Handbook of cloud computing. New York: Springer. Halpert, B. 2011.Auditing cloud computing : a security and privacy guide. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley Sons. Hurwitz, J. 2009.Cloud computing for dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Pub. Jamsa, K. 2013.Cloud computing : SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, virtualization, business models, mobile, security and more. Burlington, MA: Jones Bartlett Learning. Josyula, V., Orr, M. Page, G. 2012.Cloud computing : automating the virtualized data center. Indianapolis, Ind: Cisco Press. Josyula, V., Orr, M. Page, G. 2012.Cloud computing : automating the virtualized data center. Indianapolis, Ind: Cisco Press. Mahmood, Z. Hill, R. 2011.Cloud computing for enterprise architectures. London New York: Springer. Murugesan, S. Bojanova, I. 2015.Encyclopedia of cloud computing. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. Ruparelia, N. 2016.Cloud computing. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Safonov, V. 2017.Trustworthy cloud computing. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Toraldo, G. 2012.OpenNebula 3 cloud computing. Birmingham: Packt Publishing. Vaquero, L., Caceres, J. Hierro, J. 2012.Open source cloud computing systems : practices and paradigms. Hershey, Pa: Information Science Reference. Wang, L. 2012.Cloud computing : methodology, systems, and applications. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Winkler, J. 2011.Securing the cloud : cloud computer security techniques and tactics. Burlington, MA: Elsevier.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Interpersonal Communication Skill Education-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Interpersonal Communication Skill Education? Answer: Introduction The case under study is a Montessori school. It is basically a model of human development and educational approach based the model. This system of education of children follows two basic principles. First, the school is for the children under age of six and has an innate path of psychological development of the children. Second, it follows the process where developing adults and children interact with their environment in order to develop psychological self-construction (Randolph, Rosenstein Michaels, 2014; Lillard, 2013). A detailed description and situation of the organization is provided in the report followed by a detailed description of the conflicts are provided. Suggestions are given in the final part of the case study to improve the situation in the organization. A comprehensive and in-depth reflection of the case is provided for better understanding for the reader. It will be covering the experiences and significant events that made impact on the author. Background of the Case The center under study is run by a family of mother, daughter and son, where the mother is the director, daughter is the principle and the son is the manager of the institution. Authority of decision making lies only with the director of the institution and no other person has any say in the matter. There is a clear communication gap between the director and the rest of the body. For that reason, no amount of hard work from our side is ever enough to satisfy them. I am a senior teacher in the institution. Like any other Montessori, this center also follows the mix classroom structure which is fundamental of Montessori education. But the issue lies in the management and poor leadership of the institution. There is also a sure shortage of manpower in the institution. Here, the classrooms comprises of children from age of 2.5 years to 6 year which is too long for and improper. The actual arrangement should be a mixture of 2-3 years as it involves free activity within a prepared environment with educational environment tailored to basic human characteristic and the specific characteristics of children at different stage. Hence, it is understandable that the age gap of the mix classroom in the case creates chaos. The classrooms are not functional and fail in allowing the children to develop according to their own inner psychological directives. Boredom of the children can be noticed with the work material provided for them. This chaos lead to an un clean environment, therefore, is hardly conductive to order in the whole school. Certain changes are required in order to gain harmony and beauty of the center. The classrooms should be divided according to the Montessori segmentation and have an environment that emphasized materials and activities scaled to the childrens ability to develop movement and independence instead of occupying them with something for the sake. Identification of the Conflict From the above description of the case, it is clear that the leadership that runs into my organization is autocratic leadership. There is a clear communication gap between the management and the teachers of the organization which supplemented for the situation that arose. The teachers are definitely not happy with the situation. They seek more participation in the decision making for the institution. Another issue that can be identified is the shortage of manpower in the organization. We need more manpower to in the organization to cope up with the issue, but the director is strict about not recruiting any more staffs. This leadership inefficiency and communication gap between the leader and the members are the primary cause of the chaos in the school. The Montessori needs a new management style to regain the stability. Moreover, she is seeking help from the management and senior teachers to stabilize the condition. Therefore, the director and I had a meeting about the need of new sy stem and challenges that might occur in the process. This Brief description of the Autocratic leadership Autocratic leadership is also termed as authoritarian leadership. It is identified by the individual control over all decision of the organization where others have little or no input in it. The acceptance of ideas from the group members is rarely granted and the decisions are based on the leaders ideas and judgments. The members are rarely trusted in taking decisions or important tasks. Out of the box thinking and creativity is always discouraged and the members have to follow the dictated structure by the leader. This brings resentment among the group members. People may dislike the decision that is imposed by the leader. This also impairs the morale of the group as the members start to feel dissatisfied and stifled (Rast III, Hogg Giessner, 2013; Dinh et al., 2014). Required leadership