Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Process Design Matrix and Summary - 941 Words
Process Design Matrix and Summary Thomas Beadin OPS/571 December 19, 2013 Mary O’Donnel Process Design Matrix and Summary This process design matrix and executive summary will focus on Chapman Tool and Manufacturing and there performance measurement process. This executive summary is needed for Chapman Manufacturing due to their lack of process performance management that will include service approaches, that consist of production line, self-service, and personal attention approaches. This summary will also cover product approaches for their process performance measurements that consist of, batch assembly line and continuous flow approaches. This executive summary of process performance measurement will quantitatively tell Chapman†¦show more content†¦By Chapman implementing the assembly line approach, will keep all operators on the same page and get product sent to the next department for the assembly of the product being put together. Then finally are sent to the final department to be inspected and shipped. Having different departments for the processes of the product, and having an assembly line approach for each step will keep the company’s organization on line for their performance management. The third product approach for Chapman’s process performance management plans consist of, a continuous flow approach. The continuous flow approach are implemented through the â€Å"lean building blocks†, like, â€Å"Five S: Aims to bring orderliness, tidiness , and cleanliness to operations , Visual controls: All tooling parts and other production activities are kept clearly in view to help everyone understand the status of the process at a glance. Poka-Yoke: Mistake Proofing. Process designs can be modified to make it nearly impossible for mistakes, spills, leaks, and other process upsets to occur. By implementing these techniques and others will uphold the continuous flow approach for the process performance management plan for Chapman Manufacturing. In conclusion, the process design matrix and executive summary was focused on Chapman Tool and Manufacturing and whatShow MoreRelatedThe Pharmaceutical Industrys Connected Line Flow Approach: Drug Production for a Mass Audience912 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Executive summary In the pharmaceutical industry, most drugs are manufactured in a highly standardized fashion. Researching, testing, and developing a new drug is admittedly a complex, individualized process. However, the actual production of a drug for a mass audience requires a generic approach known as the connected line flow approach. When volume continues to increase, an assembly line is set up. 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