for managing the situation There is a clear need of change in the leadership style to manage and bring back the beauty and harmony in the center for which, collaborative leadership style is best suited. This type seeks assistance from the members and allows them to present their view in the meeting. The welcomed views from the members are considered before implementing the necessary arrangements in the organization (Orchard Rykhoff, 2015; Broome Marshall, 2016). Interpersonal communication skill is required in order to implement this kind of leadership in the Early Childhood Education and Care or ECCE I am working in. It can help in handling the situation and provide a positive outcome. As a leader, I need to use the knowledge and skills of interpersonal communication (Lane, 2016). Now relate the case with the interpersonal communication and collaborative leadership and propose possible solution. In this type, people exchange information, meaning and feelings through non-verbal or verbal modes (Castaneda, 2016). It can also be the sharing of information among the team members. Various skills are required to properly conduct the interpersonal communication among the group members. To overcome the failure of the current management and leader, as a leader I need to use the skills to bring changes in the Montessori. Some important skills and knowledge are required to deal with the case in hand. Effective listening Effective listening is an important part of interpersonal communication. I need to adopt the skill to work effectively as a leader, what is missing in current leaders as they dont bother to listen to the teachers. Jumping to conclusions without completely listening to the matter should be avoided at with utmost priority (Tyagi, 2013;, 2017). I should listen to all the members of the school and take all the views into consideration before taking decision. Also need to seek for help from the knowledgeable people. Two way communication Two way communications is essential in the interpersonal communication. As a leader, I need to engage the group members in this type of communication in order to have a flow of idea that can bring changes in the institution (Berger, 2014). Developing Relationship Relationship development is another skill that needs to be acquired. It can help in the process of interviewing. I will have a short period of time to make a positive first impression. Developing this skill will help me interviewing the teachers and the management and seek their opinion on the matter before taking any decision. This process will help to make them believe that their opinions are valued by the management which will in term create healthy relation in the school (Fussell Kreuz, 2014;, 2017). Non-verbal Communication Nonverbal communication is another important skill used in interpersonal communication. Here, I need to understand and read the face of my colleagues to have an idea if the conversation is transparent or they are having trouble understanding (Adler, Rodman DuPr, 2016). Asking Question Asking questions or opinion of the members on a daily basis is important. Then I will be able to have a clear idea of the satisfaction level of the teachers in the center. In the case of the Montessori, I use these skills with collaboration with Mediation, Interview, Oral Presentation and Conflict Management for handling. The first thing that I need to do is the conflict management, where I identified the issue of the conflict. As the leader of the school, it responsibility vested in me to handle the issue and bring required changes. For that process, it was wise to take interview of the colleagues, mediation and oral presentation to resolve the issue. Interview helped to understand the teachers perspective of the issue and oral presentation helped to communicate with the members and describe the steps taken in order to change. Action Plan From the above case, it is necessary to implement an action plan to change the system and bring working environment in the school. First of all, the mix classroom has to be divided into parts. Children under age group 2-3 year will be separated from the rest of the children and put in one class. This way, they will have more opportunity to represent and develop their skills. 4-6 year students will be put into a separate class. The course will be set accordingly with their interest and level, so that no child will be left bored. The current system of working will be replaced by target based model, where course will be set according to the purpose and necessary. The communication between the teachers and the management, which is absent in the current scenario, will be established to bring the best outcome for the school. Opinion of all will be taken into consideration (Andrews, 2017). Reflection Reflection provides the detailed understanding of the case from the authors point of view. Significant issues and event that I faced during the case will be discussed in the following part. The purpose of the reflection section is to provide the reader with a firsthand experience of the case. The main problem that has been identified in the in the case is the communication problem. The current management in the institution is autocratic, which needs to be changed as it does not work in a Montessori. I think it needs to be replaced by collaborative leadership style. According to my opinion, there are barriers created by the management to keep the teaching staffs and the management staffs separated. All the decisions and taken by the management without consulting with the teachers who actually participate in running the school and handling the children. Their opinion should be given utmost priority. Another issue in the school is the mix classroom system that varies from other Montessori. The present structure should be replaced by the normal structure as proposed in the case analysis. As the director has appointed me in the position of management to bring changes in the Montessori, it was important for me to consider different leadership style and implement the best suited implement in the matter. In the process of learning leadership styles and skills, I came to know about the necessity skills required for becoming a leader is the closely related to the daily life. I found many of my skills and knowledge helpful in operating the as the leader with the help of interpersonal communication. My effective listening skill, relationship buildup ability gave me an advantage in the case. On the other hand, the teachers of the school showed many expectations from their new leader. It is in my positive ground that they match with my leadership style. They expect to play more active role in decision making for the betterment of the school. They also seek more interaction with the leader. As mentioned earlier in the report, collaborative leadership demands various interpersonal skills. In order to properly play the role of a leader, in needed to learn and brush-up different skills that was required in this scenario. It gave me the opportunity to implement my expert listening skills and relationship build-up skill which is essential. Moreover, these skills are also mandatory for a school teacher to perform their duty. On to it, different skills like two way communication, nonverbal communication, and opinion seeking method was necessary for me to learn. These skills are not only essential for leadership, but also effective in the field of teaching. The challenges that are identified in the case are very common leadership management issues that can be often seen. These are some obvious reasons for the failure of a company or organization. Primarily, the current leadership management in practice is totally inappropriate for this setting which in this case is a Montessori. Autocratic management can never be used in a school setting. The primary challenge that I could identify is the communication gap. The gap is created by the management with the teacher due to their chosen style of leadership. As a leader, my primary duty will be to change the leadership style in practice and replace it with a more communicative one which is collaborative leadership style. Different approaches that are mentioned in the text needs to be utilized in resolving the issue. Relation building method, effective listening, two way communication, developing relationship method and nonverbal communication are some of the examples that are mentioned and I th ink will be useful in resolving the issue. It will help to bridge the gap between management and the teaching staffs of the school, which will result in better management of the school. This step is necessary as the teachers understand the needs of the school better than the management. It is observed that the poor decision from the management part of including the age group 2-6 years in one mix classroom created chaos in the school and disturbed the environment. The teachers understand the situation and know what needs to be done where the current management fails. Hence, the teachers are to be included to resolve the problem and their opinion will be given priority. Considering the current situation of the institute, I proposed an action plan which includes the teachers for solving similar issues. It advocates their engagement for understanding the issues in the mix classroom atmosphere as they are the ones in it. So it is of absolute necessity. Secondly, the class will be separated for the age group 2-3 years and 3-6 years as they require different attentions. I think it will provide more opportunity for them to represent and develop their skills and knowledge. Finally, the course will be set in accordance with the level of the students. The correct course will help them to show better response and develop faster. For this, the involvement of the teaching faculties is of absolute necessity. The case has supplemented a great deal in growing my skills as a leader. To be more specific, it increased my interpersonal and intrapersonal skills as these are the prime requirement for becoming a good leader in this context. Some of the pre inhabited skills such as relationship development and effective listening skills are brushed up thanks to this case as they are of absolute necessary for achieving this level of leadership. On to it, the some others skills I had to learn in the process are two way communication, nonverbal communication and interview method. These skills have proven much help in the course of this case. I believe these are not limited in this field and it will also come handy in the future life. Conclusion From the above case study analysis, it can be concluded that the Montessori under study is in need of new leadership which has been discussed thoroughly in the text. A thorough description of the analysis of the case is given in the report. Identification of the issue in the management is also highlighted in the report. The proposal of the solution is suggested in the report is based on the issues and reflect the accordingly. At the end of the report, a reflection is provided for the reader to get a proper firsthand idea of the scenario. Reference Adler, R., Rodman, G. R., DuPr, A. (2016).Understanding human communication. Oxford University Press. Andrews, M. C. (2017). Supporting Conflict Resolution in an Early Childhood Montessori Environment. Broome, M. E., Marshall, E. S. (2016). Collaborative Leadership Contexts: Networks, Communication, Decision Making, and Motivation.Transformational Leadership in Nursing: From Expert Clinician to Influential Leader, 121. Berger, C. R. (Ed.). (2014).Interpersonal communication(Vol. 6). Walter de Gruyter GmbH Co KG. Castaneda, D. E. (2016).Leadership based on Montessori's values for early childhood administrators(Doctoral dissertation, Saint Mary's College of California)., (2017). guideline. Retrieved 11 August 2017, from Dinh, J. E., Lord, R. G., Gardner, W. L., Meuser, J. D., Liden, R. C., Hu, J. (2014). Leadership theory and research in the new millennium: Current theoretical trends and changing perspectives.The Leadership Quarterly,25(1), 36-62. Fussell, S. R., Kreuz, R. J. (2014).Social and cognitive approaches to interpersonal communication. Psychology Press. Lane, S. D. (2016).6Interpersonal communication: Competence and contexts. Routledge. Lillard, A. S. (2013). Playful learning and Montessori education.American journal of play,5(2), 157. Orchard, C., Rykhoff, M. (2015). Collaborative Leadership within Interprofessional Practice. InLeadership and Collaboration(pp. 71-94). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Randolph, J. M., Rosenstein, D. L. W., Michaels, S. (2014).Montessori education for improving academic and behavioral outcomes among elementary students. The Campbell Collaboration. Rast III, D. E., Hogg, M. A., Giessner, S. R. (2013). Self-uncertainty and support for autocratic leadership.Self and Identity,12(6), 635-649., (2017). interpersonal communication skill, Retrieved 11 August 2017, from https:// Tyagi, B. (2013). Listening: An important skill and its various aspects.The Criterion An International Journal in English,2(12), 1-8.
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